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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Ya if you're in the room and not one of his closest buddies you're asked to hand over your phone

Fortunately, he still has to go outside sometimes, so we can at least see the results of the drug-taking, if not the actual act itself.
Something fishy is going on.
I do think that today's OPP statements have made a possible arrest by the TPS appear to be even more political now in the eyes of Ford apologists. Perhaps someone in the OPP called in a favour for the Fords? Doug sure was quick to thank the OPP today...


  • elena.jpg
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One things clearer now. Many journalists sources aren't as well connected as they think. Some behind the scenes were predicting the exact day he'd be arrested. Likewise sources who are now saying nothing was found on the iPhone are equally as clueless. Even the opp doesn't know what's on it.

This. It took me half a day to find out from the CBC just who exactly these Crown "sources" had advised to shut down Brazen. They said "TPS." Well Giroux clearly didn't get the memo.

It's bullshit. I only trust Donovan's stuff. That's it.
I've been staying clear of anything sharp today, this is all so depressing and disappointing not to mention his Council antics of the past several days.
I remember when Ford was elected a regular contributor here, TO Built, took down his entire database of hundreds of buildings of significance in the city - a very remarkable resource, out of a form of protest and anger. He eventually put it back up, but I don't believe he ever came back to UT. I'm kind of feeling the same today between island jets and Ford. If that man gets elected again I'm really of the mind that it's time to go. I've always liked Hamilton and it's really cheap to live there.

Ford is partially right when he says his skeleton closet is bare. Probably it's not, but enough has spilled out that people have made their judgments and moved on.

Just to keep that quote clear, it was more along the lines of him saying he didn't *think* there were any more skeletons in his closet.
I've been trying to sort out the OPP tune change and there are only two things that makes any sense.
1. There are investigating something bigger with some measure of overlap, and don't want to screw that for small fish Ford.
2. Someone with a LOT of influence is calling in a favour.

Another random though I had at one point this afternoon was that the OPP were pretty specific about nothing from Brazen2. Well Brazen2 came as a result of Traveller, has another project quietly been working away in the background as social media talk and type Brazen2 to death?
Wow, what a c*nt. <-- British, forgive me

My takeaway from all this is that TPS have been publicly humiliated today. They now have an extraordinary amount to prove. Blair in particular has been made to look like a complete ass.

Two possibilities

1. They give up and move on
2. They target RoFo with renewed vigour

What are your thoughts?

I don't know how it is on today's service, but the old Metro force that I served alongside gave no slack and took sh!t from no one. They would confront and command suspicious characters. They controlled the streets at all times. They were always aggressive and stopped crimes BEFORE they happened. Seek them out, shake them down and make the arrest. And never, never admit the department had done anything wrong.
So after a long hard day of thinking about this, what have we really lost? There was already a decent amount of scepticism that Ford was actually going to be arrested. This didn't change the evidence, or the case that's being brought against Lisi. The investigation is still ongoing and the OPP haven't formally withdrawn according to Sgt. Giroux. So what's actually been lost? I fail to see how any of this is worse off today than it was yesterday, or three months earlier. We've always been frustrated with the timeline of the investigation and the various "leaks" from police that bolster Ford's bravado. Today is no different. Chin up my friends, tomorrow's a new day.

The news Brazen 2 is not over, that contents of Lisi's phone data had not been shared with OPP, that Giroux and Pugash reiterated that when they were ready they would sit down with the Crown/OPP, and that Ford would have to testify under oath in Lisi's pretrial hearing were all welcome developments later today. It took the edge off of hearing Ford self proclaim his exoneration this morning.

But while the arrest watch might continue, the excitement has been replaced by doubt. Doubt about the OPP's role in this whole affair. Are they trying to undermine Brazen 2? Sure felt that way when it was revealed the OPP point man glanced over the case and felt Ford was the victim of extortion. Did he selectively ignore the parts of the ITO where hardened gangsters quaked at prospect of Ford's corrupt police and associates raiding their hood? It would also be nice to know why the OPP declared itself out of the investigation to the press without formally informing the TPS.
So after a long hard day of thinking about this, what have we really lost? There was already a decent amount of scepticism that Ford was actually going to be arrested. This didn't change the evidence, or the case that's being brought against Lisi. The investigation is still ongoing and the OPP haven't formally withdrawn according to Sgt. Giroux. So what's actually been lost? I fail to see how any of this is worse off today than it was yesterday, or three months earlier. We've always been frustrated with the timeline of the investigation and the various "leaks" from police that bolster Ford's bravado. Today is no different. Chin up my friends, tomorrow's a new day.

Agreed. After thinking and rethinking and turning this over in my mind, and doing multiple checks on myself to make sure that I'm not just suffering delusions of Ford-like proportions, the thing I keep coming back to is the certainty and the increasing outspokenness of the TPS over the past several months. Why do that if they had nothing, and were facing the likelihood of a very public flame-out if nothing came of it? They could have run this whole thing a lot more quietly than they did, and if nothing turned up in the end, no harm done...or at least not nearly as much harm. I just can't get past this point, and don't think we've heard the last of this, by a long-shot.
I've been staying clear of anything sharp today, this is all so depressing and disappointing not to mention his Council antics of the past several days.
I remember when Ford was elected a regular contributor here, TO Built, took down his entire database of hundreds of buildings of significance in the city - a very remarkable resource, out of a form of protest and anger. He eventually put it back up, but I don't believe he ever came back to UT. I'm kind of feeling the same today between island jets and Ford. If that man gets elected again I'm really of the mind that it's time to go. I've always liked Hamilton and it's really cheap to live there.

Just to keep that quote clear, it was more along the lines of him saying he didn't *think* there were any more skeletons in his closet.
I think Hamilton and a few other cites would end up benefiting a lot in the unlikely event of Ford's re-election. By early 2015 I think downtown Toronto would look like a daytime scene in The Omega Man.
While Ford may be small fish in terms of trafficking, extortion and drug abuse relative to a (presumably much) larger probe of trafficking and, say, guns from a (tainted) OPP perspective, surely he would be a huge catch for the AG. Right? (please tell me I'm right)
What about the whole dirty cops thing? I would assume that is being investigated quietly.

And who goes around saying they know dirty cops? Why would anyone need to know dirty cops unless they're up to something?

The man is just such a creep.
"The Concord fundraiser costs $300 a ticket. “You will receive (a) $225 rebate from the city of Toronto dinner and drinks included,” reads the Fords’ letter. It includes a box of “sample rebate calculations,” noting donations are eligible for “generous tax rebates from the city of Toronto” after the Oct. 27 municipal election."

So, if you live in Vaughn, come to Rob's fundraiser the City of Toronto will refund $225 on the $300 ticket.

This fucking guy.
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