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Rob Ford's Toronto

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As more and more pieces of the puzzle get revealed I am beginning to believe that Toronto Police have been actively covering up for Rob Ford.

How could Toronto Police not know that Ford was a frequent visitor to the crack den on Windsor Rd. ? This place had to be on their radar screen.

How come there were no press releases from Toronto Police regarding the armed home invasion two weeks ago? A search of their website and news reports turns up nothing. Is it normal to keep a crime like this hush-hush? No report of the home invasion and no description of suspects from Toronto Police. Did they make arrests already and if so why didn't the arrests make the news?

Has Rob Ford been interviewed by Toronto Police in connection to his ties to this drug den? We know from published reports that his staff have been interviewed by Police but what about Rob?
As more and more pieces of the puzzle get revealed I am beginning to believe that Toronto Police have been actively covering up for Rob Ford.

How could Toronto Police not know that Ford was a frequent visitor to the crack den on Windsor Rd. ? This place had to be on their radar screen.

How come there were no press releases from Toronto Police regarding the armed home invasion two weeks ago? A search of their website and news reports turns up nothing. Is it normal to keep a crime like this hush-hush? No report of the home invasion and no description of suspects from Toronto Police. Did they make arrests already and if so why didn't the arrests make the news?

Has Rob Ford been interviewed by Toronto Police in connection to his ties to this drug den? We know from published reports that his staff have been interviewed by Police but what about Rob?

I did not vote for Ford, nor would I. I just find it funny the voters in this town will probably vote him in again.

But I think there is A LOT that has happened, and happening, behind the scenes. He talked about the "gravy train" yet supported a massive raise in police pay (at a time when all levels of gov't are basically broke). I always questioned why he did it, and suspect why (maybe they knew certain things about him? ... maybe he knew he'd need them one day?).

This is why I'm certain whatever tape will never appear.
After the G20 I have no faith in TPS as a force for good in cases like these, but I don't know what their relationship with the Fords is like. Is it truly plausible that the police would cover for them?
After the G20 I have no faith in TPS as a force for good in cases like these, but I don't know what their relationship with the Fords is like. Is it truly plausible that the police would cover for them?

Police are so corrupt, even in Canada, that I don't put anything past them. The G20 debacle showed what sort of police we have in Toronto. The only thing they care about is their compensation and powers.... so if you have a mayor that gives them what they want, who knows what they'd do for that mayor. The fact he supported their actions during the G20 makes me sick... like I said never voted for him, never would.
After the G20 I have no faith in TPS as a force for good in cases like these, but I don't know what their relationship with the Fords is like. Is it truly plausible that the police would cover for them?
I don't have much faith in them either. I can see them covering up things for sure.
You just lost many of us by stating the Toronto Star is a tabloid.

She may not post "the" video, we'll see in 10 hours - but no one ever will? Says who exactly? Sources please.

It's a win/win if you say no one will ever see the video. If it doesn't turn up you can be smug and say "I told you so", and if it does, you get to say "I'm glad to be proven wrong".
I did not vote for Ford, nor would I. I just find it funny the voters in this town will probably vote him in again.

But I think there is A LOT that has happened, and happening, behind the scenes. He talked about the "gravy train" yet supported a massive raise in police pay (at a time when all levels of gov't are basically broke). I always questioned why he did it, and suspect why (maybe they knew certain things about him? ... maybe he knew he'd need them one day?).

This is why I'm certain whatever tape will never appear.

As someone who did vote for Ford I can say that I feel the same way. I was very disappointed when he gave the Police a huge raise and complete immunity from any budget cuts. I figured he was trying to stay in Bill Blair's good graces in case he got in trouble with the law and it looks like I was right.

For Bill Blair's part there is no way that he could not have known that the Mayor of Toronto was associating daily with drug dealers. The police like to keep close tabs on their political leaders as well as those in the media that have been critical of them. For example I was listening to Toronto SUN's Joe Warmington (who is often critical of TPS and Blair) last night on his Newstalk 1010 show and he mentions that often when he leaves the CFRB studios cops are waiting to follow him. It's a form of intimidation.

If in fact Rob Ford is a crack-head - and it certainly looks that way - something that people need to consider is that he got away with it for this long because we live in a corrupt police state.

I find it ironic that the Toronto STAR which has been after Rob Ford since he entered office has been one of the biggest supporters of Bill Blair even to this day ! You would think it would occur to the editors of the Star that the corrupt thug Bill Blair who they love so much is helping to keep Rob Ford out of trouble.
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The best thing would be for the media to totally ignore Ford. Organize behind good, solid, candidates and wait until the next election.

Many times giving too much attention to someone (even if it's meant to be negative) actually strengthens that person. It is the same with some of the extremist political parties in Europe. The more attention they get, the stronger they become. Best thing is to totally marginalize them.

My whole point has been that without the actual video, this story never should have broken. I think it's actually made Ford stronger. I personally do think a video of some sorts exists (although who knows what he may be smoking). But without this video it is nothing more than circumstantial evidence.

There are way better people capable of running Toronto.... people should be putting pressure on these people and organizing from now.
I say so. Reverse onus. I say the video does not exist. It is a serious allegation to say someone smokes crack. Prove to me it exists. Otherwise it is fiction.
Smoking crack is not an unusual thing. Lot's of people do it. If I have to choose between someone with a history of odd public behaviour smoking crack and a conspiracy theory, I'll tend to err on the side of the crack smoking.
As someone who did vote for Ford I can say that I feel the same way. I was very disappointed when he gave the Police a huge raise and complete immunity from any budget cuts. I figured he was trying to stay in Bill Blair's good graces in case he got in trouble with the law and it looks like I was right.

For Bill Blair's part there is no way that he could not have known that the Mayor of Toronto was associating daily with drug dealers. The police like to keep close tabs on their political leaders as well as those in the media that have been critical of them. For example I was listening to Toronto SUN's Joe Warmington last night on his Newstalk 1010 show and he mentions that often when he leaves the CFRB studios cops are waiting to follow him. It's a form of intimidation.

If in fact Rob Ford is a crack-head - and it certainly looks that way - something that people need to consider is that he got away with it for this long because we live in a corrupt police state.

I find it ironic that the Toronto STAR which has been after Rob Ford since he entered office has been one of the biggest supporters of Bill Blair even to this day ! You would think it would occur to the editors of the Star that the corrupt thug Bill Blair who they love so much is helping to keep Rob Ford out of trouble.

I just tried to respond to this and my post failed.

Anyway, if police are following and harassing Warmington, then it is a scandal. It is ridiculous.

The chief of police in Toronto make 350 or so thousand a year..... and the mayor kisses his ass, because they help each other. The Toronto police are a law unto themselves.
Smoking crack is not an unusual thing. Lot's of people do it. If I have to choose between someone with a history of odd public behaviour smoking crack and a conspiracy theory, I'll tend to err on the side of the crack smoking.

I would disagree. Smoking crack is highly unusual. Crack heads are some messed up individuals.

You still don't get it. This "crack scandal" has not damaged Rob Ford's support. If they had the actual video he's be done.... but they broke the story without the video... which did nothing to his support.

If people want him gone, they should start organizing, and lining up a capable person that can beat him in the next election. For God's sake his entire debating skill rests on a single phrase ("stopping the gravy train").

Let's find a good candidate (Smitherman is not a good candidate) and take him out in the next election. He isn't going anywhere until then. He has the police on his side and a core group of die hards. Stop wasting time on this latest scandal and start organizing to get a good mayor in there.
I just tried to respond to this and my post failed.

Anyway, if police are following and harassing Warmington, then it is a scandal. It is ridiculous.

The chief of police in Toronto make 350 or so thousand a year..... and the mayor kisses his ass, because they help each other. The Toronto police are a law unto themselves.

it would be extra sweet if Ford takes Blair down with him when he goes. Which is inevitable, with or without the video. Is it just me, or does it seem like the reporters in this city are doing the job the police should be doing?
I just tried to respond to this and my post failed.

Anyway, if police are following and harassing Warmington, then it is a scandal. It is ridiculous.

The chief of police in Toronto make 350 or so thousand a year..... and the mayor kisses his ass, because they help each other. The Toronto police are a law unto themselves.

Toronto Police have been harassing Joe Warmington ever since the G20 when he wrote a series of articles critical of the Police. There is a reason why so few journalist's or Politicians are willing to take on the police. They know that the police can make their lives hell if they cross them. We live in a police state.

I am hearing rumblings that Bill Blair is itching to get an extension of his contract even though it doesn't end for another two years! No doubt he see's this as a good time to seize on Ford's troubles to ask for a favor in exchange. The rationale that they will use for extending Blair's contract now - two years early - is to "lock him in" past the Pan-Am games. After the "great job" he did during the G20 - the argument goes - we want to make sure he is around for the Pan-Am games!
it would be extra sweet if Ford takes Blair down with him when he goes. Which is inevitable, with or without the video. Is it just me, or does it seem like the reporters in this city are doing the job the police should be doing?

Well Warmington writes for the Sun, which isn't exactly the greatest paper out there, but he at least goes after the police with a passion. A few years ago it would have been unthinkable.... whatever the police said was gospel.

Our police care about their 100k a year salary, pensions, and above the law power. And we have a mayor that will do anything for the police (because they help him out). I strongly suspect the police got to the ppl with the video and that's why it will never surface.

All along I said the video would never come out... because I knew the police would be on the case to save their boy's ass. I never meant to say it didn't exist.... I meant to say it would never (EVER!) surface. And if it doesn't surface, it won't change the mayor's support. It won't be enough to get rid of him.

People have to get behind a good candidate.
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