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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Robbie speaks! Grandstanding about a handful of parking tickets.

Were these people illegally parked? Of course they were, and people are beating up cops for doing their jobs (which people complain they don't do). If you don't run things properly then don't get all pissy when you get outed in public.

As MIMO Robbie has no right to tell not to do their jobs but who better to complain than the poster child for making a faux pas in public, blah, blah, blah...

The Ford Family Compact are really straining to stay in the news cycle, and Worms is right there proudly waving the banner of patriotism. Worms is also a columnist for SNN and makes sure their Tea Party agenda is promoted, so... does this connection trickle down to the FFC, are they Republicans in Populist clothing? Will we still have to worry the FFC are going to TP the city of Toronto? Stay tuned to your regular TP channel at your regular TP time.
Were these people illegally parked? Of course they were, and people are beating up cops for doing their jobs (which people complain they don't do). If you don't run things properly then don't get all pissy when you get outed in public.

It's really interesting to see people get bent out of shape when the rules are applied to them even though they think they're special.

As MIMO Robbie has no right to tell not to do their jobs

MIMO = Mayor In Mind Only? :)
I get the sad feeling that if Rob were to end up on life support, pronouncements on the state of Toronto's affairs would still continue in his name...
Just watched LeDrew interview Doug.

< barf bag >

Doug seems to be pushing the Horatio Alger style pretty hard.

Recently had a chat with one of Hudak's flacks, who had the following thoughts:

1. Rob was a great candidate but too bad nobody knew he had issues
2. Doug didn't really want to win the mayoralty
3. If he'd had a few more weeks Doug would have won
4. Doug can win the PCPO
5. A Doug-led PCPO can beat Wynne

Agree with 2 and 4 but 1 is willful blindness, 3 is just wishful thinking and 5 is pure fantasy. Interesting insight into the thinking of a reasonable conservative who's doing mental backflips in order to rationalize supporting Doug.
Just watched LeDrew interview Doug.

< barf bag >

Doug seems to be pushing the Horatio Alger style pretty hard.

It is so much fun watching D Ford....He speaks of 107 ridings..Why isn't he agitating for a leadership convention for 122 ridings, that is how many will be elected in the 2018 election...Why isn't he grassrooting in the 10 count 'em 10 new ridings in the GTA (3 in Toronto, 3 in Peel, 2 in York, 1 Halton, 1 in Durham) seems very short sighted to me not to be doing this...
He speaks of having Scarborough, Etobicoke and parts of North York covered but what about the Old City...He speaks of the 705 covered that is what no more than 10 ridings and 905 no matter what he thinks is not D Ford country...Where is the effort for 807 (the North) 613 (Ottawa) and 519?...He speaks about steelworkers, ironworkers, construction workers yet convienently ignores the largest organized unions in the province (municipal/provincial workers)..He claims 80 to 85% of his 331,000 votes were from others than PC's...Well isn't that expected it was a municipal election parties...
The bandwagoning for memberships could conceivably backfire in that the leadership is a weighted not a per member vote
107 ridings 100 votes per riding....A riding with 100 members has as much sway as a riding with 10,000 members...which circles back to my first point D Ford needs a leadership convention with 122 ridings not 107...
"Belated "phew" re TO election. Given how jaw-dropingly close Ford came, good thing all of us strategic voters stayed the course."

Whoever they are, I thank them.

It was a nice feeling when I looked up the results from "my" polling station. Very few votes for Ms. Chow and Doug. Overwhelmingly they voted for JoTo. I love my neighbourhood!
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Just watched LeDrew interview Doug.

< barf bag >

Doug seems to be pushing the Horatio Alger style pretty hard.

Doug believes his own hype about starting from nothing, "working hard" at a "Mom and Pop" business, seeing a need and filling it wholesome capitalist stylee and contributing to the local community.

The problem is reality. Using inherited family money to buy low and sell high using economics of scale isn't particularly brilliant. Then, if you're only selling recreational drugs to other dealers who do the footwork and take most of the risk, you're not really doing much, especially considering your market network is dependent upon your youth and knowledge of kids at your ironically-named local high school.
Recently had a chat with one of Hudak's flacks, who had the following thoughts:

1. Rob was a great candidate but too bad nobody knew he had issues
2. Doug didn't really want to win the mayoralty
3. If he'd had a few more weeks Doug would have won
4. Doug can win the PCPO
5. A Doug-led PCPO can beat Wynne

Agree with 2 and 4 but 1 is willful blindness, 3 is just wishful thinking and 5 is pure fantasy. Interesting insight into the thinking of a reasonable conservative who's doing mental backflips in order to rationalize supporting Doug.

When they pulled the switcheroo, people said that Doug stood no chance of winning, and he came far too close for comfort. I think you're underestimating the support for Doug out in the province, he certainly could win the PCPO, and he could beat Wynne too, especially if there were any more scandals to come out of the provincial liberals.
Watching Tory give a presser is a breath of fresh air - in the same way as watching Wynne. The main reason why Ford won't win is his own scandals and lack of track record. Anyone who had supported the NDP in the past will vote Wynne. A Ford led PCPO will fair worse than Hudak did this last time out. The only way the PC's can win over Wynne is to put up a moderate candidate that will repatriate some Red Tories back to the PCPO.
I don't know, how many people who voted for the Liberals in the last election would flip to Conservative because of DoFo? There was a pretty strong anti-Hudak effect that played out in the provincial election, one has to think that those people would be just as eager to keep a Frod out.
Recently had a chat with one of Hudak's flacks, who had the following thoughts:

1. Rob was a great candidate but too bad nobody knew he had issues
2. Doug didn't really want to win the mayoralty
3. If he'd had a few more weeks Doug would have won
4. Doug can win the PCPO
5. A Doug-led PCPO can beat Wynne

Agree with 2 and 4 but 1 is willful blindness, 3 is just wishful thinking and 5 is pure fantasy. Interesting insight into the thinking of a reasonable conservative who's doing mental backflips in order to rationalize supporting Doug.

Clearly, this flak is on to something because, you know, Hudak has done so spectacularly well in provincial politics.
Clearly, this flak is on to something because, you know, Hudak has done so spectacularly well in provincial politics.

Exactly, and if they want to improve their chances next time, what better course of action than to elect someone even more Hudakish than Hudak 1.0? If people thought the "we're going to fire 100,000 civil servants" plank was a winner, wait until they hear what brilliant ideas Doug comes up with.
I don't know, how many people who voted for the Liberals in the last election would flip to Conservative because of DoFo? There was a pretty strong anti-Hudak effect that played out in the provincial election, one has to think that those people would be just as eager to keep a Frod out.

Bear in mind that the Ford Nationalists did really well in wards 1 and 2 in Toronto, which normally votes Liberal - if they have greater loyalty to Doug Ford (and it appears they do), he could deliver an extra seat or two there alone.
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