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Rob Ford's Toronto

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The crack video and its contents are a non-issue as far as I'm concerned.

The context where it was taken, and the implications of the mayor of Toronto getting high with drug and firearms traffickers is scandalous, however.

The Fords are trying to make this about substance-abuse, and unfortunately they are succeeding.
I'm going to cut Ford some slack and say that I think he said "they're just fucking minorities" the way some people say "they're just fucking kids." It's the kind of thing that can be said in a tone of fondness or sympathy. And while Ford often uses the language of a racist, the company he keeps doesn't exactly suggest he has a problem with immigrants or minorities.

Calling Justin Trudeau a faggot, is less excusable, but I'm not sure that makes him homophobic either. It's a pretty common slight used against people, regardless of their sexual orientation. I'd probably be more upset about its use if Trudeau actually was gay (which I'm assuming he's not).

Agreed, but you're intelligent enough to separate text from subtext. Most people aren't. Think of those who will see the words screaming from a newspaper headline and not dig much deeper than that. How many times have politicians been destroyed by well-meaning comments that sounded bad in headline form?
I'm going to cut Ford some slack and say that I think he said "they're just fucking minorities" the way some people say "they're just fucking kids." It's the kind of thing that can be said in a tone of fondness or sympathy.

I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Never heard of that. Even if that was his intent, few if any would go easy on him because of it.

If you're going to be forgiving on that quote, better to say that perhaps he was trying to say "[some folks say that] they're just f---ing minorities, [but I don't agree]," and in his incoherent mumbling delivery the bracketed parts weren't heard clearly.
The crack video and its contents are a non-issue as far as I'm concerned.

The context where it was taken, and the implications of the mayor of Toronto getting high with drug and firearms traffickers is scandalous, however.

The Fords are trying to make this about substance-abuse, and unfortunately they are succeeding.

I don't think so - it might initially be the case, but the video from the Star yesterday pretty much put a nail in the "it's just an addiction" theory for most.

The crack video is on tour! It'll be making an appearance at the University Ave courthouse on Tuesday. Unclear if it'll be performing or signing autographs or just posing for photos. Stay tuned.
It's not terribly exciting but my councillor Ana Bailao finally addressed Ford's situation at city hall in an email just now.

Like many of you, I am both saddened and concerned to hear recent announcements from the Mayor.

I have serious concerns about the distraction this has caused from important City business, about the responsibilities of public office, and about Toronto's reputation. I am also greatly concerned for the man, and for his health and well-being.

But I can assure you that, despite the distraction, my priorities remain unchanged – to serve Ward 18 residents and champion the issues important to our community.

Councillors have been discussing this issue and, while we recognize our limited legal powers, we share common cause in seeing the business of the City move forward. At next week's City Council meeting, motions will be coming forward concerning governance at City Hall. I will be carefully reviewing these motions, and supporting those I feel put Toronto, and its residents, first.

Ultimately, City Council is about consensus and any one representative, including the mayor, remains only one vote. Good policies, and successful motions, are accomplished only through collaboration – as has always been the case. To this end, I will continue to work with my council colleagues on behalf of residents and our city.

I am well aware of the immense pressure that can exist between legal advice and personal reflection. This is a time to listen to friends and family, to staff and advisors; to listen to one's own heart and conscience and reflect on the reasons that first inspired you to run for office. I encourage the mayor to do this.

As I said last May, when early reports of the Mayor's situation emerged, I am confident of Council's support for the Mayor to take a leave of absence in which to deal with these issues, independent of the media spotlight and the significant demands of public office. I continue to stand by this message.


Ana Bailão

Toronto City Councillor
Ward 18, Davenport
if rofo takes time off, away from the city (florida), how will the popo have access to him?

think a few steps ahead, here!!
What this city needs is NOT a leader of a certain color/ethnic descent/sex - but one who is intelligent, visionary, diplomatic, co-operative, articulate, and of ethical conduct.

I disagree with the first part. I think it is unbelievable that a city as diverse as Toronto (and where the diversity is constantly used to promote the city -- see Florida's article today) has only had mayors who are white British-descendants and almost exclusively males.

There is an undercurrent of racism here that is very disturbing. Immigrants are tolerated as long as they keep their mouths shut and don't challenge the hegemony of the old ruling class.
Khattak's lawyer wants to see the video to be able to show that Khattak is not in the video. The Crown has argued that it is not to be evidence, but Nordheimer hasn't ruled that. I think that's why Nordeimer wants to see it.

Thanks for the clarification. Looks like it's coming to court on Tuesday.
I disagree with the first part. I think it is unbelievable that a city as diverse as Toronto (and where the diversity is constantly used to promote the city -- see Florida's article today) has only had mayors who are white British-descendants and almost exclusively males.

There is an undercurrent of racism here that is very disturbing. Immigrants are tolerated as long as they keep their mouths shut and don't challenge the hegemony of the old ruling class.
Nothing to do with racism. Please don't be an asshole and use that card without facts.
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