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Rob Ford's Toronto

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“He’s going to be the greatest mayor this city has ever, ever seen as far I’m concerned. Put that in your pipes you left-wing kooks.”
Good grief.

Why is Ford trying to alienate so many Torontonians ... and so many councillors?

I'm not really that familiar with Don Cherry ... I haven't watched much hockey for years, and when I did, he was merely the annoying person who showed up in the play-offs after Toronto was eliminated (never watched Toronto games ...).

But looking on line ... there's a lot of reports him being a racist bigot. How did anyone think this would be a good idea?

I said from day 1, that Ford as mayor would embarrass Toronto. And on Day 1, he has done just that.

What's he going to do for encores ... ban Pride?
I don't like Don Cherry either, as he is a very abrasive guy who I don't agree with most of the time, but he is ENORMOUSLY popular.

I still remember the time when he went on some tirade about IIRC cod fisheries in Canada... on Coach's Corner when he's supposed to be talking about hockey. It was so stupid it was hilarious, and I'm sure most of the people watching Coach's Corner loved it.

I kinda felt the same way when I heard about the pink suit and the pinkos comment. I just laughed. In fact, I just watched the video clip, and LOL'd in my office. It was just so stupidly inappropriate, it was awesome.
It's just mind boggling.

It's kind of like the priest during the marriage ceremony criticizing the bride for not being a virgin and getting sidetracked with criticism about the Pope's political history.

It's absolutly bizarre.

This is going to be a very strange council ...
I would have loved to seen the faces of the councillors during that.

This video is going to go viral methinks. It was significantly more harsh than I was expecting, and I was already expecting a bit of harshness, given that it's Don Cherry after all.

BTW, I don't see this harming Ford's popularity with the public in any way whatsoever. It might piss off some councillors of course, but hey.
It's a bad move politically because it really harms his ability to work with council. Every councillor, from Vaughan to Perks to Carroll to Fletcher, stood up prior to this speech, shook the new mayor's hand and posed for a photo. No one made a stink about it or tried to turn it into a political game. Then half of them were insulted from the podium by a retired hockey coach.
The Star is rubbish now. It used to have real investigative journalism. Now it's just a pile of wire stories from AP and Reuters and another pile of leftish commentary and opinion from James, Hume, etc. I wish there was a newspaper that kept ALL of its opinion pieces to the Editorial back page and a separate section for Columnist article, and left the front section for non-wire service news reporting.

It's the only newspaper interested in taking on the corrupt L&O establishment in this country. Some of us are glad for that, because we're not interesting in the nation becoming an Asian-style authoritarian "democracy".
Cherry said Ford is “honest, he’s truthful, he’s like Julian Fantino — what you see is what you get,”

Guess Don doesn't believe all those " based of true facts" news reports about Ford lying about DUI & pot charges, ACC caper and spousal abuse. Ford is as honest and truthful as Bush was about WMDs. If today's clownish proceedings are an indication of the next four years. It'll will be fun, but painful.

Some one should remind Don Cherry that the pinko left in Canada are the ones that gave us our healthcare system. The one, I have no doubt he uses on a regular basis. Not to mention that the pinko left is also responsible for pretty much everything thing that makes us Canadian and sets us apart from our southern neighbours.
It's like the last gasp of white trash hoserdom. Let them have their four years, I guarantee they won't get another. I'll actually be surprised if Ford makes it to 4 years.
Who signs Don Cherry's paychecks? This is turning into theatre of the absurd. Time to get the catapult ready.
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Guess Don doesn't believe all those " based of true facts" news reports about Ford lying about DUI & pot charges, ACC caper and spousal abuse. Ford is as honest and truthful as Bush was about WMDs. If today's clownish proceedings are an indication of the next four years. It'll will be fun, but painful.

Unless you enjoy inserting needles into you're eyes it certainly won't be fun.
For those keeping track, today Ford had a closed door meeting with the premier then threw himself a $12,000 reception following his swearing-in ceremony. Respect for taxpayers.
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