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Rob Ford's Toronto

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The notation from that passage in Crazy Town is only referenced as being from "court documents". Not good enough for Ford Nation (and frankly pretty poor note taking). Can't find any mention of it anywhere else so maybe that's why it's not being reported).
I can't find it anywhere else online (that might change--or not); but to save me the elbow grease of transcription, check out
for December 30, 2016, p. 7: interesting and rather sad piece by Terry Davidson, "Inside Renata Ford's Arrest". This stood out for me:

Diane [Ford] was asked if Renata has an ongoing alcohol problem exacerbated by the two deaths [Rob Ford + Renata's father]. This led to a lengthy pause.

"She does a lot of crying", Diane said at one point.
I think Renata's mother is the real hero of this story. Don't forget, even though Renata lost a father, her mother lost her husband; and yet there she is, seemingly the only responsible adult around, forever taking care of her grandchildren, all the while having to deal with her daughter's bullshit and—no doubt—the grief she gets from the FoFam.
I doubt that Ford had done anything very terrible to prompt the email. More likely he was his normal self which was embarrassing enough.

OK as I was told: He apparently asked the hotel staff to empty out the "fridge" to avoid temptation, but later on that night he ordered a bottle of JD to be brought upstairs. Did not not inquire any further.
OK as I was told: He apparently asked the hotel staff to empty out the "fridge" to avoid temptation, but later on that night he ordered a bottle of JD to be brought upstairs. Did not not inquire any further.

According to Towhey's book, if my memory serves, there was also a rather tense stand-off when Doug thought he should be among the select few to sit down in private with Mayor Emanuel. Lots of shouting, but who knows if Emanuel was aware of it. It was Towhey running interference, which was just one more reason for Doug to hate him.
I think Renata's mother is the real hero of this story. Don't forget, even though Renata lost a father, her mother lost her husband; and yet there she is, seemingly the only responsible adult around, forever taking care of her grandchildren, all the while having to deal with her daughter's bullshit and—no doubt—the grief she gets from the FoFam.

True enough.

From the story, I got the impression that whatever's up with Renata is so dire, even Diane-style Fordspeak can't adequately cover it up. Like, the "crying" is beyond grieving widowhood; it's an emblem of pathos. And an abject pathos that defies sugarcoating.

It's like Renata's totally deep-fried and wasted her life--and from reports (first marriage et al) she was already doing so pre-Ford. Thus her...*bizarreness* at her husband's funeral. Or how her Facebook page revealed somebody far more feeble-mindedly pathetic than we could have expected from a political wife of her stature-on-paper. It all has a way of confirming(?) those worst rumours of her basically whoring herself at home for drugs and whatever else.

And...she was never given proper guidance, or else rejected any such offers. I can picture her as the sort who was always told "don't worry, everything will work out", but never had it properly conveyed to her that *she* has to take at least minimal action to ensure that everything works out. She took her safety net and burnt cigarette holes into it until it was useless--and she was too wasted to notice.

And there's truly no hope. You think she'd be the sort who'd arise from her vices and clinical issues and widow's grief and speak wittily and articulately about them a la Carrie Fisher? Judging from Facebook, no way in the world--she out-stupors her drunken-stupor husband.

At this rate, don't be surprised if she winds up flipping her car over a bridge railing and (deliberately or not?) offing both herself and her kids. Thereby rendering any speculation on their collective futures academic.

At this rate, don't be surprised if she winds up flipping her car over a bridge railing and (deliberately or not?) offing both herself and her kids. Thereby rendering any speculation on their collective futures academic.
I don't think she takes the kids with her. As you pointed out, that would require "at least minimal action" and the ability to take a decision and follow through. Probably, she just leaves them to their own devices with a shrug.

At this point, her only hope is that the Ks take her into their fitness cult. (Perhaps they've already tried.) What better for someone who needs something to do and something to take up all your time and attention than the never-ending pursuit of (largely impossible) corporeal perfection? It may not be the healthiest thing (especially psychologically) but it's better than booze and pills.
I don't think she takes the kids with her. As you pointed out, that would require "at least minimal action" and the ability to take a decision and follow through. Probably, she just leaves them to their own devices with a shrug.

Doesn't take them *anywhere*?!? At this point, I'd be surprised if the kids have *any* kind of sanity left--unless Dougie's taking this mini-me dad schtick into the classroom, which'd verge on Elmer-Fudd-in-a-rabbit-costume territory.

At this point, her only hope is that the Ks take her into their fitness cult. (Perhaps they've already tried.) What better for someone who needs something to do and something to take up all your time and attention than the never-ending pursuit of (largely impossible) corporeal perfection? It may not be the healthiest thing (especially psychologically) but it's better than booze and pills.

I think Renata's already chosen social media for that purpose (Facebook etc). Reposting pictures of recipes and cute animals and pro-Trump links and whatever have you. It may not fix her vices; but it helps her "manage" them, much as pioneering chains like Pizza Pizza and Mr. Sub helped hippie stoners "manage" their munchies...
I think Renata's mother is the real hero of this story. Don't forget, even though Renata lost a father, her mother lost her husband; and yet there she is, seemingly the only responsible adult around, forever taking care of her grandchildren, all the while having to deal with her daughter's bullshit and—no doubt—the grief she gets from the FoFam.
Absolutely. I recall from the Warmington "Meet Brownie (our new puppy to love and squeeze and pet and pet)" story that Renata said she wasn't told her dad had died right away. Still a little unclear as to when she was told considering he died two days after Rob. Did she know before Rob's funeral? That was like a week later! It was never really acknowledged that I recall but I assume the tiny, elderly woman with Renata while she kept vigil over Rob lying in repose at City Hall and again at the funeral was her mother. How does your father's well-being not enter into the conversation considering what just happened to Rob? Poor Mrs. Brejniak.
She really is a pathetic woman undeserving of sympathy.

Ummm... no, sorry I disagree, every human deserves a chance, she truly needs help surely the FoFam can afford it. Addiction counselling would however be a waste if Renata is not ready to receive it. I guess enabling her behaviour doesn't help either. Hopefully in due time she will receive the help she need and truly hope not at some wishy washy SpaHab.
Ummm... no, sorry I disagree, every human deserves a chance, she truly needs help surely the FoFam can afford it. Addiction counselling would however be a waste if Renata is not ready to receive it. I guess enabling her behaviour doesn't help either. Hopefully in due time she will receive the help she need and truly hope not at some wishy washy SpaHab.

Reading between the lines of the various books etc it sounds like Renata's been thru counselling/rehab cycles before and for over a decade. Also sounds like the Fords are happy to say they're close to her and her children when it looks like they're quite happy to leave her and the kids to her mother's care. Under normal circumstances losing a parent and a husband would be rough, but for someone with a heavy addiction it could be disastrous. I hope that someone does get her into a real rehab and make sure the kids are okay - the description of their house given by Towhey (and that was when the grandparents were involved daily) sounds like there shouldn't have been kids living there at all.
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