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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I find Hume a bit over the top at times, but when writing about Ford all bets are off. There are no words that could adequately describe the extent of Ford's failure as a public official. Barnyard noises are the closest approximation.
Christopher Hume was way too kind to Ford in that article!

Yes, true.

I don't always agree with Hume, but he almost hit the mark in that article.

The Ford situation is getting more and more absurd. On the horizon I see more chances of Ford getting hauled into court. The whole mayoralty is turning into a spectacular waste of our time.
Has anyone noticed over the past few days on the news how Ford, when talking about the Grey Cup in Toronto, is jovial, talkative, excited, bright-eyed and smiling? Why can't he even pretend to take 10% of that enthusiasm and apply it toward his job? I'm referring to his job as Mayor of Toronto, not coaching football.
And yet Ford still has a considerable base of popular support and will not be easy to unseat in the next election. The resiliency of his popular support despite all the debauchery and ineptitude is something, as I have mentioned in this thread before, that those who do not like him should seriously consider.

One election phenomenon that I thought about while going over my recent MPAC property tax assessments, is how my taxes on property in the central city are going up above average. The flip side of this is that property assessments elsewhere in the city must be going up below average. In other words my pinko commie downtown dollars are subsidizing other parts of the city more and more with every passing year. I wouldn't be surprised if many of these increasingly subsidized areas are Ford Nation neighbourhoods. In other words, Ford can solidify his base by the evidence that he is holding taxes down (my taxes aren't being held down), while playing the card of suburban areas not getting their fair share of services.
And now, for some light hearted entertainment courtesy of the Mayor of Toronto

One election phenomenon that I thought about while going over my recent MPAC property tax assessments, is how my taxes on property in the central city are going up above average. The flip side of this is that property assessments elsewhere in the city must be going up below average. In other words my pinko commie downtown dollars are subsidizing other parts of the city more and more with every passing year. I wouldn't be surprised if many of these increasingly subsidized areas are Ford Nation neighbourhoods. In other words, Ford can solidify his base by the evidence that he is holding taxes down (my taxes aren't being held down), while playing the card of suburban areas not getting their fair share of services.
Are you suggesting that the Mayor can influence MPAC assessments and does so to the advantage of areas that voted for him as opposed to areas that did not? Can you furnish us with some numbers, here are mine in an area of town that probably supported Mr. Ford by a large margin. January 1st 2008, $350,000, January 1st 2012 $425,000, both assessments are close to the actual market price of my home. How about your experience?
And now, for some light hearted entertainment courtesy of the Mayor of Toronto


I am a very hard person to make laugh but after seeing this on the news, I just couldn't stop laughing. I haven't laughed this uncontrollably, in years. Thanks Mayor Ford. My friend and I were in tears. Somebody should tell the Mayor that a 330 pound, middle-aged man, shouldn't be running around with a football. Somebody could get hurt. I mean come on, he wasn't even running, he was just throwing the football. lol
But then, just think about coach's apparent reflexes while he drives the Escalade and catches up his paperwork?
I am a very hard person to make laugh but after seeing this on the news, I just couldn't stop laughing. I haven't laughed this uncontrollably, in years. Thanks Mayor Ford. My friend and I were in tears. Somebody should tell the Mayor that a 330 pound, middle-aged man, shouldn't be running around with a football. Somebody could get hurt. I mean come on, he wasn't even running, he was just throwing the football. lol

I've really disliked the crude, immature fat jokes re: Rob Ford, Chris Christie, etc. But this is hilarious, and channels another Conservative named Robert who had an unfairly famous football fumble. Robert Stanfield seemed like a good guy, but was fated to run against Pierre Trudeau. Except Stanfield merely fumbled a catch, Ford went down for the count.

I hope the Don Bosco Eagles have a sense of humour and won't let their coach live this down.
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Ford throwing the Sun under the bus?

Mayor Rob Ford targets the messenger at his libel trial
By Michele Mandel,Toronto Sun
First posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 09:28 PM EST | Updated: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:01 PM EST

Talk about shooting the messenger — and a pretty supportive one at that.

After years of boosting Rob Ford as our man at City Hall, the mayor suddenly turned on the little paper that grew him into a big deal and blamed the Toronto Sun for “misquoting†him in an August 2010 article that has him now fighting a $6-million lawsuit.

Say it ain’t so, big guy. Is this how you treat your friends — by throwing them under the bus when the going gets tough?

Ford is being sued by Boardwalk Cafe owner George Foulidis over comments he made in a Sun article following an on-the-record editorial board meeting during the election campaign in which he questioned the untendered 20-year lease just inked by Foulidis’s company, Tuggs Inc

“You can’t be responsible for a message delivered and prepared by someone else,†said Ford’s lawyer, Gavin Tighe, in his closing argument before Superior Court Justice John Macdonald.

“The article is a distortion. I say more than a distortion, it’s a completely different message than what Mr. Ford was saying.â€


That’s funny, since he never asked for a retraction or issued a clarification the day after his mug was splashed on our front page and inside the paper under the headline “Ford smells ‘corruption.’ Contract for Beaches eatery ‘stinks to high heaven’â€.

In fact, as our former editor Rob Granatstein mentions in his column, Ford even repeated the same “corruption†allegations the next day in a press release — though without mentioning the Tuggs deal by name — when responding to outgoing mayor David Miller’s criticism that his comments in the Sun were “irresponsible.â€

“I think it was corruption, Mayor Miller doesn’t, so let’s make all the information public and let the taxpayers decide for themselves,†Ford said in his release on Aug. 12.

Ford had come to the Sun the day before, a friendly chat with a roundtable of editors and reporters where the mayoral candidate espoused on issues in the upcoming municipal election. City Hall columnist Sue Ann Levy brought up the controversial sole-source deal that gave Tuggs Inc. exclusive rights to sell food and even suntan lotion on the eastern beach for another two decades.

“I wish that you guys knew what happened in camera, which a lot of you do obviously. But these in camera meetings, there’s more corruption and skullduggery going in there than I’ve ever seen in my life. I don’t know what it is,†Ford told the Sun.

“And I can’t accuse anyone or I can’t pinpoint it, but why do we have to go in camera on the Tuggs deal?â€

Later, he added, “A lot of these issues don’t have to go in camera. And if that Tuggs deal doesn’t stink to high heaven, I, I ...â€

Jonathan Jenkins, an excellent reporter I may add, wrote the story for the next day’s paper. He zeroed in on Ford’s contention that City Hall was rife with corruption in back room deals, and referenced the controversial Boardwalk Cafe lease.

Where’s the torquing? Where’s the spinning?

Those are Ford’s quotes. He repeated as much on the stand this week and then went even further while testifying at his libel trial. When asked whether he thought there were bribes going on behind closed doors at City Hall in the Boardwalk Cafe deal, Ford said he could never prove anything but that he’d heard rumours and received a lot of “anonymous†calls.

So more than two years later, Ford appears to still be standing by his allegations. And yet his lawyer claims that it was the Sun who had an agenda and it was the reporter’s “pen†who twisted his words?

Now that he’s got his feet to the fire, the mayor has mused that he didn’t know the Sun editorial board was on the record — when everyone present confirms that it was — and that his comments were sensationalized.

Bad form, sir.

If your allegations have landed you in legal trouble because you never had any evidence to back them up, that’s on you — not the Toronto Sun.

The judge has reserved his decision.

Read Mandel Wednesday through Saturday.

Great comment.
Antinephalist said:
See, there's the problem.

The Sun isn't supposed to be someone's "friend". They're supposed to tell the truth.
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