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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I think there are numerous possible explanations without needing to invoke conspiracy theories of bribery and whatnot.

Someone else made a suggestion earlier in the thread that got buried - maybe they were just both there. Could have been that Doug went in before or after Rob and Cayla didn't see him. Maybe he was just walking around in view of the camera and didn't order, which would explain why the staff didn't notice him (presumably at 8:30am on a weekday they'd be rather preoccupied).

The stuff about taking photos with people sounds like bullshit, but Doug can't even tell a true story without throwing in a bunch of lies so to me that doesn't imply anything.

TH obviously wouldn't acknowledge that Rob was there as that would drag them even further into the shitstorm. I wouldn't have acknowledged Doug was there either, but maybe some naive PR manager just thought it would be the easiest way to make the story go away. As long as Doug was there any time that day their statement is true, and they haven't said that Rob *wasn't* there.

Either way, I hope councillors and the media in this city are paying attention to this 16 year old and learning what it means to have a spine.
(I was going to add something about the catharsis of Mussollini's demise, but I'd rather not)

Or, say, Ceausescu's. Hmmm, I think you're on to something here. Or would be, if you'd added that thing. ;)

I confess I'd be happiest with the catharsis of a perp walk/banging gavel combo, though.
I'd really like to know why/how you voted for Ford? At the time of his initial running for mayor he already had a record of incompetence, trouble with the truth, base brutishness and a, basically, batcrap insane platform - what exacxtly got your vote? was it an anti-vote (anti Smitherman)?
I'm actually interested.

Same as all of them. Wanted to save $60.00. So what if they knew he was, at best, a mouth breathing moron--60 bucks is 60 bucks.
I'm NO fan of Rob and Doug Ford, but if Tim Hortons says it was Doug Ford ... shouldn't that be good enough for you folks?

This is ridiculous.

Seriously? No, that's not enough. And even if Doug was there, it doesn't mean Rob wasn't, either at the same time or earlier.
I'd really like to know why/how you voted for Ford? At the time of his initial running for mayor he already had a record of incompetence, trouble with the truth, base brutishness and a, basically, batcrap insane platform - what exacxtly got your vote? was it an anti-vote (anti Smitherman)?
I'm actually interested.

Ignorance is the only excuse I can think of for voting for Ford in 2010, and even that's not much of one. All the facts were out there about his disgusting nature during the election, and anyone who actually considered themselves educated on the subject has no excuse at all.
Mr. twenty posts seems like he's in the wrong place, picking fights right off the bat. That never works out well.

1. What does my number of posts have to do with anything?

2. I'm not in the wrong place. I reckon I love the City of Toronto just as much as you do.

3. I'm not picking "fights" with anyone. I'd appreciate if you didn't talk down to me.
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Ignorance is the only excuse I can think of for voting for Ford in 2010, and even that's not much of one. All the facts were out there about his disgusting nature during the election, and anyone who actually considered themselves educated on the subject has no excuse at all.

So, are you saying that ALL of the 380,000+ Torontonians who democratically elected Rob Ford in 2010 where ignorant, uneducated fools?


Keep it comin', folks.
Ignorance is the only excuse I can think of for voting for Ford in 2010, and even that's not much of one. All the facts were out there about his disgusting nature during the election, and anyone who actually considered themselves educated on the subject has no excuse at all.

I would venture a guess that most voters don't pay as much attention to the issues and the people as they should. If they did a candidate like Soknacki or Goldkind wouldn't be well below Ford in the polls.
Every now and again fur seems to fly. Shall we get back to civility now, folks? Trust me on this one.
I would venture a guess that most voters don't pay as much attention to the issues and the people as they should. If they did a candidate like Soknacki or Goldkind wouldn't be well below Ford in the polls.

Absolutely agree with you on this. Both seem to be good candidates. Soknacki, in particular, appears to have his head on straight and Goldkind has a very current vibe. I'm hopeful their numbers will rise over the course of the campaign. They lack 'wow' factor, but I would surmise that the citizens of TO have had their fill of wow by now.
Absolutely agree with you on this. Both seem to be good candidates. Soknacki, in particular, appears to have his head on straight and Goldkind has a very current vibe. I'm hopeful their numbers will rise over the course of the campaign. They lack 'wow' factor, but I would surmise that the citizens of TO have had their fill of wow by now.

After Ford (who doesn't have the wow factor either IMO) I could care less about the fluff and care more about the substance. While I believe investment in infrastructure and programs is vital, I have some concerns about Olivia Chow, her attendance record, her high expenses and her ability to balance spending. Tory has a conflict of interest on the island airport issue but doesn't think he does, among other things. Stintz seems to bend with the wind. And then there's Ford. Not much of a field to choose from. It may well be a case of choosing the lesser of evils. My inclination is Soknacki or Goldkind but unless either pulls a Nenshi, a vote for either is a wasted vote that only helps Ford IMO.
After Ford (who doesn't have the wow factor either IMO) I could care less about the fluff and care more about the substance. While I believe investment in infrastructure and programs is vital, I have some concerns about Olivia Chow, her attendance record, her high expenses and her ability to balance spending. Tory has a conflict of interest on the island airport issue but doesn't think he does, among other things. Stintz seems to bend with the wind. And then there's Ford. Not much of a field to choose from. It may well be a case of choosing the lesser of evils. My inclination is Soknacki or Goldkind but unless either pulls a Nenshi, a vote for either is a wasted vote that only helps Ford IMO.

At the beginning of this election process I thought Chow was the best candidate. I had strong reservations against Tory. I can see why some still cling to both candidates - it the Canadian way - but, maybe this whole Ford fiasco can give the voters a big enough shake to move them toward more forward thinking. Probably just spitting into the wind here. BTW, I should have been clearer on my 'wow' comment - it's more of an 'ohhhh, wow, here we go again, at least when referencing either of the Ford Bros. (Almost wrote with respect to, but respect and Ford should never appear in the same sentence.)
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At the beginning of this election process I thought Chow was the best candidate. I had strong reservations against Tory. I can see why some still cling to both candidates - it the Canadian way - but, maybe this whole Ford fiasco can give the voters a big enough shake to move them toward more forward thinking. Probably just spitting into the wind here. BTW, I should have been clearer on my 'wow' comment - it's more of an 'ohhhh, wow, here we go again, at least when referencing either of the Ford Bros. (Almost wrote with respect to, but respect and Ford should never appear in the same sentence.)

Chow has some good thoughts on transit. She certainly might have greater appeal to the immigrant and visible minority community. I'm not convinced she actually does remember the value of the dollar given her spending habits. Except for the spending issue, she gives Ford a good challenge in the other areas. She has more of the people's touch as evidenced by her using public transit. Neither Tory nor Stintz have that. They come off as more aloof and elitist. And both have said some things that leave me scratching my head. And Kouvalis just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

It seems Canadian politics is particularly ugly at the moment. While I am not happy with how the Liberals mismanaged Orng, E-health and the gas plants under McGuinty, do we really want Hudak? Lest anyone forget, he said a few years ago he would cancel also, now he's slinging mud at Wynne when he has no proof she knew anything of the deleted emails. Maybe she should have known but there you go. Again, not a great choice of candidates. And don't even get me started on Harper.

All this to say that Conservative is not pretty today, Liberal isn't faultless and NDP would likely bankrupt us. Some choice huh? It's really hard not to be cynical.
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