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Rob Ford's Toronto

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^^David Price.

Haha, thanks, I guess it looks like that. I am enthralled with the way this story is playing out. It's like watching the author writing a book or a movie being filmed. I believe this is a watershed moment for the media...these idiots will end up being done in by phones! I thought the first rule of teen aged drug-dealing was never talk on the phone. Yet, everything has probably bee n recorded since the beginning. The story is already written, I want the loose ends tied up.
Haha, thanks, I guess it looks like that. I am enthralled with the way this story is playing out. It's like watching the author writing a book or a movie being filmed. I believe this is a watershed moment for the media...these idiots will end up being done in by phones! I thought the first rule of teen aged drug-dealing was never talk on the phone. Yet, everything has probably bee n recorded since the beginning. The story is already written, I want the loose ends tied up.

People said, as far back as May, this was like a real life episode of The Wire.
The problem is that the participants are too dumb to have watched the show and learned from it. For the rest of us, it's all just head-scratching.
This past week, Rob Ford wanted to fly the Ukraine flag at half-mast (hours after Kelly suggested it). Today, the Ukraine parliament has voted, with a majority, to pass a special resolution removing Yanukovych from office. Oops.

See link.

My understanding is that the motions were actually to lower the Canadian flag to half-mast in honour of protesters killed in Ukraine, a motion that passed. (The Canadian flag at Nathan Phillips Square is still flying half-mast last i checked for this reason.)

Kind of ironic that Ford went from falsely decrying the lowering of a Canadian flag to trying to get credit for being the first one to suggest lowering it.
Incidentally, going back to this post...

strongly disagree with this. i've almost never left the old city limits aside from travel out of the city. everything that a person like me finds interesting about toronto doesn't include those suburbs. the whole goofy history of toronto pre-y2k is a story of these neighborhoods sort of coming into their own and battling it out and the rest. appending a bunch of post-war autoburbs whose residents felt like they were torontonians for some reason just totally blew up this cool little dynamic.

Keep in mind that some of the esteemed cornerstones of the Spacing-esque realm of municipal discussion come from said suburbs--and have a more nuanced perspective as a result (Matt Blackett from Willowdale, Ed Keenan from Lawrence/Markham, etc)
Everything I've heard him say and seen him do suggests he's a nasty evil little man.

Actually, AFAIK Hudak's been a pretty good, savvy constituency politician--and apparently, he was quite congenial w/his onetime political-opposite neighbour, Peter Kormos, to the point where he "learned lessons" to that constituency-politics end. Unfortunately, such localized savvy didn't translate well to the provincial-leadership sphere.

And re the "family man" thing: one thing that hasn't been raised is that Tim Hudak is half of a "power couple" (Deb Hutton being one of Mike Harris's senior advisors)--in fact, one of the falser-note aspects of his 2011 campaign is that in how it tried to apply a "happy homemaker" veneer onto Deb...
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Socialism doesn't take your Jaguar and give it to some homeless man. It attempts to create an even base standard of living for everyone. Socialism inherently has no problems with people being rich; only people being rich at the expense of others. Such as say, the massive growth in the wealth of the 1%, but declining income and equity levels of the lower and middle classes.

Actually the massive growth in the wealth of the 1% and rising inequality in developed countries has nothing to do with exploitation of the lower and middle classes. It's a phenomenon that's happening in all developed countries, including those with socialist governments. And if you look at the *global* picture, the middle class is actually doing better than the 1%. It's only people in the 75-85% range, as well as the bottom 1-2% that are getting poorer.

What's happening is simply that people not in high end professional jobs the first world are having their jobs taken by cheaper workers in 2nd/3rd world countries. You can see it in this graph:
This past week, Rob Ford wanted to fly the Ukraine flag at half-mast (hours after Kelly suggested it). Today, the Ukraine parliament has voted, with a majority, to pass a special resolution removing Yanukovych from office. Oops.

See link.

im missing something. why 'oops'? fact, one of the falser-note aspects of his 2011 campaign is that in how it tried to apply a "happy homemaker" veneer onto Deb...

Good luck with that.

The Harris visigoths were bad enough ("Hey, you know what would really rub their noses in it? Let's make a car dealer minister of transportation! *Hearty Guffaws all 'round* Wait, wait, I'm not finished. Let's make Snobelen minister of education. He's a high school dropout!" *All vikings raise goblets in raucous cheer*). And Harris and Co. get every lick of blame they deserve for the sorry state of our current municipal malaise. But Hudak is a true believer of all of it. He'd be 7-fold worse. Lord help us all if Ontarians hand him the reins. This city will suffer even more mightily.
You seem not to have been paying attention. ( Hint: The Ukrainians can get rid of a thuggish President through a parliamentary vote, Toronto Council cannot get rid of a thuggish mayor.)

It's curious that you would accuse me of paying insufficient attention, since you're response is only tangentially related to the OP, or my reply to it..
But the description of what happened isn't accurate, including why it was decided to lower the Canadian flag to half mast. It was to recognize the people who died on the streets.

This is the description, from the City of Toronto meeting agenda:

Lowering the Canadian flag to half mast in Nathan Phillips Square - Recognition of loss of life in the City of Kyiv, Ukraine - by Deputy Mayor Norman Kelly, seconded by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby
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Good luck with that.

The Harris visigoths were bad enough ("Hey, you know what would really rub their noses in it? Let's make a car dealer minister of transportation! *Hearty Guffaws all 'round* Wait, wait, I'm not finished. Let's make Snobelen minister of education. He's a high school dropout!" *All vikings raise goblets in raucous cheer*). And Harris and Co. get every lick of blame they deserve for the sorry state of our current municipal malaise. But Hudak is a true believer of all of it. He'd be 7-fold worse. Lord help us all if Ontarians hand him the reins. This city will suffer even more mightily.

I don't trust the rest of Ontario not to screw us over...
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