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Rob Ford's Toronto

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In a world... on the brink of tyranny and chaos (from an invasion of latte-sipping elites), one man faces his mortal enemies with nothing but his warrior pride.

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

Cue obese man on a small horse in blue face paint...
My favourite part of that Sun article quoting Doug:

"Kimmel will be joining the Ford brothers on their Ford Nation YouTube show via Skype, according to Ford.
The Fords are also working on a putting on a version of their Ford Nation online show with a live audience.
"It will go worldwide," Ford said."

I don't think I'm the only one but this is the main thing I got out of the Kimmel visit. They are transitioning from MAYOR to REALITY TV STAR. It's hard to say if, in their hearts, they've really given up on the MAYOR thing but I kind of think they have. If people in Timbuktu are watching Ford Nation, how does that help Rob's electoral chances? (I know it's a rhetorical question...)

Their campaign seems totally lost and hasn't moved forward since January. I think there is a realization that he's not going to win (perhaps they haven't broken it to Rob yet?) and so they are positioning themselves and taking advantage of their notoriety so they can find another job for Robbie on Oct. 28 and won't have to stick him back behind a desk at Deco. Doug might even think this still plays into this own political "ambitions," but none of it suggests a serious interest in running Toronto anymore to me.

On a related note, I get that Robbie is a buffoonish manchild but Doug, ostensibly, has some real world business skills. Their inability to understand when they are being mocked is actually starting to get sad. If you were watching some movie where the high school nerd is being set up by the cool kids, not knowing it's all really a joke, it would be funny for 90 minutes. You wouldn't want to watch a TV series about the poor kid being made fun of without realizing it. Maybe they think they have a few a zingers to throw at Kimmel (Ford-style would be saying, "Hey, Jimmy, we found this TMZ article about you doing cocaine in 1999! Now, who's perfect?!") but their mixed-messaging on whether Ford was set-up by Kimmel, whether it was all in good fun or whether Kimmel apologized shows how lost in their own bubble they are these days.
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I don't think I'm the only one but this is the main thing I got out of the Kimmel visit. They are transitioning from MAYOR to REALITY TV STAR.

Does anyone know if they took any "meetings" while in LA? I've also had a suspicion that the entire goal of the Fords is to score some sort of reality TV deal, with the campaign being the "plot". All of the outrageous behaviour and complete detachment from integrity and professionalism seems to point to it. Maybe the whole point of the LA trip was to get some introductions, try to make a deal, or shop the idea around.

In any event, wonder if they will try to get some sort of "revenge" on Kimmel by bringing him onto their turf.

They are certainly more interested in American media than any sort of Canadian coverage, which is a red flag if there ever was one.
Their campaign seems totally lost and hasn't moved forward since January. I think there is a realization that he's not going to win (perhaps they haven't broken it to Rob yet?) and so they are positioning themselves and taking advantage of their notoriety so they can find another job for Robbie on Oct. 28 and won't have to stick him back behind a desk at Deco. Doug might even think this still plays into this own political "ambitions," but none of it suggests a serious interest in running Toronto anymore to me.

I've always been under the impression that there never was a serious interest in the first place. To me it seemed a combination of Mommy Dearest trying to create a dynasty and Rob wanting the power but not the work. He clearly never understood what the mayor's job entailed, he barely grasped what a councellor's job entailed. It always seemed to me that his family prevented him from doing what he always wanted to do - coach/play football - and the drugs, alcohol and questionable behaviour is a direct result of that.

It's as if each thing/incident exists in isolation and should be excused as an aberration because Ford is not - and of course none of us is - 'perfect'. And then there's the all-important fact of each misstep being situated in the past. Because that's more excusable/understandable than things that are happening right now. I can just see Ford smoking crack at a press conference and then the minute he puts the pipe down, the apologists rush to point out that he has stopped and is moving on.

In addition to that, Ford supporters also overlook the lying that surrounds pretty much everything he either claims credit for or denies having done.

-rumour of misdeed
-denial by Ford
-evidence surfaces and/or Ford admits to something
-Ford emphasizes past-tense nature of misdeed, desire to move on
-clamouring by Ford crackolytes to move on, citing human fallibility
-complete absence of apology by Ford for lies/denial (ACC, juice-throwing, etc.)

1. Literally no human being in the history of the world has ever been "perfect." We're all fallible and have made mistakes.
2. Literally everything people ever do is "in the past" by definition as soon as they finish doing it.

It boggles my mind that these two idiotic and pathetically kindergarten-level "arguments" are acceptable to anyone as a defence of anything. Maybe it's playing into Ford's politics of division but the very thought of Ford Nation parroting these points to each other and anyone who will listen makes me sick, as does the thought that we have all sunk this low.
Does anyone know if they took any "meetings" while in LA? I've also had a suspicion that the entire goal of the Fords is to score some sort of reality TV deal, with the campaign being the "plot". All of the outrageous behaviour and complete detachment from integrity and professionalism seems to point to it. Maybe the whole point of the LA trip was to get some introductions, try to make a deal, or shop the idea around.
They tried to crash the mayor's office.

And oh yeah, they schmoozed with all kinds of people at the Oscars after-party.

Given that Ford couldn't name a nominated movie or performer, I rather doubt they had any meetings. I suspect they wandered up and down the street in their weird matching black outfits, and Rob tried to duck into bathrooms whenever possible.
1. Literally no human being in the history of the world has ever been "perfect." We're all fallible and have made mistakes.
2. Literally everything people ever do is "in the past" by definition as soon as they finish doing it.

It boggles my mind that these two idiotic and pathetically kindergarten-level "arguments" are acceptable to anyone as a defence of anything. Maybe it's playing into Ford's politics of division but the very thought of Ford Nation parroting these points to each other and anyone who will listen makes me sick, as does the thought that we have all sunk this low.

Could not agree more. The perfect/not-perfect defence is the worst kind of self-justifying, dissembling, passive-aggressive mind games.

As for the past/present sophistry, I don't know ... maybe Rob exists within a kind of non-linear world where what he is seen doing in the present is not connected sequentially or consequentially to what he has been seen doing at other times because it is all outside of time. The Fordian Dreamtime.
Could not agree more. The perfect/not-perfect defence is the worst kind of self-justifying, dissembling, passive-aggressive mind games.

As for the past/present sophistry, I don't know ... maybe Rob exists within a kind of non-linear world where what he is seen doing in the present is not connected sequentially or consequentially to what he has been seen doing at other times because it is all outside of time. The Fordian Dreamtime.

You watched True Detective too, didn't you? ;)
As for the past/present sophistry, I don't know ... maybe Rob exists within a kind of non-linear world where what he is seen doing in the present is not connected sequentially or consequentially to what he has been seen doing at other times because it is all outside of time. The Fordian Dreamtime.

"Rob Ford: the mayor who won't even follow the dimensional rules of time," Toronto sports writer Bruce Arthur tweeted in one response to the gaffe.
Cue obese man on a small horse in blue face paint...

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