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Rob Ford's Toronto

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My roommate works in the 'burbs where he has come to learn that many of his co-workers, younger people - mostly 20-40-somethings, will support Ford no matter what. He asks me not to re-post anything about Ford on his FB page because he's connected to some of them there, so of course I don't. Today one of his co-workers was by, a really sweet, smart woman of perhaps late 20's. Somehow we got onto politics, then to John Tory and I could see my roommate starting to fidget and get nervous. Her comment about how The Star ruthlessly goes after Rob Ford and how unfair that is got me going and I couldn't help myself, when I told her all the other national and local dailies were down on Ford she simply wouldn't accept that fact - it's all about the Toronto Star to her. I left it there because my roommate was beginning to have a panic attack and I like her, but it illustrated once again that even though she's admittedly luke-warm politically but overall "likes" Ford ("what other Mayor invites the whole city to a BBQ that he pays for"), there's no reasonable debate that can sway their opinions. Until a recording is released or he does something serious that finally winds him up in jail for more than three months, Ford Nation is truly alive and well.
Most people are too busy working or looking for work and trying to live their lives to follow the story closely enough to be able to put all the pieces together, the result is they only remember Ford's "I SAVED A GABILLION DOLLARS SOMEHOW" and "EVIL STAR COMMIENAZI PROPAGANDA SLUR CAMPAIGN!" repeated ad nauseam. You add in that "everybody's (poorly informed) opinion is valid!" crap everybody's been raised to accept as gospel truth along with an unhealthy lack of critical thinking skills and the unrelenting corperate propaganda machine aimed at the average suburbanite dolt, and you get the stubborn banality of Ford Nation.

It's one thing to behave a certain way and think certain things out of genuine ignorance, but it's quite another to bury one's head in the sand (or in Ford Nation's case, firmly up their asses) and proudly dismiss or gloss over obvious things that have happened recently which casts doubt on their privledged golden boy's character. I've seen 5th graders being hauled down to the office for setting off stink bombs in the girls' washroom comport themselves with more dignity and class than I've seen from either of the Ford boys during this entire sorry affair.

I really wonder what if anything would make these people admit to being wrong about anything (We've all already seen and heard premptive goalpost moving like "I don't care if he smoked crack/is a homophobe/is a racist/never held down a job that wasn't working for his daddy prior to buying his way into politics or selling hash with his brother! Ford did *nebulous good that is usually demonstrably untrue when pressed for clairification or missatributed to him* good for the city!") or reconsider their views.
Liberal leader Justin Trudeau (who Ford allegedly called a "fag" in the alleged crack video), NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Olivia Chow were among the leaders and politicians at yesterday's Pride Parade. Rob Ford, figurative leader of the city was, of course, absent.
And if you check out the hate-filled, bigoted comments on the sun that's just the way robbie nation likes it.
I wonder if either Ford has plans to be at World Pride next year, election results pending.

He is already infamous for his shenanigans and boondoggles in Toronto, but would he also have the guts to insult people internationally?
My roommate works in the 'burbs where he has come to learn that many of his co-workers, younger people - mostly 20-40-somethings, will support Ford no matter what. He asks me not to re-post anything about Ford on his FB page because he's connected to some of them there, so of course I don't.

I just find that sad, especially the fact that you have to tiptoe around the conversation. The man is a complete stranger to them, why continue supporting a homophobic bigot with a laundry list of scandals? If this guy was a family member I'd be distancing myself, let alone an elected official. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Then again, there's still people who support Chris Brown and said he's done no wrong.
My roommate works in the 'burbs where he has come to learn that many of his co-workers, younger people - mostly 20-40-somethings, will support Ford no matter what. He asks me not to re-post anything about Ford on his FB page because he's connected to some of them there, so of course I don't. Today one of his co-workers was by, a really sweet, smart woman of perhaps late 20's. Somehow we got onto politics, then to John Tory and I could see my roommate starting to fidget and get nervous. Her comment about how The Star ruthlessly goes after Rob Ford and how unfair that is got me going and I couldn't help myself, when I told her all the other national and local dailies were down on Ford she simply wouldn't accept that fact - it's all about the Toronto Star to her. I left it there because my roommate was beginning to have a panic attack and I like her, but it illustrated once again that even though she's admittedly luke-warm politically but overall "likes" Ford ("what other Mayor invites the whole city to a BBQ that he pays for"), there's no reasonable debate that can sway their opinions. Until a recording is released or he does something serious that finally winds him up in jail for more than three months, Ford Nation is truly alive and well.

Most people are too busy working or looking for work and trying to live their lives to follow the story closely enough to be able to put all the pieces together, the result is they only remember Ford's "I SAVED A GABILLION DOLLARS SOMEHOW" and "EVIL STAR COMMIENAZI PROPAGANDA SLUR CAMPAIGN!" repeated ad nauseam. You add in that "everybody's (poorly informed) opinion is valid!" crap everybody's been raised to accept as gospel truth along with an unhealthy lack of critical thinking skills and the unrelenting corperate propaganda machine aimed at the average suburbanite dolt, and you get the stubborn banality of Ford Nation.

It's one thing to behave a certain way and think certain things out of genuine ignorance, but it's quite another to bury one's head in the sand (or in Ford Nation's case, firmly up their asses) and proudly dismiss or gloss over obvious things that have happened recently which casts doubt on their privledged golden boy's character. I've seen 5th graders being hauled down to the office for setting off stink bombs in the girls' washroom comport themselves with more dignity and class than I've seen from either of the Ford boys during this entire sorry affair.

I really wonder what if anything would make these people admit to being wrong about anything (We've all already seen and heard premptive goalpost moving like "I don't care if he smoked crack/is a homophobe/is a racist/never held down a job that wasn't working for his daddy prior to buying his way into politics or selling hash with his brother! Ford did *nebulous good that is usually demonstrably untrue when pressed for clairification or missatributed to him* good for the city!") or reconsider their views.

There's no reasonable debate on either side, and ThinkRicky's post is pretty much proof of that. While there are plenty of people who support Ford for poor reasons, there are equally as many who dislike Ford for poor or imaginary reasons (homophobe, racist, he's fat, he's red, never had a job, runs a propaganda machine, etc, etc). Most of the criticism that gets flung at him is baseless or irrelevant: he's a homophobe because he said something statistically true, he's a vandalizer because he put magnets on cars, etc.

The reason people are so passionately blind in their support of Ford is the same reason people are so passionately blind in their hatred of Ford. He's a controversial figure, says exactly what he thinks and is the antithesis of both your average politician and politics in general.

If any of you honestly think that there isn't an equal amount of baseless blind hatred of the man as there is adoration, then you're probably just as blind as the Ford Nation supporters you lambast.

I'm not saying that anyone who dislikes Ford is unreasonable or blind. In particular, I like Edward Keenan's column in The Grid: he offers some thoughtful and nuanced criticisms of Ford. However, it bothers me whenever I see Ford Nation characterized as stupid by the same people whose criticism of him is "hes a fat homophobic racist facist bigot fat fuck!!!!"
Ppl forget that much of "Ford Nation" infact is made up of small (and medium and large) business people. I know one of the people that helped raise funds for his campaign--you'd be surprised who these people are. They continue to support him, not because who he is but rather who he represents--aka business class ppl.

Am I really fond of these biz class ppl? No.
There's no reasonable debate on either side, and ThinkRicky's post is pretty much proof of that. While there are plenty of people who support Ford for poor reasons, there are equally as many who dislike Ford for poor or imaginary reasons (homophobe, racist, he's fat, he's red, never had a job, runs a propaganda machine, etc, etc). Most of the criticism that gets flung at him is baseless or irrelevant: he's a homophobe because he said something statistically true, he's a vandalizer because he put magnets on cars, etc.

The reason people are so passionately blind in their support of Ford is the same reason people are so passionately blind in their hatred of Ford. He's a controversial figure, says exactly what he thinks and is the antithesis of both your average politician and politics in general.

If any of you honestly think that there isn't an equal amount of baseless blind hatred of the man as there is adoration, then you're probably just as blind as the Ford Nation supporters you lambast.

I'm not saying that anyone who dislikes Ford is unreasonable or blind. In particular, I like Edward Keenan's column in The Grid: he offers some thoughtful and nuanced criticisms of Ford. However, it bothers me whenever I see Ford Nation characterized as stupid by the same people whose criticism of him is "hes a fat homophobic racist facist bigot fat fuck!!!!"

-I don't recall seriously objecting to his size or weight, although I think the "he's a fat fuck" sentiment probably comes up so often because he looks exactly like the entitled richboy "businessman" fatcat that he is. The guy looks like a cartoon character and when combined with his rediculous behaviour for a mayor, it doesn't do much for his image.

-When the mayor of Toronto chooses to fuck off to his cottage (or whatever) instead of showing his face at Pride, it sends a message, and anybody with access to youtube knows he's made racist comments before. Oh, also:

“I don’t understand. Number one, I don’t understand a transgender. I don’t understand. Is it a guy dressed up like a girl, or a girl dressed up like a guy? And we’re funding this for – I don’t know, what does it say here – we’re giving them $3,210?†-On city funding for LGBTQ programs, June 14, 2005

“If you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn’t get AIDS probably. That’s the bottom line.... How are women getting it? Maybe they are sleeping with bisexual men.†-June 29, 2006

Maybe homophobe isn't the right word? I don't know. Stupid Insulting Ignorant Asshole at the very least, is surely still an accurate discriptor. These are unacceptable remarks for a public servant to be making in Canada in 2013. I don't mind telling you that I feel completely justified in looking down my nose at anyone dispicable enough to vote for a man that thinks and says things like that.

-I said that he's never held down a job that wasn't working for his rich politically connected daddy. I think that's worse than having never held down a job.

-I never said he runs a propaganda machine, although technically I suppose his radio show could qualify as propaganda since he uses it as a platform to bullshit as many people who are willing to listen as possible. I wonder if he still has his buddy Dave calling in, pretending to be a random supporter?

I'm really sorry, but Ford's transgressions have been a matter of public record for some time now and the interpretation of these events is not up for debate, unless one's goal is to dilberately obsfucate facts. The truth is not somewhere in the middle like an old episode of South Park, he is demonstrably a bigotted jackass who is unfit to hold political office. He got elected because he was born with and surrounded by enough money to throw at it, and because he said a lot of populist bullshit that amounts to jack squat but sounds good to anybody who has been effectively conditioned to be selfish, greedy and clueless by the prevailing culture. (Incidently, and while this is merely personal ancedote, I've never met a business owner who didn't fit in that catagory perfectly.)

Ford is not the antithesis of modern politics, he is it's perfect representative. Abrasive, loud, sensless, outright hostile to anyone not fortunate enough to be in the same class as he is, and propped up by monied interests in order to push their agenda at everyone else's expense.
There's no reasonable debate on either side, and ThinkRicky's post is pretty much proof of that. While there are plenty of people who support Ford for poor reasons, there are equally as many who dislike Ford for poor or imaginary reasons (homophobe, racist, he's fat, he's red, never had a job, runs a propaganda machine, etc, etc). Most of the criticism that gets flung at him is baseless or irrelevant: he's a homophobe because he said something statistically true, he's a vandalizer because he put magnets on cars, etc.

The reason people are so passionately blind in their support of Ford is the same reason people are so passionately blind in their hatred of Ford. He's a controversial figure, says exactly what he thinks and is the antithesis of both your average politician and politics in general.

If any of you honestly think that there isn't an equal amount of baseless blind hatred of the man as there is adoration, then you're probably just as blind as the Ford Nation supporters you lambast.

I'm not saying that anyone who dislikes Ford is unreasonable or blind. In particular, I like Edward Keenan's column in The Grid: he offers some thoughtful and nuanced criticisms of Ford. However, it bothers me whenever I see Ford Nation characterized as stupid by the same people whose criticism of him is "hes a fat homophobic racist facist bigot fat fuck!!!!"

I am very curious about how you can justify saying Ford isnt at the very least a homophobic.
Most peoples contributions to this thread range from reasoned disappointment to irrational rage and hatred directed towards Mayor Ford, mainly I think, because he is not only not like them but often diametrically opposed to their opinions on issues.

Those against whom they rail in their derision of “Ford Nation” are only more determined than ever to support the Mayor because they are not like those who are so much better informed and not shy about advertising their supposed superiority. Declaring people to be idiots is not a good recruiting strategy.

Mayor Ford's opponents would be well advised to call off the huff and puff and outrage to concentrate on recruiting a new candidate who shares their vision of the City of Toronto.

I voted for Mayor Ford and may do so again if a more qualified candidate doesn't surface, your task is not to vilify the Mayor but to replace him with a better candidate. Smitherman, Pantalone et al are not that candidate.
There's no reasonable debate on either side, and ThinkRicky's post is pretty much proof of that. While there are plenty of people who support Ford for poor reasons, there are equally as many who dislike Ford for poor or imaginary reasons (homophobe, racist, he's fat, he's red, never had a job, runs a propaganda machine, etc, etc). Most of the criticism that gets flung at him is baseless or irrelevant: he's a homophobe because he said something statistically true, he's a vandalizer because he put magnets on cars, etc.

The reason people are so passionately blind in their support of Ford is the same reason people are so passionately blind in their hatred of Ford. He's a controversial figure, says exactly what he thinks and is the antithesis of both your average politician and politics in general.

If any of you honestly think that there isn't an equal amount of baseless blind hatred of the man as there is adoration, then you're probably just as blind as the Ford Nation supporters you lambast.

I'm not saying that anyone who dislikes Ford is unreasonable or blind. In particular, I like Edward Keenan's column in The Grid: he offers some thoughtful and nuanced criticisms of Ford. However, it bothers me whenever I see Ford Nation characterized as stupid by the same people whose criticism of him is "hes a fat homophobic racist facist bigot fat fuck!!!!"

No, you are wrong. Rob is a homophobe because he revels in ignorance, he does not want to understand the LGBTQ community, and the reason? there are two. He leads with his personal religious beliefs, and he at least feels his voter base does also at the polls. This is not the only culture or topic Robbie, or Dougie for that matter, treats in this manner. The term "populist" is used to at least describe Robbie's style of government, I see it as an evangelistic event.

Partisan, re: party, politics is what causes people shouting at the top of their lungs to drown out their "mortal enemies". And centrists are "flip floppers" to both sides since they are the greatest opposition. Free thinking doesn't fall for the various rhetorics.

Both the Fords label people, etc. to use them to campaign; modern politics, tell people what the problem is, who is to blame, and does not do anything to solve the problem that may or not exist. The staffing situation at city hall is a perfect example of this, and also shows the Ford brothers paranoia. Dougie's "I know you are, but what am I." attitude is childish at best, and encouraged if not directly encouraged by Robbie.

Ppl forget that much of "Ford Nation" infact is made up of small (and medium and large) business people. I know one of the people that helped raise funds for his campaign--you'd be surprised who these people are. They continue to support him, not because who he is but rather who he represents--aka business class ppl.

Am I really fond of these biz class ppl? No.

That's the question, does a city serve businesses or the people who live in them.
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