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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I have no idea, in my experience we all have a sexuality; gays, straights, trans, etc, all the same to me. I don't define people by their sexuality, who we are is dependent on the whole picture, not a label.

I personally get weirded out when someone uses the term "homosexual", and stop listening.

Agreed! the correct term is 'gay' or 'lesbian'.
I've been holding back on posting what I'm hearing because my source is now twice removed from Ford's circle but I've heard this so many times in the past couple of days that it may just be worth talking about: Ford has been really upset since Sunday night. Like red faced furious upset, like shouting at his brother upset.

Then today, a separate source linked to The Star said that they believe that there are many more copies of the video than what the seller originally said there were (3).

I'm getting the feeling that the video is making the rounds and that people are copying it. Somebody is going to want those $200K and give John Cook a call or some kid is just going to leak it on YouTube for the thrill of watching the hits shoot into the millions.
I've been holding back on posting what I'm hearing because my source is now twice removed from Ford's circle but I've heard this so many times in the past couple of days that it may just be worth talking about: Ford has been really upset since Sunday night. Like red faced furious upset, like shouting at his brother upset.

Then today, a separate source linked to The Star said that they believe that there are many more copies of the video than what the seller originally said there were (3).

I'm getting the feeling that the video is making the rounds and that people are copying it. Somebody is going to want those $200K and give John Cook a call or some kid is just going to leak it on YouTube for the thrill of watching the hits shoot into the millions.
Thank you. This is the sort of hopeful news I need to hear before going to bed.
Yes, thanks for the info, MetroMan...much appreciated. Damn, John Cook has really come out as the goat in this fiasco, at least in the media. Everyone else is just reacting to the shoddy stuff he's been putting out on his glorified gossip gazette.
Yeah, it's outrageous that he hasn't had to respond to the photograph with ostensive drug dealers and TWO people who were killed. It's such an absurdly conspicuously shady situation, and yet somehow our mayor can slide out of it just by ignoring reporters?! It's unbelievable and disturbing that this tactic is working for him, as evidenced by recent reports of the dwindling media presence outside his office. Apparently our mayor is exclusively accountable to his core constituency; an international scandal can go unanswered as long as Ford Nation doesn't mind (and for them, anything goes). It's unbelievable. Currently we have a mayor so unaccountable that he routinely slips through the back doors of any building he's in to avoid having to face reality and dismisses all criticism as media conspiracy. To think that this is what Toronto politics has become sickens me.

The only time he's addressed said photograph is on his radio show when a caller asked him point-blank about it so that he couldn't squirm out of it. Of course, him and Doug acted like jackasses and evaded it by calling the caller racist in a way that ended up being way more offensive than she could have possibly been:

“That's a racist comment. Rob has taken thousands of pictures with young black men, with their hats on, with their little funny signs and everything else, but I think it's disgusting that you would even come up with a comment, ‘Why is he taking pictures of two young black youth?’†-Doug Ford

What she actually asked, of course, was “Mayor Ford, is that you in the Gawker video, and is that you photographed with your arm around drug dealer Anthony Smith?†So not only do they not answer her question, but they invent a straw-version of her question and feign outrage at it, exploiting racial sensitivity to sneak out of the situation. Unbelievable.

Like I said earlier, he should have said they were friends or acquaintances of his football players, and the picture was taken at an after game party or something. Not only would it be plausible and address most of the concerns, but it would also explain why he was dressed in his casual attire. Instead he avoided the question which continued the speculation.

Honestly, I would have thought the Fords would have been better liars than this. Don't they know what an alibi is?
I'm not aware of anyone calling people idiots or stupid. Did you have a post in mind?

Im glad you figured it out. Everyone who voted for Smitherman wanted to vote for Ford but he wasn't gay enough for them. And why would there never be a homosexual mayor if the problem is people voting for candidates because they are gay as opposed to refusing to vote for those that are gay. That would mean that every mayor should be gay.

You are my selection for idiot of the day. Congratulations.

Oh for fucks' sake! This is awful.

I can't wait to see if/how they spin this one. "Oh, there must have never been a video! It was The Star pressuring our employees to quit! The media is against us!!"

must... resist... urge... to feed troll... can't... understand... how... people... can be so stupid...

While I can understand how people can get frustrated and start name calling, the mods are supposed to be dealing with that stuff, and it is against the forum rules, but for some reason this thread it does not apply to, just because the majority don't feel the same way as a vocal minority, and that's not cool.
This is a huge and fast-growing thread and hard sometimes to keep up with. So to keep complaining about language and how the mods aren't dealing with it might be a bit much. Report posts if you must, we'll usually get to them.

As for the "idiot of the day" - that was our good friend Mystery White Boy (and his various alter egos). I'm content to let that stand.
I've been holding back on posting what I'm hearing because my source is now twice removed from Ford's circle but I've heard this so many times in the past couple of days that it may just be worth talking about: Ford has been really upset since Sunday night. Like red faced furious upset, like shouting at his brother upset.

Then today, a separate source linked to The Star said that they believe that there are many more copies of the video than what the seller originally said there were (3).

I'm getting the feeling that the video is making the rounds and that people are copying it. Somebody is going to want those $200K and give John Cook a call or some kid is just going to leak it on YouTube for the thrill of watching the hits shoot into the millions.

Two thoughts about this.

1) As far as we know, it was taken 6 months before it became an international sensation. These people are drug addicts. When you're 'messed up', judgement is the first thing to go, and that would be burning a hole in your pocket. How would you not show it to your friends? Even if the guy went to the bathroom, I'd grab his phone and make a copy. If you believe the man who was living in the apartment Ford was have said to mention to his staff in the National Post story, he said he'd seen it and he wasn't even directly involved, then it's well known around the 'hood. Basically, if there's more than one copy, there's more than 3 (assuming the 6 month time period). Once it gets out, it's out.

2) It hasn't shown up, despite all the pressure (monetary and otherwise). Maybe there was only one (or two. Two's possible, if you really trust the other guy). If there's more than one, this is a loyal crew.

My take; if it doesn't happen by this time next week, it ain't going to happen. But I hope you're right MetroMan. I don't for a second believe Gawker and the Star just made this up, so even if it's a fake, there's some sort of video. If this is kept suppressed, you'd have to think it would be the last time in human history something like this didn't come to light. What with the internet, and all.

EDIT: If they monetize the YouTube video, they'd still make a killing without Gawker, and it would be a lot easier to remain anonymous.

Also, how would Rob Ford know this better than the thousands of others looking for this video? Maybe he knew who had the original copy, but how would he know it's making the rounds when the entire internet doesn't? It seems weird to be following Rob Ford on our turf.
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I was away for a few days, but I'd like to know....where is the video? Where is this video so many of you claimed would come out? claimed existed? claimed would rock Toronto?

You're all stuck with Rob Ford for as long as he wants to be mayor. This whole ridiculous video thing just made him stronger. He is your mayor. Deal with it.
I was away for a few days, but I'd like to know....where is the video? Where is this video so many of you claimed would come out? claimed existed? claimed would rock Toronto?

You're all stuck with Rob Ford for as long as he wants to be mayor. This whole ridiculous video thing just made him stronger. He is your mayor. Deal with it.

You were away, so I'll fill you in...It has rocked Toronto. Even without the video itself, the mayor has been exposed as incapable of dealing with a crisis. He's pretending he can ignore the biggest crisis in the modern mayorship of Toronto. He's been nothing but calculatingly evasive, the opposite of a leader. He's been exposed as nothing but a populist blowhard. He's been abandoned by his staff and the city council.
Lucky for the TCDSB they can fire football coaches, but we can't fire mayors. I guess we do have to deal with it. Hopefully not for long.

Again, Ignoring the video, he's not answering questions about the picture of him with Anthony Smith. He's not avoiding the video, he's avoiding the issue altogether. This is to say nothing of Doug the Thug's misspent youth.
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You know, I'd like to see the video too. But, I figure it's real because the deputy mayor of Toronto seems to think it's real, because The Toronto Star is a credible source of information despite how many times a known liar says otherwise, because even The Globe and Mail and the Sun think something's up, because I am capable of analyzing events and detecting a massive load of bullshit. If the mayor had not behaved so suspiciously I would not be so certain, but he did and so I am. My brain is not limited to "WHERE VIDEO WHERE VIDEO" while paying attention to nothing else.

They need to start including critical thinking in the public school curriculum, basic logic type stuff. Too many people have grown up appallingly gullible.
They need to start including critical thinking in the public school curriculum, basic logic type stuff. Too many people have grown up appallingly gullible.

Seriously. It's amazing what the Fords have gotten away with, even before this video situation. Apparently politicians with no sense of ethics or honesty can get away with anything because the right will believe anything they say, no matter how outlandish and clearly soaked in bias.
Seriously. It's amazing what the Fords have gotten away with, even before this video situation. Apparently politicians with no sense of ethics or honesty can get away with anything because the right will believe anything they say, no matter how outlandish and clearly soaked in bias.

Agree, though as a general comment, I'd say that the affliction of which you speak affects all sides of the political spectrum fairly evenly. Like priesthood, politics doesn't exactly attract the best and brightest amongst us....

Still, for whatever reason, it's definitely more enjoyable to watch some fall than others. I can't wait to see that video. It's gotta be out there somewhere.
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