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Rob Ford's Toronto

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This has been bugging me for a long time. Doug claims to have built up the US business for Deco. But seeing what he's like and how he operates in the last few years, I really have a problem to see how. Maybe there is a whole different side of him but I doubt that too. Tigers can't change their stripes, or however the saying goes!

In Crazytown, Robyn Doolittle said that once Doug took over operations from his father, he grew the business dramatically - I assume she didn't attribute that strictly to Doug. (I think she interviewed two former Deco executives, but she doesn't source where she got 250 current worldwide employees - just that there were 45 employees when Doug moved to the US.)

I've read other articles that state that Doug, when not in beast mode, is quite charming and gregarious (in particular, I remember mention of Doug being regular smoking buddies with Gord Perks, highlighting his ability to separate the political from the social).

Doug reminds me a bit of my last boss - both entrepreneurs. (I know a lot of UT folks bristle at this characterization of Doug. Yes, Doug did start with a profitable business handed to him by his father, but his father didn't increase the workforce by a factor of four - Doug did, by building that side of the business.) A successful entrepreneur has a vision, and drives until he reaches that vision. They're loathe to admit failure, and they describe small successes in grandiose ways, all in order to keep moving toward the vision. And a lot of time, a really driven entrepreneur just misses some of the human touches on occasion (fortunately, those misses also come back to bite those same driven people in the end).

But pure entrepreneurs often have a hard time when they're not the guy in all facets of their businesses. My entrepreneur was nowhere near as successful as he should have been - he could not accept that his engineer / product developers were the best at developing the details of our product, nor could he accept that his accountants / finance staff were the best at developing tax and business processes, nor could he accept that his sales & marketing staff were the best at developing the details of the marketing plans, and ultimately cost himself and the company millions of dollars. As per Crazytown, Doug had the same sort of issues with the 2010 election strategy and the post-election operation of the Mayor's Office - as a result, Kouvalis, Batra and a host of other smart people left, and a bunch of others hung in despite their disagreements with Doug. I know that many in UT disagree violently with the early Ford activities - imagine if the early staff, with their abilities to sway centrist councillors pre-Doug, had stayed around longer!

Doug is likely pretty successful as a lone wolf, or as a leader of small number of managers. He's likely a good sales person with a simple, targeted product. That would work really well in a small / medium size business like Deco, and whatever his earlier pursuits were.

But his life in public is very different from his plain Deco life. He likely does still have a lot of responsibility with Deco, no matter how trusted the remaining management is - Deco is still one of the main drivers of the lifestyle for the whole family (Diane, Randy, Kathy & her kids, Doug & his family, and Rob & his family), and based on the issues of the rest of the siblings, the whole thing falls on Doug. He has neither a small group to lead at City Hall (as Rob's proxy, he would have needed to lead 43 other councillors), nor a simple, targeted product (transit! waterfront! hundreds of City services! libraries! too many to list!) And, he has to babysit the only sibling left with a tiny chance of success in life. The pressure, and the prospect of public failure (and that prospect is growing every day, as Rob screws up another thing), would make Doug less friendly and more irritable with every interaction.

It's said that Doug really wants to be in politics. I think the entrepreneur in him works against his success, and definitely Rob makes it more difficult. Others would just pack it in - I don't think Doug can do that, and it's going to get tougher for him as time goes on.
Seems weird to think of Doug as a smoker (Perks too, actually) given the whole health obsession in his family. Wikipedia says he's a vegetarian too - not sure I buy that.
Pretty sure it was Z103.5 DJ Tony Monaco's birthday party at the club. Apparently they've been friends for many years and they played high school football together.

Agree. Calling most there "douchebags" is quite unfair and uncalled for.

The 45-50+ yr. old Ford Bros. hanging with far younger at late night clubs is strange though.

Party on RoFo.!!! A sad state to see.

Come on, guys, look a little past the botox and the tans. Monaco's not a hip new DJ the kids are rushing out to see. It's a club so there will always be a percentage of young people, but not everyone in those pics is as young as they're pretending to be.
I agree, it's the only way to kill the beast:

"It doesn’t matter who. The city is looking for a champion. Vision and policies are not enough this time around. Toronto needs someone who will take down Rob Ford, make him pay for what he has done to the city’s morale, and hang his failings around his head like a necklace.That is what is going to define this election. That’s the zeitgeist of the moment. Over time, voters will become cheered up as they perceive an electoral humiliation in the making.
As to who will actually win, like I said, at this point it’s Chow’s for the taking. But win or lose, the real winner in the minds of everyone will be the one who makes Rob Ford pay for what he has done to this city."
i don't think this has been mentioned yet...

Complaints about city services spike
Rob Ford threatens "pink slips" for employees, but critics say his budget cuts have left city woefully understaffed

Because the report is based solely on public complaints to her office, Crean stressed that she could not determine whether the public service as a whole is getting worse. But she did make note that the city is more than 2,540 employees short of its council-approved staff complement, meaning employees are "doing more work with fewer resources,†leaving them “stretched and stressed.â€
can they go on strike?
Daniel Stein rocks.

I was wondering... If the 'potentially impending' criminal charges against Ford have to do with inappropriate awarding of contracts, does that mean the subway deal might be nullified and the whole transit issue revisited? Or am i just lying to myself in my head?
Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 4m

Ford publicly discussed a confidential meeting he wasn't at, claiming (possibly wrongly) that Maria Augimeri was lone vote to fire Jones.
Public warning for bar and restaurant owners in Ottawa: Rob Ford will be attending the big city mayors' meeting in your city Feb. 26th. Be on the lookout for a belligerent alcoholic who will enter your establishment on the pretense of drinking only bottled water. He will be patient as he waits for last call and remain until other patrons have left the building. Once the premises empty, he will demand to be served. If you value your liquor license, please ignore the mayor of Toronto.
Daniel Stein rocks.

I was wondering... If the 'potentially impending' criminal charges against Ford have to do with inappropriate awarding of contracts, does that mean the subway deal might be nullified and the whole transit issue revisited? Or am i just lying to myself in my head?

Daniel Stein does rock. I don't think any contracts have been awarded for the subway, so our only chance looks like Soknacki. So far.
Public warning for bar and restaurant owners in Ottawa: Rob Ford will be attending the big city mayors' meeting in your city Feb. 26th. Be on the lookout for a belligerent alcoholic who will enter your establishment on the pretense of drinking only bottled water. He will be patient as he waits for last call and remain until other patrons have left the building. Once the premises empty, he will demand to be served. If you value your liquor license, please ignore the mayor of Toronto.

Why is that dimwit Ford going? That's Norm Kelly's job.
Public warning for bar and restaurant owners in Ottawa: Rob Ford will be attending the big city mayors' meeting in your city Feb. 26th. Be on the lookout for a belligerent alcoholic who will enter your establishment on the pretense of drinking only bottled water. He will be patient as he waits for last call and remain until other patrons have left the building. Once the premises empty, he will demand to be served. If you value your liquor license, please ignore the mayor of Toronto.

and don't let him lock himself in your staff washroom!
From Enzo Di Matteo's latest editorial on Ford in this week's Now (which was mentioned a few pages back):

Ford warned us that the upcoming election campaign would be ugly. All I can say is, it’s about time we lost our illusions about his being some benign oaf.

Did all that many people really suffer from this particular delusion? Yeah, I know there were some, and not all of them were from RoFo's fanbase. Far too many on the left have stupidly bent over backwards to accommodate Ford, in the interests of "fairness" and "civility," well past the point where he deserved any such benefit of a doubt. Typical self-defeating Canadian 'progressives' determined to stick to non-existent Marquis of Queensbury rules when confronted by a street thug playing the worst kind of political hardball. A sadly familiar story, honestly. But many of us recognized Ford as being a malicious, vindictive bastard right from the get-go; I certainly knew he was bad news from the first moment I ever set eyes on him, and I'm nothing special. And for Ford's rabid fan boys, the bullyboy thug behavior was (and still is) part of the appeal.

I won’t call the mayor an idiot, because I don’t believe him to be a stupid person even though he has certainly said and done some idiotic things. But here’s the thing: most people haven’t attributed those things to malice, just ignorance: maybe he just didn’t know any better.

I get the seeming discrepancy here, but the fact is that stupidity and slyness aren't the same thing at all. I've met various people in my own life who were none too bright (to put it kindly), but who had excellent self-preservation skills. If anything, their lack of intelligence was an advantage when it came to less-than ideal behavior; silly little things like morals or ethics didn't tend to give them much pause. They could basically justify doing whatever they damn well pleased as long as they got what they wanted. And none of these twits were anywhere near as ruthless or shameless as the Ford brothers.

The fact is, Ford is more calculating than people wanted to believe. A more seasoned bullshitter you’ll never meet.

I have no hesitation whatever in saying Ford is stupid. But he has a certain amount of low born animal cunning that's served him well, combined with his lack of shame, utter ruthlessness, and his privileged background. He may be a dimbulb, but he has a demagogue's instinctive grasp on how to appeal to the debased egos of his supporters. In the American political system, creeps like Ford are a dime a dozen, and they seem to be gaining momentum here, if Mammoliti, the Fords and this Sotiropoulos cretin are anything to go by.
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