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Rob Ford's Toronto

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It's interesting talking to those who haven't voted before in Canada or didn't vote for RF last time: most of them say they're voting for RF in 2014 because he's so "normal." You know Joe Average: loves sports, drinks a lot, does recreational drugs, drives, lives in the 'burbs, etc. If he's still around in 2014 I predict--based on my chats with all these "normal" people--Rob Ford will easily win again.

The MSM elite forget one important thing: these "normal" people are in fact the majority in Canada.
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At the risk of bringing this thread back to it's pre-scandal level of discourse, Richard Florida has a very good article in today's Globe that, among other things, is a very intelligent rebuttal to those who think de-amalgamation is a solution problem. Personally, I think he's dead on...

I agree with Florida's take on de-amalgamation, but his analogies between NYC and Toronto are completely false, which in my mind discredits the whole article. (But I'm not surprised, I've never read anything by Florida that has really impressed me. I don't get why he gets so much attention).

Florida's claim that Ford "rose to power on the basis of the very same divide" than Bill de Blasio, the mayor-elect of New York, is completely absurd.

If you look at the map of Tuesday's election results, you can see that even though De Blasio won an incredible 73%!!! of the vote, his Republican opponent, Joe Lhota actually won in some parts of the city:
And these are precisely the kind of areas that can be compared to the areas where Rob Ford did well: Staten Island and North Eastern Queens and South Eastern Brooklyn are about the only parts of the city where you can find single-family homes and driveways with SUVs and people who want to drive to work and worry about customer parking. These issues just have no resonance for the rest of the population. Real New Yorkers don't drive. Period. They walk, or take the subway, or hail a cab.

Interestingly, Lhota also did well on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the wealthiest part of the city.
I guess the term "elites" could refer to those people, though I thought Florida preferred to use it to describe the intellectual class. (which overwhelmingly supported de Blasio)
But even so, this glosses over the fact that Bloomberg oversaw the building of a huge network of separated bikelines, for example, and DeBlasio is not about to undo that.
I win the bingo. Now Doug is claiming he wants Rob to take a couple of weeks. Rob won't listen. Yeah, right.
Anyone have an idea on when we can expect the ruling on the video(s) and wire tap details being released today? Trying to plan my day accordingly. :cool:
Does anyone know anything about DECO? We keep hearing that it's a "Successful" business... How successful? Are we talking millions per year in profits? What's the market size for vinyl labels? Who are their competition?

I find it hard to believe that such a niche business can support 5 families (Randy's, Doug's, Kathy's, Rob's and Dianne) all living in rather nice houses, driving fancy cars, and with obvious problems with drugs that usually eat up the funds of other users.

For the record, while I believe that Rob has smoked crack (he's told us so), I doubt he's a regular user of crack... It makes more sense that he's got a powder cocaine problem and will occasionally smoke crack when that's not available.

It seems to me that these folks are living a pretty high life (no pun intended this time, ok maybe a little). Is it possible that they're in some business beyond labels that Rob's position as mayor is crucial to? They seem pretty desperate to keep him in the Mayors chair.
But won't we have to wait until next week even if the judge says it is ok to release wiretap transcripts? Or am I off here?

From what I understand, I can't see anything being released today, even if a decision is made. Maybe Monday morning?
It's interesting talking to those who haven't voted before in Canada or didn't vote for RF last time: most of them say they're voting for RF in 2014 because he's so "normal." You know Joe Average: loves sports, drinks a lot, does recreational drugs, drives, lives in the 'burbs, etc. If he's still around in 2014 I predict--based on my chats with all these "normal" people--Rob Ford will easily win again.

The MSM elite forget one important thing: these "normal" people are in fact the majority in Canada.

Meets with a known drug dealer four times a week in the park when he's supposed to be at work, does a ton of coke, used crack in one of his drunken stupors. If this is the majority in Canada then god help us all.
I heard somewhere that today was the deadline for written submissions, that the 18th was reserved for oral if necessary. I guess a decision could come at any point, but given that, it would more likely be later I would think?
Doug thought LeDrew was wrong to interview his mom and sister, although the sister called him as I recall. After Doug left, Oakley tells us we should stop piling on Ford, played the "have we no sense of decency" line. Problem was, he didn't apply it to Ford.
From what I understand, I can't see anything being released today, even if a decision is made. Maybe Monday morning?

Media make their petitions to see the wiretaps today, then a decision comes later, maybe even after next week. We likely won't see them for a while.
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