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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I always thought that the ONE thing that will tie Rob Ford and Lisi together is a phone call to get the video back. That call would have happened back in May when the story broke. Lisi's phone wasn't tapped until July. Absent that incriminating call, all the evidence so far is circumstantial. I was hoping the TPS were concurrently pursuing other crime angles and that kept my hopes up. As the months rolled by and no charges were laid, I began to suspect the extortion angle was all they have and still needed the smoking gun. My hopes were raised when the cops realized there was an iCloud backup. But it's been a month since they got a hold of that and would have been sufficient time to parse through 10GB of data. That nothing seems to have come out of that is very disappointing. And obviously the OPP and perhaps the AG doesn't feel circumstantial evidence is enough to get a conviction. Hence we are where we are today.

My 2 cents.

THIS is the smoking gun! All we need now is that it is backed up on iCloud.

Rob Ford investigation hangs on 40-second mystery call
New wiretap documents reveal that after a brief, unrecorded call with Ford the night the crack scandal broke, Sandro Lisi began a series of threatening calls to Dixon numbers.

It is a 40-second phone call whose contents could answer the biggest question of the crack cocaine video scandal: did Mayor Rob Ford ask friend Alexander (Sandro) Lisi to retrieve the cellphone containing the embarassing video?
The call was made at 8:18 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, last year, just as news of the video’s existence was breaking, according to police documents filed in court.
What was said on that call is a mystery, as neither Ford nor Lisi’s phone was subject to a wiretap, and neither man will talk to police.
What immediately followed that call, according to a series of wiretaps released by a judge Thursday, were serious threats by Lisi to people whose phones were tapped, and discussions among several people of threats allegedly made by Lisi.
I'm all too aware of what happened in Belfast having being born and grew up there and lived through quite a bit of "The Troubles"

Comparing what happened there to the current situation in this city is quite a stretch.


I've been lucky enough to live in peaceful towns and cities all my life, but have paid enough attention to know bad it can be when things deeply and truly go wrong.

Rage in Toronto is fair, but keep in mind that it's rage against (seriously) disappointing civic leadership in a place that is still the envy of most other big cities, not rage against murderous citizen-on-citizen violence.
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There's a new episode of Ford Nation. Most horrifying revelation so far: Doug seems to have a LOT of trouble just reading off a sheet.

I've been lucky enough to live in peaceful towns and cities all my life, but have paid enough attention to know bad it can be when things deeply and truly go wrong.

Rage in Toronto is fair, but keep in mind that it's rage against (seriously) disappointing civic leadership in a place that is still the envy of most other big cities, not rage against murderous citizen-on-citizen violence.

Well, to be fair, there has been a bit of that in this story.
Well, to be fair, there has been a bit of that in this story.

A bit. Just a bit. A lot of families in Belfast and many other places would give a hell of lot to scale back the violence to that sort of a bit. Not to dismiss how bad it is that any violence at all has happened because Rob Ford is a brutal, criminal idiot who somehow got elected mayor, but the level of horror is just not comparable.
Rage in Toronto is fair, but keep in mind that it's rage against (seriously) disappointing civic leadership in a place that is still the envy of most other big cities, not rage against murderous citizen-on-citizen violence.

Though keep in mind that the Fords' cops-and-robbers approach is practically "bring it on!/you wouldn't *dare*/nyah, nyah" fast-forward re the latter possibility.

But, look at it this way: if in my youth, I faced a Ford-scale bully, I might well be in Penetang now for unspeakable acts of torture, mutilation, dismemberment, what have you. Yes, I'd be in Penetang. But said bully would still be dead. He paid the price for his "bring it on".

I'm beyond that now. But having "been there", psychically, I know the possibilities among those unfortunates confronted with such goons...
sure, but I'm commenting on what the OPP said. No evidence of extortion by Ford (so Lisi running around saying "you're f*cking dead, your whole block is dead" is not good enough? Or we're to believe he's doing it of his own free will? Why? He's not the one on video in a compromising situation).

But they have the nerve to suggest Ford is the victim of extortion, yet there's no evidence of that -- hard evidence, recorded words, witness/victim testimony (Ford refuses to talk to police) not just a logical conclusion, as you illustrated.

Almost sounds like Lisi is auditioning for a role in Boardwalk Empire, or the Untouchables.

"Gang members were bracing themselves for what might come."

So threats made to regain the video may have compromised Project Traveller? And did Ford know about that investigation and use that knowledge as part of the threat to "bring the heat?" Did Ford have any influence over when and where those raids took place?

I can't find the quote, but during those raids, when someone asked a cop why this was happening, that cop said something like "this is happening because of Rob Ford."

That seems like a weird coincidence.
The paper thing is hysterical, it's like listening to a child reading aloud in school for the first time.

I do have a few questions:

1) When did YouTube start allowing people to sell things, especially for the purpose of campaigning, and funding that campaign?
2) Why does DoFo give an answer about people moving around in Canada, but RoFo's question was about Canadians moving to the states?
3) Really? RoFo doing the Jamaican thing again, will he ever learn that it insults people?

Honestly, that's all I could watch for now.
I think he means that if by some fluke Ford is re-elected the people will flip their lids. I think the election night would make the G20 look like a tea party, and Ford may not make it out in one piece. There is only so much that people can take.
Please. If people cared that much, there would have been far more people out protesting him at City Hall.
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