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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I found this from November 2012 -;wap2

"I saw Rob Ford at the Northern vs Tech game and you could just see it in his eyes...he knows his "dirty birds" from etobicoke don't have the discipline or playbook to compete with NSS..."


"This Thursday we will see what happens when a dirty bird runs in to a Big Red Machine....Lights out Bosco"

Thee Don Bosco aka Dirtybirdz;wap2
I don't think either of them has any knowledge of the investigation. Boddy is HR management, according to this Twitter profile.

If an arrest of this scale could be imminent, it might make sense for the TPS to dial in their PR wing to what is coming down the pipe.
If hizzonor has the "connections" to have someone beaten inside prison, what can he have done to someone in public.....oh say at a hypothetical club/ lounge. Let's call it...... Loki lounge!!!!

As I said earlier.....Tony Soprano running a crew of enforcers and dealers!

Hope this cracks this case wide open!
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I said HR. Human Resources.

he's staff sgt.

Police forces across Canada also use the rank of sergeant and staff sergeant for senior non-commissioned officers above the rank of constable or corporal. Except in the province of Quebec and in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the insignia for a police sergeant is a three chevrons, worn point down. Staff sergeants rank above sergeants and are responsible for a unit or team within a station or division.
it could be a PR thing...

Chris Boddy has spent 23 years “serving and protecting” his community as a member of the Toronto Police Service. Currently, Chris is the Staff Sergeant in the role of Executive Officer for Deputy Chief Mike Federico of Corporate Command. Corporate Command is comprised of 17 units including Human Resources, Employment, Corporate Communications and the Police College. As Executive Officer, Chrisassists the Deputy Chief in the day-to-day command business, overseeing budget, operations, and communications to the public.

You-know-who would want to go to the aisle on the left.
Summary on Kathy Ford, as told by Rob Ford himself in April 2010:

He talks about his sister, complaining, “the media never got it straight.â€

How’s this for an explanation: “The killer wasn’t her ex-husband, it was an old boyfriend.â€

As Ford tells it, Kathy Ford’s first boyfriend was Mike, before she married Jeff and had a daughter. After divorcing Jeff, she lived six years with Ennio, bearing a son. She left Ennio and went back to Mike, and they rented a cottage up north.

Ford: In 1998, “from what I was told (by the kids), Ennio knocked on the cottage door and Mike answered it and Ennio shot him in the head†with a sawed-off shotgun. Charges were laid; Ennio went to prison for manslaughter.

In 2005, Ford says someone else “shot the top of her head off.†Press reports suggest it was an accident; two men were charged with firearms-related offences.

She’s functioning well, he says, living with her two children and on methadone for her heroin addiction.

“Bizarre, yeah, it’s really bizarre,†he says. “We all backed Kathy 100 percent; maybe what she was doing was wrong, but you don’t just throw people out into the street for doing the wrong stuff.â€

Mike is Mike Kiklas
Ennio is Ennio Stirpe
the 2005 "someone else" is Scott MacIntyre

I don't know who is the "Jeff" she had a daughter with? :confused:

Also an interview with MacIntyre a week after the Jan 2012 incident:

Kathy got back together with him after the shooting-in-the-face incident!?!
In 2005, he found himself back in police custody after Ms. Ford was shot in the face at her parents’ home in Etobicoke, where the mayor hosts his annual summer barbecue.

She was rushed to hospital. Mr. MacIntyre and another man were arrested shortly after and charged with a variety of gun offences plus the theft of Ms. Ford’s mother’s Jaguar. All of the charges against Mr. MacIntyre were later withdrawn by the Crown’s office. The other man was convicted of possession of a handgun.

Ms. Ford, who has had a long struggle with drug addiction, was back with Mr. MacIntyre three years after she was shot at her parents’ home.

In 2008, the couple were arrested in Vaughan and accused of stealing licence plates, as well as possessing stolen baby formula, razor blades and tools for the purpose of executing break-ins. All charges against Mr. MacIntyre were withdrawn. Ms. Ford was sentenced to 15 days in jail after she pleaded guilty to stealing the licence plates and possessing the stolen baby formula.

Mr. MacIntyre said Thursday that in recent years he’d been getting his life back on track and had been working.

About two weeks ago, he said, he began staying in a Toronto-area hotel after he and Ms. Ford split.

also funny -- from the Globe's drug-dealing story, May 2013:

(In a brief interview with CBC after the alleged death threat, Doug Ford said: “To be honest with you, I really don’t know Scott MacIntyre.†Photographs and video taken on the night of the 2010 election show that Mr. MacIntyre was part of the small group of family members celebrating with the new mayor, his wife, Renata, and Doug.)

oh, Doug.... :rolleyes:
for now. Who knows what will come down the pipe next?

"Crazy Town" next Monday. Perhaps there may be some details in Doolittle's book that can tie this latest mess together a little better.
Well, this would explain why hotmail lawyer ran to Ford's office yesterday... and we saw this coming.

Rob Ford behind jailhouse beating, lawsuit claims

Toronto's mayor accused in lawsuit of conspiring to have former friend beaten.

By: Kevin Donovan, Rachel Mendleson, Betsy Powell, Published on Wed Jan 29 2014

To keep secret his habit of doing drugs and hanging out with gang members, Mayor Rob Ford conspired to silence a former family friend with threats and a brutal jailhouse beating, according to unproven allegations contained in a $3.6-million lawsuit the former friend has filed in court.
Is "85" the new euphemism that makes it acceptably fashionable and hip for the WQW crowd to mock and hate on victims? It speaks huge volumes about the man—despite his imperfections, despite the heaps of scorn and ridicule he receives about his weight—that he's stood tall, battled back and marched on like a good solider to overcome, lead and succeed.

Here's a human being who has learned to rise above hate; Potshots from each and every Doug, Dick, and Harry armchair critic on UT be damned. Fortunately he doesn't answer to UT. He understands his duties and responsibilities and that's answering to the taxpayers. To that end he accomplishes more for the taxpayers with one bottle than all of the UT hipsters could ever dream of in a lifetime of living in subsidized housing.

This is the 21st century; Normal men are allowed to be friends with other normal men. To suggest otherwise—and I don't want to use the s and m-words lightly but—reeks of sexism and misandry. Intolerance of opposing viewpoints and lifestyles is a common UT trope but this was a new low even for this place. It's a blatant double standard. I guarantee if Dave Souvlaki were the mayor you would never have anyone here accusing him of taking hand jobs from his friend Magic Mike. Bunch of hypocrites.

He's going to keep moving forward to build an inclusive Toronto for each and every taxpayer and leave the dirt to the trolls that get off on persecuting others over personal and political beliefs. You can disagree with his beliefs and lifestyle but the vicious name-calling and ad hominem attacks are uncalled for. No one can agree all the time—that is why we have debates—but there needs to be decorum.

Show some decency and respect instead of trying to run him out of town like you're doing (again) with Gehry. These men try to inspire Toronto and in return they are subjected to bohemian witch hunts and threatened with public lynchings.

If these men are forced to walk the Trail of Tears—like so many great Canadians before them—to find a place where their talents are recognized and appreciated, you can kiss goodbye to the dreams of being world class. It will be Toronto's loss.

Since I brought up the "85" thing I just want to respond with a very sincere "ha ha."
The idea that Ford and Gehry have anything in common is almost as absurd as the notion Ford is a victim, though you and Doug both see parallels with Jesus, I gather. A man who is brought to justice for misdeeds is not a victim; especially when he has lied, threatened and slandered others and possibly even had people physically hurt.

Fact is, Ford is not a smart guy and he obviously has legitimate psychological issues, the most obvious of which is alcoholism. Nobody here (at least not me!) has a problem with him hanging out with men. But I think most of us find it disconcerting that a substantial perecentage of the men he hangs out with are criminals. Rob Ford is not a "normal" man and neither are Sandro or Payman or the crack dealers. If that's your "normal" you've made my case more easily than I possibly could. Maybe your "normal," like rob's, includes regular blackouts, public inebriation, lies, consorting with gang members and then purchasing and partaking in hard drugs with them...all while leading one of the biggest cities on the continent. Mine, I'm proud to say, does not.

(And let's not even get into his apparently abnormal relations with women, like Renata and his 24-year old friend, Alana.)

Rob Ford hasn't risen above anything in his life. He has coasted upon the limited gifts given to him with virtually no individual achievment or distinction except as a shit disturber. Indeed, rather than rise, he has lowered and debased the entire civil discourse in this city. Your "Trail of Tears" reference is so absurd (and arguably racist) I'll chock it up to what is obviously a larger disconnect from reality. How anyone can watch this continual tidal wave of evidence regarding what kind of person Ford is and think he is either a visionary artist (like Gehry), a good leader, someone who knows Thing One about "fiscal responsibility," that he is a victim on par with First Nations or Jesus Christ or even that he's a "normal human being," is just way beyond my comprehension. I hope the tax dollars you think he is saving you is worth the damage you are causing him by leaving him drowning in the spotlight like this instead of getting help, like most of us at UT (you know, the people he doesn't answer too; I guess we're not "taxpayers"?") would like to see.
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