Active Member
Most definitely. Most of the 905ers I know work in the 905, and I even know a 416er who commutes to the 905.
I grew up in the 905 (it was still 416 for part of that time!), and Toronto's influence was massive. I certainly know more 905ers that claim to be from Toronto when they travel outside of the GTA, than vice-versa. Culture, sports, and night life that isn't in a strip mall tend to require travelling to Toronto, or if you're frugal, Hamilton.
I grew up in the 416 (before we needed area codes) and moved to the 905. Up until Rob Ford was voted in I was proud to say I was from Toronto. On the day of his win I was astounded that 'my' town had voted in such a buffoon and said so quite loudly to my friends and family. His tenure has certainly not changed my views, rather they have reinforced them.
The 905 has it's own identity now, much more so than it did in my early adulthood. There is so much more available entertainment-wise and culturally than was present in the '70's that it is no longer imperative to make that dreaded foray on the QEW into the big city. Part of this may be age related, but I do believe that much of this has to do with the availability of entertainment venues that have opened up in our little backwoods arenas.
And we don't have Rob Ford - there's always that!
Proud to be Toronto born (Rexdale actually), but equally as proud to be a citizen of Oakville.