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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Rob was always happier dealing with potholes and garbage bins, not being mayor. He should have stuck to being a councillor.

Doug has none of that, hence the end of "Ford Nation" is upon us

Yeah, I can't see any other family member being close to a "leader" type.
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Rob was always happier dealing with potholes and garbage bins, not being mayor. He should have stuck to being a councillor.

Yeah, I can't see any other family member being close to a "leader" type.
Maybe one of the Ks will have to step up to the plate.
I believe that he did love the city and his job, he was charismatic and he was a natural political bull. Doug has none of that, hence the end of "Ford Nation" is upon us. That said he didn't want to see a progressive Toronto because that's not the a part of the city that he understood. Ya know, cyclists and bike lanes, Transit City, gays & their family/friends, streetcars, Waterfront Toronto projects (even though he sat on the Board, which he rarely if ever attended), jets at the Island airport and on & on.

Everything you list there is what Toronto has always meant to me.

Rob may have loved Etobicoke, but that had nothing to do with the physical and metaphorical core of the megacity.
Half memorial, half insane. Classic 12-part angry old man tweet from The Don. Forgive the nonlinear arrangement.



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I believe that he did love the city and his job, he was charismatic and he was a natural political bull. Doug has none of that, hence the end of "Ford Nation" is upon us. That said he didn't want to see a progressive Toronto because that's not the a part of the city that he understood. Ya know, cyclists and bike lanes, Transit City, gays & their family/friends, streetcars, Waterfront Toronto projects (even though he sat on the Board, which he rarely if ever attended), jets at the Island airport and on & on.
Much is yet be written about Rob in this thread, as more of the truth begins to unravel and trickle out in the months and perhaps years to come. We can still look forward to the crack video(s), and possibly other videos locked in some lawyer's safe too.

The only thing he loved was Etobicoke and the power that being mayor gave him. He should have stayed a councillor, he'd probably still be alive.
I believe that he did love the city and his job, he was charismatic and he was a natural political bull. Doug has none of that, hence the end of "Ford Nation" is upon us. That said he didn't want to see a progressive Toronto because that's not the a part of the city that he understood. Ya know, cyclists and bike lanes, Transit City, gays & their family/friends, streetcars, Waterfront Toronto projects (even though he sat on the Board, which he rarely if ever attended), jets at the Island airport and on & on.
Much is yet be written about Rob in this thread, as more of the truth begins to unravel and trickle out in the months and perhaps years to come. We can still look forward to the crack video(s), and possibly other videos locked in some lawyer's safe too.

No. He did not love the city. He only loved the things that mattered to him personally. Look at his *ahem* mayoral accomplishments. He got rid of the VRT, ripped up bikelanes, took away councillor's sandwich plates for late evenings, fired the city hall plant-watering-person, raged at streetcars because they held up HIS PERSONAL SUV and fuck all those poors trying to get anywhere on public transit, he did the garbage thing and made TTC workers an essential service because he personally couldn't stand unions, and he acted like a pissy kid about gays, LBQT, Pride. Once he'd got shot of the things that got under his skin, he couldn't figure out anything else to do. He loved campaigning, having the selfie brigade fawn over him, handing out hotdogs at FordFest, and being a dick in council. Otherwise he didn't do a single useful thing for the city. In fact he voted against damn near everything that could have helped his constituents and the lower income people. He voted against child care, children's play parks, community events, community organizations, AIDS nurses, services to welcome immigrants, the list is endless. He only loved the people because they voted for him and fed his sad pathetic ego. There was no vision, no policy, no strategy. He didn't introduce or accomplish a single initiative that made life better the people of Toronto. He just drank, partied, bullied, grandstanded, and blamed everyone else for his failures.
Well, he brought a lot of publicity to the city. And you know what they say, there ain't no such thing as bad publicity. Some eulogy for the palooka. RIP.
Still with this bullshit about "reporters spying over his fence." I understand why he didn't, but I wish Daniel Dale had told Ford to stick his apology and sued the shit out of him.
From Norm Wilner:

"I’m torn between the impulse to massage the memory of the man into something soothing and palatable, and the impulse to tell the truth: that Ford could be a terrible, terrible person."

Haven't read that one yet. Bookmarked it to read later along with this one:

I like Norm. I'm looking forward to reading his piece. I just can't right now. I'm saddened by all of this. Not for the reasons you'd think but I've found this day extremely draining. For unrelated reasons, I'm stressed, not sleeping well. I woke to the news of the Belgian bombings, more Trump/Cruz/Palin/Muslim nonsense in my timeline and then this bomb dropped. I've had to listen all day to what a terrific guy Rob was, how much he loved the city, toiled for the common man, saved so much money, had a huge heart, returned phone calls, filled potholes etc. I've been told repeatedly that I'm an awful guy for pointing out that this is all revisionist bullshit. How dare I dance on his grave in such an undignified way? No matter what you think about his personal transgressions, he was a great mayor. It's been suggested repeatedly that my dislike of the man is due to his drug use or his love of a good bender.

It's not. I couldn't care less how Rob chose to unwind. That he liked to hit the pipe or suck chicken fat from a plastic clamshell at 9 am doesn't bother me. The guy was a massive fucking douchebag because that's who he was. A narcissistic sociopath who DGAF about anyone but himself. The kind of guy who would cross the street just so he could kick you in the nuts just cuz. He was a massive dick to everybody and any glimpse of the kindhearted old curmudgeon helping out the downtrodden exists only for his own personal gain.

I've had people like this in my life and the damage they've done to mine is incalculable. I've, in the past 18 months, banished those people from my life and, now that I have, I can spot this particular type of BS from a mile away. The FoFam has always been a huge trigger for me. After seeing once again today how many people buy completely into the great passionate guy thing I'm totally drained.

Cancer sucks. So does the fact that his kids have had to go through all this and still do. It doesn't change what he was and the terrible things he did and don't expect me to nod politely as you sing his unending praises on an infinite loop. And don't tell me that I'm the bad guy because I'm looking for closure in his demise. I didn't wish this on him and it's not some giddy glee that I'm feeling. I just hope that maybe we can at least close an ugly chapter that went on too long.

The guy was a huge asshole in every way he that could possibly be and he was obviously proud of it. For me to join in as we pretend the polar opposite would be disingenuous.
If I missed someone posting this today, apologies... this is probably the last time I will be imparting SAL twattle at least in this forum:
Rob Ford was antidote to City Hall arrogance
The Rob Ford I knew was not the man cruelly vilified by left-wing media and the butt of councillors’ insensitive jokes at City Hall.

He was not the man portrayed as homophobic, intolerant and a bully.

He was a man who stuck to his promises, was principled and loved and respected the residents he served.

Even when beaten down by cancer, he returned constituent calls because that’s what he was paid to do.
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