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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Well, then, imagine if they were caught in the act, Conrad Black style.

It's not evidence until law enforcement has declared it to be so. Conrad Black was busted because the court had ordered that he not touch any of that property. Rob Ford is still free to burn anything that belongs to him.
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Very true, Adma. You've always been on the right side of things, and quick with an EFRSed McMansion (or a French Quarter) image to analogize the sins of the Nayshun in contemporary architecture. Moreover, IIRC you were the first to dig in and explore the various means by which Ford might not survive (literally) his term in office. Remember when THAT was deemed beyond the pale?

Yep, some good eggs in this forum...

Well, it was always under the guiding principle of "Ford's worse". That is, whatever (a generic) you think of so-and-so, whomever you bring up as electable buffoons (Lastman, Katz, O'Brien, Boris, bla bla bla) as precedent...Ford's worse. And, knowing what John Barber and others had reported on (though certainly not the depths of what we know *now*), there was *no freaking way* this was going to end well. (But, always stopping short of Godwin violation, though not without an implicit "those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it" undertone.)

At one point, IIRC I even got a temp ban for posting a "hey, if you wanna, go ahead" type of post re the prospect of assassination--yeah, that may have crossed the line, but I remain, fundamentally, more disinterested-third-party fatalistic than moralistic. That is, I'm not letting my heart bleed for innocents, familial or civilian or even yourself or myself: whatever happens, happens. Let fate guide the way.

All I know is: it won't be pretty.

I was very impressive by Mr. Tory, Mr. Socknacki and Mrs. Stintz. I would feel confident with any one of them as mayor.

Although she wasn't there, I also admire Mrs. Chow. Mr. Ford had his four years. It's time for a change.

I get an error with the Ryerson link; I'm guessing the server just got overloaded. Oh, well.

A couple of catch-up notes:
-Campaign laws are the worst. Many of them can only be charged after the fact and they're just weak in general. If Ford is blatantly using city staff on his campaign there is probably not much anyone can do, at least in the short term. It's not like a condemnation from the integrity commissioner would have him shaking in his boots. If it's any consolation, I just assume they realizing there's no point hiring people since a) they're going to lose and b) the hammer is coming down sooner rather than later. Also, I suspect the pool of people who would work for them is small indeed.
It may seem like a little thing but it's VERY telling that the campaign is 3 months in and there is effectively no one on it but Doug. John Tory has sent out more Tweets since the debate ended than the Ford account has since January. They're coasting on fumes - this is all just smoke and mirrors until reality hits.

-Also, I understand Rob cited Europe for reasons no one quite understands in regards to the island airport. Now, are we absolutely sure he means the continent?

(It's even lyrically appropriate...)
How will it be dealt with? I guess my point is that there doesn't seem to actually BE any meaningful penalties for any of these infractions. They all seem to exist on the honour system... and the Ford's have none.

If rules don't have penalties for non-compliance they may as well not exist.
Given that it seems impossible to hold Rob Ford accountable for these infractions, it might be worth noting that it might be possible, if there are policy violations, to hold his employees accountable for violating city rules.
I think it's some sort of dog whistle to Ford Nation. Kitchen table common sense (which we ALL have, even the "regular Joes") vs. a formal education/training (which the "elites" have).

I really dislike Stintz.

Though it's worth noting that a classic soundbite from Jack Layton's 2008 campaign was "Our
priorities are those of the kitchen table, not just the boardroom table"--and in a way, *his* form of "kitchen table populism" was a sleeper seed from which (esp. against the grain of Iggy's clueless "elitism") 2011's Orange Crush grew.

Olivia should know.
If she's not a football fan, I can imagine what she thought he was saying. What an idiot.
He is not just being an idiot. That is harassment. Pam McConnell was asking good questions of the Porter guy, and Ford went over to intimidate her.

The staffer who talked to us shared that PM said she has ptsd from RF smashing into her in Nov.
Remember she is tiny and Ford is massive. He must be 3 times her size.
(She is still going to see a chiropractor for it too.)

He was mocking her and rubbing the fact that he smashed into her in her face. He used his massive size to leer over her and re-enforce the feeling that she is not safe.

I am explaining how this would be seen from a woman's perspective. RF has created an unsafe (physically and emotionally/psychologically) work environment. He is terrorizing a small, little old, lady because he knows she is weak.

(I would say that he is a scumbag, but I am working on cultivating compassion, so I will just say he is a misguided soul who makes scumbag decisions. :) )

If RF were any smarter, he would have created a legitimate reign of terror. As it is, his brand of crazy has been contagious and it has infected the whole city. We need to cut out the cancer.
I get an error with the Ryerson link; I'm guessing the server just got overloaded. Oh, well.

A couple of catch-up notes:
........... If it's any consolation, I just assume they realizing there's no point hiring people since a) they're going to lose and b) the hammer is coming down sooner rather than later. Also, I suspect the pool of people who would work for them is small indeed.
It may seem like a little thing but it's VERY telling that the campaign is 3 months in and there is effectively no one on it but Doug..............

Or could it be that they're having a real problem soliciting donations/contributions to the campaign? I remember reading about this earlier from quite a reputable source. Sorry I can't remember who.
I get an error with the Ryerson link; I'm guessing the server just got overloaded. Oh, well.

A couple of catch-up notes:
-Campaign laws are the worst. Many of them can only be charged after the fact and they're just weak in general. If Ford is blatantly using city staff on his campaign there is probably not much anyone can do, at least in the short term. It's not like a condemnation from the integrity commissioner would have him shaking in his boots. If it's any consolation, I just assume they realizing there's no point hiring people since a) they're going to lose and b) the hammer is coming down sooner rather than later. Also, I suspect the pool of people who would work for them is small indeed.
It may seem like a little thing but it's VERY telling that the campaign is 3 months in and there is effectively no one on it but Doug. John Tory has sent out more Tweets since the debate ended than the Ford account has since January. They're coasting on fumes - this is all just smoke and mirrors until reality hits.

-Also, I understand Rob cited Europe for reasons no one quite understands in regards to the island airport. Now, are we absolutely sure he means the continent?

(It's even lyrically appropriate...)

This really should find it's way onto 80s Doug Fords' twitter feed. Mostly because of the hair.
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The problem is that they think being able to afford to have kids is the most important thing about raising them.

In that light, imagine what the kids of Ford Nation would be like--maybe that's what they can identify with here; the Fords are "not perfect", just like their own dysfunctional brats...
Finally. I'm so sick of hearing the words:

"I'm not perfect. Maybe you are. Maybe you guys have never done anything wrong." Ugh. No more! How many months have we heard that guy deliver that terrible line? Over and over.
Or could it be that they're having a real problem soliciting donations/contributions to the campaign? I remember reading about this earlier from quite a reputable source. Sorry I can't remember who.

Oh, sure it's all different symptoms of the same disease. No money, no staff, a one-note candidate. they are dead in the water. Doug seems to think they can sell enough bobbleheads to sustain them. That won't even cover bail.

Finally. I'm so sick of hearing the words:

"I'm not perfect. Maybe you are. Maybe you guys have never done anything wrong." Ugh. No more! How many months have we heard that guy deliver that terrible line? Over and over.

It's all he's got left. I said a few pages back, he's like a broken toy. If you ran up to him on the street you could tell your buddy, "Watch this - I can make him say that he's not perfect and maybe you are! Hey, hey, Mr. Mayor! What's with the hanging with the gangs and stuff, yo?" It's beating out "Anything else?" as his cool catchphrase. In 20 years he'll be saying it in soap commercials. It's the "Whatchu talkin' about Willis?" for the 21st Century!

(Somewhat seriously - it should have gotten the same reaction last night. The younger crowd is hip to his idiocy. The 'adults' should be too. Their reaction was entirely appropriate for his idiotic talking point.)

Is it possible we can get through 100 debates without some jokester dressing up like Jesus and interrupting him mid-stream, "Yes, Rob - I AM perfect"? I hope it isn't!
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Finally. I'm so sick of hearing the words:

"I'm not perfect. Maybe you are. Maybe you guys have never done anything wrong." Ugh. No more! How many months have we heard that guy deliver that terrible line? Over and over.

He can only commit so many lines to memory. They just haven't gotten around to recording over the old stuff yet.
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