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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Have we heard anything more about GreeneStone pulling the colonoscopy section from its website?

I wonder if it's because the media have been asking questions - although I see no evidence that any journalists other than Mark McAllister have even a vague interest in pursing this angle.
P.s. I also think it plausible that Doug is running as a way to show he can keep calm, cool, and collected in the face of a certain loss, and thus perhaps show the Tories that he's worthy of consideration for a provincial gig sometime. I don't think he expects to win, much less wants the job.

If what you think of Doug's reason to run for mayor is true, then Doug is way more delusional than I thought. Rob at least had that Chris Farley like appeal when he's working his charm, in between the hangovers and drunk calling\driving, and domestic disturbances I mean. Doug has the appeal of a thumb breaker sent from the "totally legitimate businessman association". The Tories are not -that- stupid, even they told Hudak to GTFO of the party leader chair sooner than later after Hudak's moronic tone deaf defeat.

The Tories would be committing political self immolation if they pick up Doug now, or possibly in the next decade. Doug's brand is Chernobyl grade right now.

edited ps. IMO at least it's a bit too late for Doug to show his ability to be calm cool and collected at this hour of the show. Those words are not what I'm reminded of when someone says 'Doug Ford'. I am thinking more along the lines of intimidating, thug like, barely contained rage, entitled, creepy, controlling, bully. But that's just off the top of my head overall impression of his actions in the last 4 years in public office, when he can be found there anyway. I could be mistaken and Doug is in fact just a big misunderstood sweetheart.
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i wonder why we haven't seen a picture of rob in his hospital bed yet.

Not Rob. But, we can use our imagination.

Can they release information that the family wants them to keep quiet? I Think that's all confidential unless they're given the go-ahead.

An Act respecting Personal Health Information and related matters

In regards to the above Act, unlike most hospital patients, Rob has a lawyer on standby.

As far as hospital "discharge planners" are concerned, should they become a nuisance, his lawyer can deal with them. Or, they can pay for the room and try to recover the expense later.

Perhaps ( other than in social media ) there has not even been a discussion with Mount Sinai yet about discharge.
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If true ...

I'm with you Jimmi.

So much of this sordid tale has focused on Rob Ford's relationship to "gangs" which are pretty low on the food chain but make great headlines and photo ops. The bigger worry is the Ford family's possible relationship to higher order organized crime and their relationship with the TPS. Did Doug, during his alleged hash dealing days, make life-long connections with organized crime and dirty cops? Likely. Is it easy to step away from those connections? Doubtful. What does his constituency assistant do at city hall, the blackjack dealer from the Deco mailing address house in Florida with a long rap sheet (charges mostly dropped). Why did Deco need a Florida mailing address? I think Friday shows Doug is panicking. The questions we should be asking are why is this family so important? They ain't exactly world-class oligarchs. Whose interests do they represent beyond their own? What possible deals are in the works? What would Doug not want exposed in the mayor's office? Who is protecting these hillbillies? Their sense of personal entitlement is the least of our concern because more important people are feeding it. We need to start focusing on the bigger fish. After the election, I'd like the Premier to call a Charbonneau-style inquiry into corruption. Otherwise, we'll never get our city back from whatever forces are really in charge of city hall.
Does anyone have screen grabs? I did a Google search of the site and only one page mentions it, so I wasn't able to open a cached version. And waybackmachine doesn't seem to have anything.
Here's my theory. Perhaps it's been stated here before, I can't read this entire thread.

Rob was diagnosed with something that required surgery but was not an emergency. He was probably told it could wait until after the election but would require him to be in the hospital for a number of days or weeks.

He started his campaign and realized he would lose by a landslide.

At the 11th hour the family decided the only way to keep Rob in government now would be to get him back his old Ward. If he had just dropped out and ran for councillor he would be ridiculed for giving up, so they inserted Doug on the mayoral ticket to look like he was stepping back due to illness. They must know that Doug doesn't have a serious shot at mayor but the appearance is that he's doing it for his brother. Good optics to Ford Nation. Their leader still has a voice at City Hall.

Remember, the hospital and doctors have to keep the patient's medical records confidential. They cannot divulge anything without the patient's permission.

The rest of the organized crime theories are just conspiracies. I wouldn't put any stock in them personally. This isn't Brazil or Russia. If this family was really tied to cartels or drug lords the RCMP or OPP would undoubtedly step in.
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Here's my theory. Perhaps it's been stated here before, I can't read this entire thread.

Rob was diagnosed with something that required surgery but was not an emergency. He was probably told it could wait until after the election but would require him to be in the hospital for a number of days or weeks.

He started his campaign and realized he would lose by a landslide.

At the 11th hour the family decided the only way to keep Rob in government now would be to get him back his old Ward. If he had just dropped out and ran for councillor he would be ridiculed for giving up, so they inserted Doug on the mayoral ticket to look like he was stepping back due to illness. They must know that Doug doesn't have a serious shot at mayor but the appearance is that he's doing it for his brother. Good optics to Ford Nation. Their leader still has a voice at City Hall.

Remember, the hospital and doctors have to keep the patient's medical records confidential. They cannot divulge anything without the patient's permission.

The rest of the organized crime theories are just conspiracies. I wouldn't put anything stock in them personally. This isn't Brazil or Russia. If this family was really tied to cartels or drug lords the RCMP or OPP would undoubtedly step in.

Yup, that's pretty much what some of us think. I'm not sure about the organized crime part , but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they were running something not quite kosher. I have always wondered where the money came from for Lisi and his dry cleaner friend to run a grow op on Supertest Road. The dry cleaner had a permit to grow enough weed for more than his medical needs required. I can imagine Rob financing something like that, he'd have his personal supply for free and his buddy Lisi could make them both some money on the rest of the weed. Of course they could be in deeper than that based on Rob's ability to leave himself open to blackmail. I've always thought that the Dixon guys couldn't be the only ones smart enough to video Rob doing stuff a mayor shouldn't be doing.
Several people have suggested here that the main reason Thug isn't "really" interested in being Mayor is because Deco is in trouble, and he's needed back at the helm there, but is that actually the case? Can anyone point to evidence of this claim? I haven't seen anything about it mentioned anywhere, apart from a few folks speculating about it in this forum.

Whatever crackpot scheme the Fords are cooking up here, I'm confident at the very least that said scheme exists. The details almost don't matter; they're clearly exploiting Fatass' "deahthbed fall from grace" for all its worth. The barely concealed smirks on the faces of Thug's daughters at his press conference - you know, the one he called to insist the media respect his family's privacy - was a dead giveaway. They knew it was all a performance, and that their father was full of shit. And them standing behind him, doing this while he's in the foreground, pretending to break up at Baby (Whale) Bro's tragic illness (cue the violins) was a macabre touch. They really are a family of ghouls.

I would agree that Thug doesn't genuinely want to be Mayor, but he probably sees the position as a stepping stone to Queen's Park, and I doubt he'd appreciate losing the election, especially if it's a humiliating defeat. That wouldn't serve his purposes at all. Remember, it's all about Ego with the Ford familglia.
Memo to Chow/Tory campaign teams:

Subject: Attack advertisements

Photo of Doug Ford on phone calling Kathleen Wynne.

Audio: Phone ringing.....connect....."The number you have reached is out of service, please try your call again"

Voiceover: "City politics require a Leader who can work with all levels of government, on October 27 vote for ....... , someone who will work hard for Torontonian's for a better future."
Tinfoil? (Yeah, well, maybe! But what the heck..)

Randy kidnapped a guy, beat him up and tried to extort money from his parents.
The police turned a blind eye and the charges disappeared in the system.

No, he served 15 days in jail for assault.

Toronto Star 12 Dec 1986

Toronto Star 25 Sep 1987 page A19


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