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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Ford has largely been able to control the dialogue of late: he's for the poor, he only smoked crack that one time, he works hard every day, etc. Just found a blog post by someone who essentially feels that Ford has been victimized by people for doing what regular folk do every day.

We need to keep hitting the fact that this guy gets away with things you or I never could: he gets drunk at Steak Queen on a MONDAY, then doesn't show up to work the next day til after 2 with no explanation.

We need to reply to his simple slogans with simple slogans that are closer to the truth.

So when he says "fancy streetcars", we say "above-ground subways" or somesuch.

When he says he's for the poor in community housing, we ask him why he votes against them.

His lies are catchy. We have to come back swinging with catchier truths.
It'd probably surprise you that my brother was one of the biggest coke and crack dealers in Etobicoke at one point. But we hardly had anything to do with each other so I know nothing about this stuff! After a few anxiety attacks on mushrooms I was too nervous to try anything really hardcore.

Yeah you said that before. That answers my previous question I suppose.

Hallucinogens are all about set and setting. You have to be comfortable where you are and with the people you are with, and comfortable with yourself - as in, believing yourself to be a good and virtuous person. It can be a beautiful experience. Or it can be very negative, as you experienced.
I have heard someone say that Ford is a heavy oxy addict and has been for years. I do not know if this is true, but this person claimed to have a good source.

For what it's worth, I have also long heard of a problem with oxy in the Ford household (going back pre-crackgate). I am almost 100% certain that any reporter working this beat is well aware of the oxy (and everything else wrapped up in the story). I imagine it hasn't been reported on due to family sensitivity issues. I suspect the oxy story is a big and sad one, but one that will likely never be told.

Also, a formal hello to everyone here. It has been awesome watching the thread develop as it has.
Ford appointing a horse as deputy mayor would not surprise me now.

Rob lost the power to appoint the deputy mayor - it now gets decided by council.

What would happen is Rob would yell and scream that appointing a horse is the only way to respect taxpayers. Council would take Rob's motion, spend six hours arguing about a plastic bag ban and then appoint a gerbil.
In retrospect, it was a shortsighted move for a criminal mayor to not accept his membership on the police board.
So, the right splits and Chow cleans up? Or her campaign dies from a thousand cuts from the rest plus know it all pipsqueak city hall polisci grad media types who've bought into neoliberal bullshit?
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