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Rob Ford's Toronto

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What I find so surprising is how strongly he defended Ford and how badly informed he was. This is a guy who seems very concerned with lower taxes, yet he wants more subways built in Scarborough. When I asked him if he knows the cost difference in building subways, LRT and streetcar, he said the cost was about the same for all three. (which of course, we all know is wrong)..

That just makes me sad. Seriously, how can people not see that subways would cost significantly more

With people like this voting it's no surprise Ford got elected.

Unfortunately your incident isn't unusual. I know several otherwise intelligent people who still support Ford. Sometimes it's hard to keep cool while talking sense into them.
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How so? Lisi is not on trial for meeting with Ford and exchanging packages. Or drinking in a park. He's on trial for selling drugs to a drycleaner. Ford was not involved in this at all. If Lisi pleads guilty, there is no "evidence" because there is no trial. A guilty plea does not somehow give a stamp of authenticity to the police surveillance document. Lisi might be required to admit he sold the drugs or used extortion to get the video but that's all.

And if Lisi goes to trial, how would he "incriminate" Ford? His interaction with Ford has nothing to do with the current charges against him. It is irrelevant to the trial. It simply was used to get a search warrant (and, quite likely, expose some of the mayor's erratic and possibly criminal behaviour to public scrutiny).

ISTM that there is a lot of wild speculation going on (understandably, given the wild events of the past 8 months) and people are mistakenly assuming that a trial would bring up evidence about Ford and that a non-trial would change the status of the police document from allegations to fact. Neither is true. This is Lisi's trial on narrow charges. He has NOT been charged with drunk driving, peeing in a parking lot, taking drugs, selling drugs to the mayor, showing up drunk in public, etc., etc. The allegations by the police respecting these matters will not be "proven in court" because they will not be brought up as part of the evidence against Lisi's drug dealing in the strip mall nor the extortion respecting the video.

The video may not even be made public at the trial. That's a call for the prosecutor. He/she must prove only that Lisi used extortion/threats to attempt to recovery "a video". The content of the video may not be particularly necessary to reveal to prove extortion. And even if the video is shown, hasn't it already done whatever damage to Ford's repuatation that it's going to do? The video of Ford ranting came and went pretty quickly from the public eye. The sorry truth of the Ford saga is that there are so many shameful, volatile, stupid things he's done that the shock value has worn off.

Unless Lisi helps the police in its investigation of Ford or the police finally uncover sufficient evidence to charge Ford, Lisi's trial/guilty plea will be a big yawn.

He was also brought in on extortion charges...
That's how I read it. As soon as everyone hears he's at a club, they want to know if he was caught drinking.
If nobody saw him drink (and I haven't heard anybody who did), he and Doug can say, "Look, he's cured!" I thought Jim Coyle's amazing essay about alcoholism a couple of weeks ago in The Star did a good job addressing how an addict can (as Ford has), quit cold turkey for a while without actually solving anything. But people looking for an excuse to support him will definitely point to Saturday night as proof he's totally on the wagon. And losing weight, too!

EDITED: Because I should have read this first...

There you go. Also, "The Bieber"?

Doug is trying to play this off like it was campaigning---if not a planned appearance then at least Rob getting out among "the people." Some are saying they didn't see him drink anything, but based on his past behaviour, that is utterly immaterial. More importantly, consider the two red flags here: 1) no handlers 2) no magnets.
Doug is trying to play this off like it was campaigning---if not a planned appearance then at least Rob getting out among "the people." Some are saying they didn't see him drink anything, but based on his past behaviour, that is utterly immaterial. More importantly, consider the two red flags here: 1) no handlers 2) no magnets.

He did go to a planned appearance for a dance thing earlier. Showing up at the club didn't seem to be 'planned', since the Muzik owners posted it in a surprised way. But maybe it was a business thing, to take about their application.
I'm following Don Peat and Daniel Dale's tweets and getting angry all over again. Ford is acting like a total asshole at council. Again.
Wow councillors fill out expense reports using pen and paper. What century do they think it is down at city hall?
Ford got up to speak, councillors started challenging his hypocrisy (e.g. he said Toronto would be the first to send emergency help anywhere that asked, and he was asked about particular situations that he was against), Ford started attacking (councillors weren't doing anything during the ice storm because he didn't see them), and so on. Permutations on the usual.
I'm seeing some comments on social media along the lines of "since Alex Rodriguez was banned from baseball for a year for drug use, why can't Mayor Ford also be banned"?
Ford got up to speak, councillors started challenging his hypocrisy (e.g. he said Toronto would be the first to send emergency help anywhere that asked, and he was asked about particular situations that he was against), Ford started attacking (councillors weren't doing anything during the ice storm because he didn't see them), and so on. Permutations on the usual.

That's like saying that because one didn't see a spot check when you drove your car on New Year's Eve, there weren't any spot checks happening then. Toronto is a big city.

I didn't lose power nor did the trees come down on my street. That does not mean that there were problems (and councillors) elsewhere.

What does Rob want? A council meeting to gather around a tree that fell down? That is not doing council's work.
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I'm seeing some comments on social media along the lines of "since Alex Rodriguez was banned from baseball for a year for drug use, why can't Mayor Ford also be banned"?

NEW YORK (AP) — Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has been suspended for the entire 2014 Major League Baseball season, including the playoffs, for the use of recreational drugs. The punishment, announced by MLB commissioner Bud Selig today, is the most severe in the history of baseball's drug agreement.

"I am saddened by Mr. Ford's admission on November 5th," Mr. Selig said in a statement issued Monday. "Under our current drug program, if you are caught using drugs, you will be punished. Since 2005, every player who has tested positive has been suspended for as much as 50 games." Mr. Ford is not currently under contract, nor has he ever played in the league, but Mr. Selig vowed to "leave no stone unturned" in tracking down offenders.

Mr. Ford reacted during an impromptu press scrum, claiming "That motherf***er! I have never, ever, ever tested positive in a MLB drug test. If Selig is so perfect, I invite him to take the test himself and I'll even pay for it." The Mayor walked away miming a baseball bat swing and yelling over his shoulder, "any time, buddy, any time! Hell, you know what, f*** it, go Argos go!"

Mr. Ford's lawyer, Dennis Morris, only responded to e-mails with a novena from Mother Teresa, requesting that the message be forwarded to 20 people within 48 hours.
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