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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I'm amazed that anyone considers journalists as the non-fact bearers, and they consider Ford as truthful and credible, when considering the history of each. You will get nothing more from Ford than denial, as he has demonstrated in the past. There is too much evidence from around Ford - including Towhey's firing for suggesting Ford go to rehab - to suggest that what is out there is a complete lie or fabrication. How can you "not know what to think"? When his inner circle is telling him to go to rehab and he's firing advisors for stepping up to him, what's your thought process? That this too is a fabrication by the media?

Why do you assume there is a thought process? As Colbert says: these people don't "think", they "feel". Thoughts are susceptible to facts in a way that feelings are not.

Don't mind the Ford defenders, partisans and ideological believers can find unlimited ways to push the issue back. If we had the video, it would be a fake. If it was authentic, it wouldn't be a crack pipe. If it was a crack pipe, it doesn't matter. Reminds me of the anti-climate change crowd. It doesn't exist. It exists, but humans don't cause it. Humans cause it, but we can't do anything about it. We can do something about it, but it's too expensive. It's affordable, but the market will fix it if it comes to that.

You can keep raising the evidential standards. If that fails, you can alter the moral principles.

At this point, its apparent the public and council are not behind Ford and that's all that matters. There's no using this crappy reasoning to resurrect the mayor's reputation. They can say its a lynch mob but the lynching is happening. If they think it will do anything to complain they're whistling dixie, but really they're doing it to cauterize the issue psychologically and keep their political ego intact.

Still, funny to watch the Sun and NaPo comment section Nayshuners overwhelmed.

EDIT: Also, what he said^
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The Crackstarter fund increased by $1,000 in the last 45 minutes -- not as quickly as it did yesterday, but still a more than respectable pace.
Don't get me wrong, I think you have a point and we are all concerned about THAT aspect. That being said, the pecularities of our electoral system actually provides a foil against singular crackpots - we have a weak mayor system, with an extremely strong opposition in the core. The two combined together practically meant that it will be difficult to advance any crackpot agenda - and that's assuming the suburban councillors are mindless automatons, which they clearly aren't either. The power is too diffuse. The downside of course is the utter failure of governance when the city most needed it.

Well, that's the whole problem right there. Our weak mayor-strong council system means that things move glacially at the best of times, let alone with a stubborn idiot like Ford. We could maybe afford this system if we lived in a city the size of Strathroy or even if we lived in a large city that doesn't grow.

However, we live in Toronto, the centre of a region that, if it were a country, would be growing faster than the Philippines or Bangladesh (seriously - look it up!). Almost all of our problems stem from growth. We could stop growing, but our city is so hardwired to function based on growth that it would be like asking a stomach to pump blood and a heart to digest food. We can't afford inaction. Inaction is as bad as regression, frankly. When the dust settles and Ford is gone - whenever that is - we need to approach Queens Park and completely rewrite the way municipal governance works in Toronto, starting with a new charter. Since amalgamation, two out of three mayors have been ineffectual, self-interested idiots and the odds suggests that we will probably have another one relatively soon. We have to design the threat of this out of the system.
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Crackstarter is, btw, going strong again. I think the donations coming now in are more an expression of protest against the Mayor (and his d-bag brother) than a means to obtain the video, the availability of which is tenuous at best.
Personally I'm glad we have a weak mayor system, since it's kept Ford's tenure from being even more disastrous.
Crackstarter is, btw, going strong again. I think the donations coming now in are more an expression of protest against the Mayor (and his d-bag brother) than a means to obtain the video, the availability of which is tenuous at best.

It'll be interesting to see if John Cook updates the campaign with any new information on the weekend.

I can't help but think that crap-eating grin on Ford's face means he's made the video go away... the same way his campaign team got ahold of the tape where he offered to buy a guy OxyContin.
Well, that's the whole problem right there. Our weak mayor-strong council system means that things move glacially at the best of times, let alone with a stubborn idiot like Ford. We could maybe afford this system if we lived in a city the size of Strathroy or even if we lived in a large city that doesn't grow.

However, we live in Toronto, the centre of a region that, if it were a country, would be growing faster than the Philippines or Bangladesh (seriously - look it up!). Almost all of our problems stem from growth. We could stop growing, but our city is so hardwired to function based on growth that it would be like asking a stomach to pump blood and a heart to digest food. We can't afford inaction. Inaction is as bad as regression, frankly. When the dust settles and Ford is gone - whenever that is - we need to approach Queens Park and completely rewrite the way municipal governance works in Toronto, starting with a new charter. Since amalgamation, two out of three mayors have been ineffectual, self-interested idiots and the odds suggests that we will probably have another one relatively soon. We have to design the threat of this out of the system.

And if we had a strong mayor system, imagine what the last 2 and half years of Ford would have wrought........let's keep it the way it is thanks. This is all part of the growing pains of being amalgamated (and our massive growth in general, as you mentioned) and should eventually work itself out......

As for a mechanism for the removal of a sitting mayor, that needs to be addressed.
Why is that not a serious comment?

It'll be more serious once we see the video and can confirm it's him in it.

I do think that it's something a drunk/high person would do in a moment of inspiration or anger, and I do think it's something someone would do if they thought it would help them avoid jailtime or a guilty verdict. But do I think Ford did it for those reasons? Not yet...

Now if he hires a company to make his home spotless over the weekend and eliminate any and all hair from it...
I rather enjoy being part of this lynch mob. Perhaps you should join us? Bring some pitchforks and torches if you do.
Are there uniforms and lots of flags, a special salute maybe?
And if we had a strong mayor system, imagine what the last 2 and half years of Ford would have wrought........let's keep it the way it is thanks. This is all part of the growing pains of being amalgamated (and our massive growth in general, as you mentioned) and should eventually work itself out......

As for a mechanism for the removal of a sitting mayor, that needs to be addressed.

Have to think it's also part of the pains of getting sucked into the American culture war.
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The crackstarter has picked up in the last couple of hours, it looks like it will fairly easily achieve its needed $10,000 for today. (already 6k in)
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