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Rob Ford's Toronto

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canmark said:
Apparently LGBT people are being encouraged to go to Rob Ford's backyard barbecue. Seeing as he was "too busy" to attend any Pride Week events, the idea is to bring Pride to him.
I'm surprised no one has commented on this. I hope they go, in large numbers. But I wonder if Rob will backpedal and close the event to invited guests only? Or request extra security?

Some clarification on the location of Rob Ford' BBQ is needed.

It is NOT in Rob's backyard, but in Rob's MOTHER's backyard.

I have heard of party notices appearing on Facebook and getting out-of-hand. Damage to property, theft, noise, drunkenness, neighbour complaints, police being called, etc.. In Rob's case, he doesn't need Facebook, but NEWS1010 to broadcast it.

Rob's mother must be so proud... not.

i hope the LGBT participants don't make a spectacle, but just make themselves visible ...
IMO it would be a great opportunity to show Ford Nation that the LGBT community is not really that different from them except for our sexual orientation.

as an aside, after Krista's comments about dressing like a whore,
i think it'd be an opportunity for public protest if all the female attendees at the BBQ wear the same/similar polka dot knee-length dress that Alice Moran wore and maybe the 20-something men should were women's lingerie with the label Lingerie Football League
Well put. I am certainly proud of the Torontonians and City Council who saved our city from Ford's small minded vision. A lot of people have stepped up to the plate.
On the other hand, I'm disappointed in several of my friends who fell for Ford's message and a few who continue to believe his lies despite not liking Ford.

Ford works on the 'I'm like you' and the pocketbook/efficiency issues. And people are inherently selfish and jealous (though at varying levels), so they like a mayor who promises them efficiency and money saved, who also resembles a 'Common Joe' like them. The problem is, Ford is nothing like that.

The best tactic against Ford then is to use the pocketbook issue against him- demonstrate the amount of money he has wasted (Transit City, Jarvis, etc.), and redirect praise from contracting out garbage pickup and union issues to Holyday and the people who actually did the work. Show that if he were in charge, both issues would have gone nowhere. Point out his hypocrisy on issues like subways, where he wants transit built, but doesn't want to raise the money to build it.

Prove that Ford is not an average person like you or me- that he has inherited his wealth and lacks honesty and humility on a basic level (all-night deputations, see how he brushes off the girl who cried, how he denies wrongdoing). Point out how he's broken so many of his campaign promises, most importantly that of better service to the taxpayer. Show that he has embraced backroom dealing and skirting the rules (Portlands, early campaigning, conflict-of-interests), contrary to his statements.

Conversely, issues like the environment and social programs mean less to those people than these.

'Course, there's still the problem of that Quebec-based media company which spews half-truths and angry journalism, and prefers to back Ford no matter what.
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You are never going to get through to the real hard core right wingers. They all know Ford is a huge disaster but he is on their team and represents their right wing views. It will be very hard to get them to abandon Ford, unless maybe he killed kittens, and even then it would be difficult. They are driven by politics, not the person. It's almost hard-wired in their brains, which is why they jump to his defence, no matter what stupid thing he does. It's like a Pavlovian response.

The only real hope is winning over the suburbanites in the mushy middle. (the ones who vote Liberal) If enough of them get sick of Ford's stupidity, it's game over for Ford. I think that is what's happening but we won't know for sure, until the next election. How much longer can the average Torontonian see him go from one embarrassing blunder to another, without it having some effect?
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It has come to light that the last Council passed an updated vacant seat law that will trigger an automatic election without the possibility for Council to nominate an interim Mayor if the seat is vacated a year before the upcoming fixed election date. Unless Ford manages to drag the appeals process well into the end of next year, there will be an election for his seat.

While it is possible that Ford will be convicted, I'm very doubtful that the judge would apply a ban from seeking office given the technicality of the charge. What this means is that Ford will be able to run for his vacated seat.

Should Ford lose, he may actually choose not to appeal so that he can get the very referendum he's been seeking to reassert his political capital. If he wins, this could be the best thing to happen to him. Council will have to bow to him once again because he'll be a freshly re-elected Mayor.

Ford will have to be confident that he can win again to take on this risky wager. Given how much more of Toronto knows him and how many people have either professed regret for voting for him or have done so in their silence following post-election boasting, I'm happy to take that bet.
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It has come to light that the last Council passed an updated vacant seat law that will trigger an automatic election without the possibility for Council to nominate an interim Mayor if the seat is vacated a year before the upcoming fixed election date. Unless Ford manages to drag the appeals process well into the end of next year, there will be an election for his seat.

While it is possible that Ford will be convicted, I'm very doubtful that the judge would apply a ban from seeking office given the technicality of the charge. What this means is that Ford will be able to run for his vacated seat.

Should Ford lose, he may actually choose not to appeal so that he can get the very early election he's been seeking to reassert his political capital. If he wins, this could be the best thing to happen to him. Council will have to bow to him once again because he'll be a freshly re-elected Mayor.

Ford will have to be confident that he can win again to take on this risky wager. Given how much more of Toronto knows him and how many people have either professed regret for voting for him or have done so in their silence following post-election boasting, I'm happy to take that bet.

just as long as the other candidates don't split the votes
You are never going to get through to the real hard core right wingers. They all know Ford is a huge disaster but he is on their team and represents their right wing views. It will be very hard to get them to abandon Ford, unless maybe he killed kittens, and even then it would be difficult. They are driven by politics, not the person. It's almost hard-wired in their brains, which is why they jump to his defence, no matter what stupid thing he does. It's like a Pavlovian response.

But if they know he's a huge disaster, they could shift to a more "palatable" right-of-centre standard-bearer, couldn't they?
You are never going to get through to the real hard core right wingers. They all know Ford is a huge disaster but he is on their team and represents their right wing views. It will be very hard to get them to abandon Ford, unless maybe he killed kittens, and even then it would be difficult. They are driven by politics, not the person. It's almost hard-wired in their brains, which is why they jump to his defence, no matter what stupid thing he does. It's like a Pavlovian response.

The only real hope is winning over the suburbanites in the mushy middle. (the ones who vote Liberal) If enough of them get sick of Ford's stupidity, it's game over for Ford. I think that is what's happening but we won't know for sure, until the next election. How much longer can the average Torontonian see him go from one embarrassing blunder to another, without it having some effect?

There's no point in electing a Conservative who can't implement Conservative policies. Ford in fact has presided over some of the most leftist policies in a while in spite of him. The smart segment of Conservatives will understand that. He'll have a hard time getting their votes if a Conservative runs against him.
But if they know he's a huge disaster, they could shift to a more "palatable" right-of-centre standard-bearer, couldn't they?
Yeah, they could. But in a way, Rob Ford is not so easily replaced. At least for the time being, he "owns" the "respect for taxpayers" mantra, he "owns" "subways!". The fact that he's only got a couple of ideas does not diminish the manner in which he has solidified his political messaging around those basic ideas - especially the first, crucial one. Immediately after Ford, anyone using similar vernacular, however impeccable their conservative credentials, risks coming off as Ford Lite.
It has come to light that the last Council passed an updated vacant seat law that will trigger an automatic election without the possibility for Council to nominate an interim Mayor if the seat is vacated a year before the upcoming fixed election date. Unless Ford manages to drag the appeals process well into the end of next year, there will be an election for his seat.
If this is the case will the seats vacated by Council members who run for Mayor and lose be subject to the same rule creating a never-ending election?
If this is the case will the seats vacated by Council members who run for Mayor and lose be subject to the same rule creating a never-ending election?

I would imagine that any councilor who wants to run for mayor would have to vacate their position before the campaign so that a bi-election could be held for their ward at the same time as the bi-election for mayor. That seems like the most logical way to do it anyway.
Conflict of Interest case: expectations

Different people and media outlets appear to have different expectations about the outcome of this case.

The Sun appears to believe Ford will be ousted. Today they have "Mayor A Man of the People" (pfft!) on the front page as if trying to rally public opinion behind him.

The Star's reporting is cautious. I've seen them write that there's a "real but unlikely" possibility that Ford will be ousted. Why "unlikely"?

Given that The Star is blacklisted, they may not be getting the best info from inside the Ford circle. The Sun on the other hand has Sue-Ann Levy practically at Rob Ford's kitchen table.

Ford himself may be giving the best indication of his chances. One of my City Hall contacts tells me that Ford is looking very defeated these days and that when he talks about this court case that he looks resigned to the fact that he'll lose his job.
And perhaps by inviting the city to his annual barbecue Ford hopes there will be a groundswell of support against his ouster. Maybe an "Occupy City Hall" movement will demand he be brought back to power? ;-)

Meanwhile, Doug Ford claims to have given his daughter a tongue lashing ("...we chewed her ass out") over her "whores" tweet.

Responding to the international uproar about her recent comments, Ford told Talk Radio AM640 on Friday all kids have done “stupid things” but that didn’t stop the family from giving Krista a verbal lashing.

“That’s not the way we raised her,” said Ford about his 21-year-old daughter, who is the niece of Mayor Rob Ford. “And to be very blunt, we chewed her ass out from one end to the other.”

And on gay people attending Ford Fest, Doug Ford says:

Councillor Doug Ford talked about the Pride action on AM 640’s Arlene Bynon radio show Friday. He said the group is welcome as long as they don’t arrive with political placards.

“We welcome these folks with open arms,” he said. “If they start acting up or shenanigans, well there is a security there, we’ll take care of that.”

“You come to a barbecue, respect someone’s house.”

He also defended his brother’s decision not to attend the annual Pride Parade.

“We aren’t going to kowtow to special interest groups, it’s just not going to happen,” he said.
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There's no point in electing a Conservative who can't implement Conservative policies. Ford in fact has presided over some of the most leftist policies in a while in spite of him. The smart segment of Conservatives will understand that. He'll have a hard time getting their votes if a Conservative runs against him.

And indeed, that's a reason why certain left-of-centre folk actually feared a Smitherman mayoralty more than they feared a Ford mayoralty--if you want to consider why, imagine if the 2010 race leveraged itself into a Smitherman-Giambrone duel rather than a Smitherman-Ford duel...
“We welcome these folks with open arms,†he said. “If they start acting up or shenanigans, well there is a security there, we’ll take care of that.â€

Given that these are the Fords we're talking about, the biggest risk of "acting up or shenanigans" are from former boyfriends of Kathy Ford.
Councillor Doug Ford talked about the Pride action on AM 640’s Arlene Bynon radio show Friday. He said the group is welcome as long as they don’t arrive with political placards.

“We welcome these folks with open arms,†he said. “If they start acting up or shenanigans, well there is a security there, we’ll take care of that.â€

“You come to a barbecue, respect someone’s house.â€

He also defended his brother’s decision not to attend the annual Pride Parade.

“We aren’t going to kowtow to special interest groups, it’s just not going to happen,†he said.

That's all completely fair, except the part that I'm no longer a taxpayer but a special interest group now.
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