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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Ford has been looking good in the past 2 or 3 weeks. There's good (and consistent) colour in his face, no "red face" days - I think he's really off the junk & booze. Sadly some addicts relapse, and we know how little self control he has.
If he is truly off the stuff, it would make me doubt the rumoured extent of his usual usage. I'd be amazed if someone like that could could go cold turkey in such a short period of time without a complete meltdown. FFS, I can't miss two days of Effexor without turning into a total basket case from the withdrawal symptoms.
If he is truly off the stuff, it would make me doubt the rumoured extent of his usual usage. I'd be amazed if someone like that could could go cold turkey in such a short period of time without a complete meltdown. FFS, I can't miss two days of Effexor without turning into a total basket case from the withdrawal symptoms.

But you take Effexor daily and it causes significant changes in brain functioning as well as treating underlying health problems. You can't be a daily user of alcohol (heavy use), opiates, benzos, amphetamines, cocaine, most psychiatric meds & other prescription meds without experiencing physical and psychological withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms that are probably so uncomfortable that it would be difficult to work and maintain healthy interpersonal relations for at least 4 weeks.

Rob might be a binge user of multiple substances. He could still be an addict. But he might not experience physical withdrawal symptoms. It's highly likely that he's psychologically addicted, will relapse and binge again. Especially because he is in complete denial and isn't receiving medical treatment.

That's just one possibility. But has there been a significant change in his behaviour? I don't think so based on yesterday's shenanigans. That sort of behaviour is frequently the result of substance use or severe mental/chronic illness.
Ford hasn't changed. He's playing like he has changed and doing it well enough that people are thinking he has changed. He has all of the sudden gotten jesus (right!) and he's having a few protein shakes and working out (right!). He's issued a glaring non-apology and wasn't it just yesterday that he started talking and taunting someone like a 4 year old? How often does he has to say sorry, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry sorry, sorry..wasn't that what he said? The man is a complete juvenile fool.

Every time this psychotic low rent bastard gets himself into a spot he gets right back out again, all the while displaying the impulse control and social grace of a 5 year old, and the Ford Nation types lap it right up. I get the feeling sfa is going to happen to the worst mayor Canada has ever had. We are stuck with this hillbilly and his foolish thug brother Doug.

It is incredibly frustrating to know that we have an uncontrollable man child still running things. One who has made a shit ton of bad decisions and who has the temerity to mock everyone who calls him on them.

We are screwed. He is going no where. The bar has been set so low at this point anything this clown does is okay.

Sorry but I am very frustrated and feel pretty helpless at this point. I have no faith left in our system. At all.
Heard a couple of interesting things tonight from my folks, who were discussing this with an old cop friend.

First, the tip-of-the-iceberg theme revisited; he claims that we haven't heard 90% of the dirt because of the need to protect informants. However, the case is still very much ongoing and Lisi rolling over is taken as a given.

Second, he says that RoFo actually owns a couple of these crack houses through a numbered corporation, and all the money is in the US.

Third, Rob is a serious drug user but has no actual role in selling or distributing.

I can't personally confirm any of this, of course, but the source is pretty legit. I'm happy to hear any interesting new info.

MetroMan, what is your take?
Heard a couple of interesting things tonight from my folks, who were discussing this with an old cop friend.

First, the tip-of-the-iceberg theme revisited; he claims that we haven't heard 90% of the dirt because of the need to protect informants. However, the case is still very much ongoing and Lisi rolling over is taken as a given.

Second, he says that RoFo actually owns a couple of these crack houses through a numbered corporation, and all the money is in the US.

Third, Rob is a serious drug user but has no actual role in selling or distributing.

I can't personally confirm any of this, of course, but the source is pretty legit. I'm happy to hear any interesting new info.

I think the Star has the other 80-90 percent and not releasing it because it may jeopardize the police opinion!

Kinda makes sense that super Mario bros know that the Star knows and that's why they attack that paper specifically. It's pre emptive damage control to discredit the Star.

I say go go Doolittle and Donovan:)
Ford hasn't changed. He's playing like he has changed and doing it well enough that people are thinking he has changed. He has all of the sudden gotten jesus (right!) and he's having a few protein shakes and working out (right!). He's issued a glaring non-apology and wasn't it just yesterday that he started talking and taunting someone like a 4 year old? How often does he has to say sorry, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry sorry, sorry..wasn't that what he said? The man is a complete juvenile fool.

Every time this psychotic low rent bastard gets himself into a spot he gets right back out again, all the while displaying the impulse control and social grace of a 5 year old, and the Ford Nation types lap it right up. I get the feeling sfa is going to happen to the worst mayor Canada has ever had. We are stuck with this hillbilly and his foolish thug brother Doug.

It is incredibly frustrating to know that we have an uncontrollable man child still running things. One who has made a shit ton of bad decisions and who has the temerity to mock everyone who calls him on them.

We are screwed. He is going no where. The bar has been set so low at this point anything this clown does is okay.

Sorry but I am very frustrated and feel pretty helpless at this point. I have no faith left in our system. At all.

Most of us here (and well beyond) have been feeling this to varying degrees. If there's anything positive to be found here it's that we could be only 8 months away from removing this fool and we can all rest assured that we have a relatively competent Deputy Mayor at the helm along with a very functional and powerful City Council keeping the city ticking away just fine.
I like your optimism, but I think you are overestimating people's intelligence and attention spans. The narrative is that the Star is "out to get him," and that Ford "apologized." That is all people know or care about, and unfortunately it is enough to stick.

And look, the Trollonto Scum is already back to supporting their man. That breakup was quick:

Mayor Rob Ford's apology the right thing to do, even though he didn't have to

The City Hall apology Toronto wants to hear

I'd refer back to that poll a few weeks ago that said that 60 per cent (give or take a few) would never vote for Ford under any circumstances. I doubt that any of those will suddenly at this point say "hey the Star is picking on him" and change their minds. The 20 to 25 percent die hard Ford Nationers won't be swayed either. The battle will be for the 15-20 percent in the middle. I think that the worst thing for the anti Ford camp is to back off and let Ford spout his "gravy train" rhetoric for ten more months. These 15-20 percent need to be reminded every few weeks that this guy is a liar and a criminal.
Ford is going to have a hard time getting re-elected. Would love to see what his competitors could do and say at candidate debates ("are you on crack sir?").
Ford is going to have a hard time getting re-elected. Would love to see what his competitors could do and say at candidate debates ("are you on crack sir?").

Actually, that's small beans compared to the question - how can you be the mayor, smoke crack, associate with criminals while discussing and making decisions on policies around policing and gang violence at the same time? And sorry, telling us that you support front line policing is meaningless - front line police officers are likely the ones dealing with drug dealing and gang violence in the first place.

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Actually, that's small beans compared to the question - how can you be the mayor, smoke crack, associate with criminals and discuss policy around policing and gang violence at the same time?


The past is the past, I can't change the past, actions speaks louder than words, I apologized, I'm moving on, I've lost weight, I've found God;)
A selection of gems from the Sun & NP comment boards on recent stories.

cc: Dale's lawyer

Sun comments: Sane Guy William Paul said:
Little danny dale IS a nobody. Trying desperately to be somebody.
Nobody heard his name before he started luring behind peoples' property eying little kids with bad intent.

Sun comments: Damn_the_Unions said:
You are right. "weird and strange" are the key words here. Well said.
What would Dale do or say if he had young children in the house and some stranger lurked in the dark behind his house? I wonder why he thinks Ford was implying "pedophile" ?

...and slightly more subtle (and therefore insidious):

NP comments: Guest said:
People can hate Ford all they like but he only said how he initially felt when his neighbour said someone was in the backyard lurking - what was going through his head at the time. Maybe the unknown person could be insinuated as a pedo/predator/stalker...but Ford later realized this to be Dale, a reporter and not a pedo. I don't see how Dale thinks he has a case. Ford's a simple man and he was re-iterating what was going through his head before finding out that the unknown person was Dale. Not after.

NP comments: walkingbear said:
He does not besmirch the guy. Nor did he use the p-phile word. That was the Star's contribution a day later. Makes you wonder what they know about Dale.

...and of course you can find thousands of similar comments.

I hope that the impact to Daniel Dale's life is minimal. Time will tell.
Rob might be a binge user of multiple substances. He could still be an addict. But he might not experience physical withdrawal symptoms. It's highly likely that he's psychologically addicted, will relapse and binge again. Especially because he is in complete denial and isn't receiving medical treatment.

I recall an interview a while back with one of Ford's insiders. I think it was Adrienne Batra. She said RoFo is quite sober and focused when he's busy with an issue. Apparently, that was the case during periods like the last election and the Sheppard subway fight. It's a different story when things slow down. He gets bored and binge-y, sometimes disappearing altogether.

Based on that, I believe RoFo isn't drinking these days. He's in the fight of his political life and has a lot to prove. It will be interesting to see what happens over the holidays (not that we'll actually see it). Wouldn't surprise me if he "rewards" himself for a few weeks off the bottle with a few drinks. He might not get hammered, but I also wouldn't be surprised if a few drinks over the holidays becomes permission to drink occasionally in the new year and, eventually, slip back into old habits. I'm not saying that will happen, but it's a risk, IMO.
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