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Sapphire Update, out-of-business (Stinson)

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Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

His IQ, such as it is, shrinks by the minute... they should have charged him $1,800,000 for wasting the time of so many people. What a little cry baby.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

Wasting the time of who? I thought the city was wasting his time with shadow concerns and not the other way around. I think I would try to avoid having to pay $180,000 to file some papers with city hall, especially having paid a fee already for the same application. Is the filing fee per square foot or per page? This doesn't include the development charges right... this is just giving them papers for approval to use the property you own in a certain way?
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

The basis of his complaints may have a grain of truth in them, but is still unprofessional for him to go on about them publicly, time and time again.

Someone who always has an excuse as to why things in the past consistently did not turn out as planned - never his fault, of course - is hardly someone you would want to entrust future plans to.

I'm glad he thinks big...but I wish he would think about the importance of appearances as well.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

Thanks for the info. I find it sad that it cost that much to file an applicatiion, I was surprised by the amount. Another thing thats sad, Four Seasons did get the GO and Stinson didn't with his tower, yet 4 Seasons shadowed longer, oh well.. atleast he ain't giving up :)
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

The city isn't against shadowing per say. The concern is only on Nathan Phillips Square.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

people say Stinson complains, but I think he's just being open about the whole development process at city hall. it sounds like they're making him jump through hoops to get this thing built. but it actually sounds like its going to work this time.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

The fact that this thing isn't approved yet is Harry's fault, not the City's. Competent developers get towers approved quickly, clueless developers don't.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.


The property that he had acquired doesn't legally allow him to do what he wanted to do. Thus, the onus is on him to prove that his course of action is a sound one (jumping through hoops). Most other developers went through the same process (just think Minto Midtown) and his wasn't particularly onerous, considering the nature of his proposal.

Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

First of all, thanks for the update.

His misunderstanding and mischaracterization of the shadow issues (as compared to the Four Seasons' shadow issues) speaks volumes about his pettiness and unsophistication. But let's admit it, its damn amusing and makes for good theatre.

I will be interested to see whether these high end 'family' units sell. For the same price, or less, you can get a very decent home in the city with a nice little backyard for the kids to play in, etc. I am not sure the appeal, given the context of both the actual site and the city and region as a whole.

But first, lets see the design (or the first version of it anyhow) so we can really have some fun. The we can all make jokes about how long until the crane is finally put into the ground (and the endless debate as to when this project started: two years ago or this year). All this is enough to make me want to wake up every morning. ;)
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

I will be interested to see whether these high end 'family' units sell. For the same price, or less, you can get a very decent home in the city with a nice little backyard for the kids to play in, etc. I am not sure the appeal, given the context of both the actual site and the city and region as a whole.

I can see families wanting to buy condos in many parts of the city but in the financial district? I guess they can go to the 7/11 at Bay and Richmond for milk and bread.
Or they can go to one of the three Dominions within a 10 minute walk.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

The planners had specifically requested that we provide these basic outlines by early July in order to be reviewed in time for the September Community Council meeting. After rushing to do so, we arrived at City Hall with the plans and were informed that the submission was now considered a ‘new application?and thus a new application fee of $180,000 - was required (yes, that’s right, one hundred and eighty thousand dollars, which of course had dramatically risen since the time we had made the original application). Obviously we questioned the validity of this fee, as the planners and councilor had previously indicated that we were operating within the old application. The matter was referred to the City legal department, although we were advised that if we wanted to be sure to be on the September agenda we probably should just pay the fee (. ‘cuz, gosh, they might just not have time to review the file, if you catch my drift).

Jesus Christ. Who the heck is Harry sending this information to? If I were an investor, this whole story doesn't exactly inspire a heck of a lot of confidence. He needs an editor to screen all of his outgoing communication... ASAP.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

I can see families wanting to buy condos in many parts of the city but in the financial district? I guess they can go to the 7/11 at Bay and Richmond for milk and bread.

It's kind of heartbreaking really, he may come out with a great design but targeting the wrong demographic will sink this ship before it has chance to set sail. The core is a 9-5 neighborhood without nearby parks for kids to play in, not mention schools or grocery stores. Also if Trumps been having a hard time selling higher end condos in the core what likelihood does Harry have? I can't perceive anything other then a hotel or office tower working on that site and that won't come to pass anytime soon.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

Jesus Christ. Who the heck is Harry sending this information to? If I were an investor, this whole story doesn't exactly inspire a heck of a lot of confidence. He needs an editor to screen all of his outgoing communication... ASAP.

I'm a investor at Sapphire and he sent that to me. I will be pulling out when time comes to lock in. If i bought at Concord I would have my keys already.
Re: the NEW Sapphire... this just in.

Anything related to Harry is "believe it when I see it" now. Sure he's amusing, but there's no professionalism or credibility. I wouldn't give him a penny.
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