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Rob Ford's Toronto

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So the only actual campaign office, with the only paid full-timer of the campaign is only responsible for east of University and who gets out 75 to 100 volunteers 'on the ground' every day, could only manage to get maybe 30 of them to turn up for free cake for RoFo's B-day? Okay, then. Carry on.

Best camping office, ever! Bar none!
A friend posted this last night on FB.

Mike P
11 hrs near Bala
So here I am in Bala. This, my friends, is Leanne Whatsername.

ooleanne whatserface.jpg

Hanging out in bars after rehab and a DUI?


  • ooleanne whatserface.jpg
    ooleanne whatserface.jpg
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A friend posted this last night on FB.

Mike P
11 hrs near Bala
So here I am in Bala. This, my friends, is Leanne Whatsername.

View attachment 28646
Hanging out in bars after rehab and a DUI?
Putting the dots together for McRobb, IIRC she worked at a bank and was probably sent by the bank to rehab as a condition for keeping her employment. Rehab failed, her job is gone, her kid is probably not living with her any more, so she has nothing left to lose, just like Rob. When you've spent your entire adult life drunk or stoned, it's very difficult to change and get sober, even more so when all your friends are still partying.
Putting the dots together for McRobb, IIRC she worked at a bank and was probably sent by the bank to rehab as a condition for keeping her employment. Rehab failed, her job is gone, her kid is probably not living with her any more, so she has nothing left to lose, just like Rob. When you've spent your entire adult life drunk or stoned, it's very difficult to change and get sober, even more so when all your friends are still partying.

Well....her child is still alive, and still needs someone to look up to.

But what you wrote seems sound.

One good thing about McRobb is that she is a private citizen; unlike RoFo who is hijacking a whole city by refusing to resign and deal with his issues for real.
D. Ford knows he can get friendlies to play his spin. And those that won't, he won't deign indulge. So throw the spin back at him. Mock him. These goons have no truck with civility much less truth, so give back as good as they give. Make their 'press freshness' stink like lutefisk.

LUTEFISK!!!! OMG I am laughing so hard, I went on a vacation to Scandinavia a couple decades ago, it was a guided tour and one of the stops was at a place to try lutefisk, most of the people were retired, I was the only young'un on the trip and they kept cajoling me to try it, after about 8 shots of Aquavit with beer chasers I gave it a go, needless to say it was one of the worst things I've ever eaten.

I agree about the press, they should be mocking these idiots. I've said before I don't know why someone doesn't bait either of these two goofs, it's pretty easy to do, they have very little self restraint, I'd gladly take a few punches from these guys to see them charged criminally for assault.

I'm surprised Stintz hasn't played up Rub's sexually intimidating comments about her to the press. If she was smart she'd do that, she has zero hope of winning the election but she could be a nasty thorn in the side of Rub and Tug Ford.

P.S. I'd love for one reporter to ask Tug "If Rob needed rehab why not your sister, she was smoking crack with him and obviously still has substance abuse issues"
P.S. I'd love for one reporter to ask Tug "If Rob needed rehab why not your sister, she was smoking crack with him and obviously still has substance abuse issues"
You'd think that video might complicate an already complicated probation situation for Ms. Ford. Speaking of Kathy Ford, I'm curious if she ever had a piece of Deco and if so, how she lost it. It's pretty obvious that Doug Ford holdings won't be forking out $100K on her rehab.
Relationships: Blame and rationalization might as well be the Ford family motto. His ability to forge new relationships based on trust where he takes responsibility for his action will be impossible as long as he is a member of the Ford family.

That quote from Jim Coyle puts it pretty starkly, wouldn't y'all say? Slob is not going to genuinely recover & become anything like a worthwhile member of society as long as he's part of that ghastly assortment of ghouls known collectively as the Ford Family. In other words: NEVER.

Never underestimate the bizarre appeal of lining up for an hour for a shitty free burger and a cheap domestic beer.

There's also no shortage of rubberneckers who enjoy bearing witness to a good old-fashioned train wreck, even one in slow motion such as the Ford 'campaign.' Plenty of "supporters" might show up to smirk at Slob's face and then sneer at his back the moment he's not looking. A heart-warming thought, no?

Many of the likes don't have any "skin in the game". A lot of conservatives with semi-hidden bigoted views from outside of Toronto who seem to like Ford because he has the gall to say the hateful, spiteful and racist things they believe but won't themselves say when amongst the general public.

When Now Magazine published that "nude" cover pic of Ford poking fun at him, some woman wrote to their editor, snarling that it was proof of the liberal media's bias against white people. So...yeah.
P.S. I'd love for one reporter to ask Tug "If Rob needed rehab why not your sister, she was smoking crack with him and obviously still has substance abuse issues"

"Rob went into rehab because of his weight and drink issues. Kathy doesn't have any of those, and neither of them does drugs." You can practically write the script for Doug's bullshit.
"Rob went into rehab because of his weight and drink issues. Kathy doesn't have any of those, and neither of them does drugs." You can practically write the script for Doug's bullshit.

All the more reason to ask, he lies constantly and airing those lies just puts more nails in the Ford coffin.

I think the reporters are intimidated by him and feel he might physically assault them if they ask very pointed questions.

Remember he charged someone in the gallery at City Hall, it's not a stretch to imagine him or his fucked up brother to lash out when pushed to the wall, sadly the reporters just won't do it.
Looks like he still has a couple of supporters:p

"Supporters quietly prep for Mayor Ford’s return"

“We have the best ground game in the country,†Councillor Ford said of the grassroots campaign. “Bar none"

"If people don’t want to vote for him, it’s because of the allegations in the news.

The Ford parrots need to get a new song sheet. It's not "allegations" when Ford himself admit to it and went to make-believe-rehab because of it.

Speaking of make-believe-rehab, it's funny how horrible of liars they are. Nobody is acting like a family going through rehab. The constant selfies is a dead giveaway that there is no personality change, but the biggest most obvious scammer is Thug. His recent quote about "media out to get us" shows he is still holding a grudge against the outlets that WROTE THE TRUTH THAT that forced Rob into rehab in the first place. If you truly believe Rob has a problem and is getting help, why are you punishing the people who wrote the truth and force him to see the light, but still befriend the enablers that excused Rob during his addiction. There is no relations to how real people act to rehab (understanding that the addict was in the wrong) but the Fords can never do that, they are always the victim and the mystical "others" out to get them.

A thing that stands out a lot of the Fords is considering how much they lie, but how awful, obvious & unbelievable their lies are. When stories of Ford public drunkenness, Doug could have denied it by saying "Rob a responsible drinker" instead Doug says the totally unbelievable "I've never seen Rob drink" even their buttkissers like Jerry Agar on RB couldn't believe that. Or when Rob was photographed with a beer in his hand at a Leaf game, the Frauds & Wormington thought of the absurd "It's gingerale" (in a beer cup right) & that Worms drank it itself to check, because that's the "normal" way to tell a difference, most normal people can't tell the difference between Canada Dry and Molsons by just looking or smelling it, you have to drink it lol. The Ford's lie like kids lie, kids don't know how to measure it so their lies are pretty absurd of reality. It's cute when kids tell an obvious one, not so much for adults.
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