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Rob Ford's Toronto

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not all parts of it, though

take this for example:that's utter bullshit

Eglinton Connects has been public-consultation-ed within an inch of its life

if it's a surprise to anyone, then those anyones haven't been paying attention at all

-SAL has a huge hate on for keesmat, for reasons i don't entirely understand.

-she's also got a tough line to tread here. she knows that she really can't afford to have her wagon hitched too closely to ford. he's sinking, and he's toxic. she's taken an absolute drubbing on social media, and even for someone who likes conflict and attention, she's got to be wearying of it. on the other hand, she knows that she's not about to rebrand herself as a liberal or something. so she needs to try to stay relevant (and keep her job) by treading some sort of middle line. i'm not sure she's deft enough to do it, and frankly i hope she fails.

-lastly, she's such a giant mess of pyscho-emotional pathologies that whole textbooks could probably be written about her.
It was unsurprising to see CP20FORD carrying "Mayor" Assclown's latest asinine stunt - the "challenge" to Harper, et al - as if it were real news, but still annoying as hell. Likewise hearing about people approaching him at the Argos game, begging for selfies. You know, by all rights, Ford should be an out-and-out pariah by this stage; that he's still being treated as a celebrity, even of the freakshow tabloid variety, is nothing short of amazing.

At first I thought she was an attention seeker, but I am revising my opinion. I think she's cyber stalking him. Almost all her tweets/retweets revolve around him. It's like a high school crush. She's trying to get his attention by mentioning him or interacting with those he might know. Look at her tweets with the assumption that they were friends with benefits and they take on a different nuance. Additionally, if you watch the long version of her at the impound lot, there's a point where the Moose reporter asks her if they were "intimate". The look on her face, or should I say smirk, is a dead giveaway.

Does anyone else get a gold digger vibe from Leanne? She's obviously not the brightest bulb in the box, so I could see her having delusions upon meeting Rich Fat Boy in rehab that she'd hit the proverbial jackpot. The fact that the real power brokers in the Ford Family would never allow her get within smelling distance of "landing" Slob apparently hasn't crossed her tiny little mind.

The fact that he is still alive is a good indication that his body is a garbage truck to his garbage addiction. Rob Ford is pretty tough to stand up to all the abuse that Rob Ford dishes out.

There's got to be a limit, though. I suspect when his body finally reaches the point where it's had enough, the end is going to be abrupt, swift and brutal.
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not all parts of it, though

take this for example:that's utter bullshit

Eglinton Connects has been public-consultation-ed within an inch of its life

if it's a surprise to anyone, then those anyones haven't been paying attention at all

SAL lives on Eglinton so has a 'personal connection' to the project and its impact. She also more or less admitted that she hadn't been paying attention because she had been on 'book leave'. She was at the Eglinton Connects presser that the shirtless horde disrupted and was mightily pissed at the whole thing (tee hee). That was the day she mocked my Brit accent and then called me a bike-riding lefty as she buckled up her bike helmet and jumped on her bike. (Apparently being a cyclist is a politcal label that has no association with whether or not you actually own a bike.) She's a weird duck.
I think it's safe to say that both Harper and Ford's best friend Kimmel ignored the challenge. I hope Ford enjoys that bit of humble pie. The only thing he got out of his "challenge" was a $100 donation from Kathleen Wynne.
-SAL has a huge hate on for keesmat, for reasons i don't entirely understand.


-lastly, she's such a giant mess of pyscho-emotional pathologies that whole textbooks could probably be written about her.

She probably hates Keesmaat because people take Keesmaat seriously, whereas a whole lot of people don't - cannot, in fact - take SAL seriously.

She hates Daniel Dale because he got an award for his work and she didn't.

She hates Doolittle because she put out a book that sold really well and was well received, and SAL knows the book she's working on can't hope to command that level of interest.

Just a bundle of spite, resentment and jealousy.
SAL lives on Eglinton so has a 'personal connection' to the project and its impact. She also more or less admitted that she hadn't been paying attention because she had been on 'book leave'. She was at the Eglinton Connects presser that the shirtless horde disrupted and was mightily pissed at the whole thing (tee hee). That was the day she mocked my Brit accent and then called me a bike-riding lefty as she buckled up her bike helmet and jumped on her bike. (Apparently being a cyclist is a politcal label that has no association with whether or not you actually own a bike.) She's a weird duck.

She acts as if the Eglinton Connects project was sprung on residents with no notice or consultation. Some local residents feel that way (as with other projects) but it's mainly because, as in SAL's case, they haven't paid attention.

I noticed the bike thing about her as well. She's made a point of saying she gets around by bike, car and transit, as if to suggest she is fair and balanced. But in pretty much everything she writes about cycling issues/advocacy involves childish name-calling about 'helmet heads'.

As for her various internal contradictions, there's the fact that she rails against pretty much anyone who doesn't expressly support Israel, self-hating Jews blablabla, and yet she posts pictures on Facebook of herself with her new BMW.

BMW used slave labour at Dachau to build engines for the Luftwaffe, but hey, bygones.
Just to note that, unless Kathleen Wynne specifically indicated her donation was in response to Ford, others had already issued a challenge to her, so Ford should not gain some kind of credit.
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IIRC doesn't someone live on the same street as the MINO? When folks say he's not at work yet I always wanna know if his escalade is in the drive
Can anyone here point me to a fairly succinct (and fair, balanced) text on the current transit debate? I'm particularly interested in the idea of the downtown relief line vs Scarborough. Thanks.
IIRC doesn't someone live on the same street as the MINO? When folks say he's not at work yet I always wanna know if his escalade is in the drive

I've driven by his place a few times when he was supposedly visiting constits and he was at home each time lol.
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