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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I laughed out loud when I saw this just now:


Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 1m -- Muzik club owner has issued a statement. In part: "Contrary to what has been reported in the media, Mayor Ford and I are not close."


Well of course not, Zlatko, Rob's in Chicago :)

And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.†And he went out and wept bitterly.
Ya could've been another fake threat for sympathy points because they knew another crack video was coming out.

I would guess famous people get threats. But I never heard somebody going to the media about it so much about it. You would think they would want to keep that quiet so not to encourage copy-cats. But the Fords are so different than everybody else.

As for the video. I know I ranted that nothing could change the 20/25% mind on Ford. But there might be a single exception. It's a video of him "having relations" with a man. I think that would have his supporters running for the hills (Richmond Hill that is). Which is kind of sad as it would be probably the least offensive thing he's done (well except for forcing the world to see him naked)
Ya could've been another fake threat for sympathy points because they knew another crack video was coming out.

The timing is really tight though. The clip was done early Sat morning.

One possible way for an early heads up would be for the dealer to give the Fords first rights of refusal. That will have given them a few days head start. And also maybe the cause of the Mon night bender at Sullie Gorman.

Pretty gutsy move for the dealer if true.
MM claiming house search warrant in 48 hours. If it happens. WTF man.
"If a warrant is going to be executed, it will happen within the next 48hrs. Watch Momma Ford's and Kathy's homes for signs."

He's saying IF there is a warrant executed, not that there is one.
VTB: I think most journalists actually give him the heads up when they are about to print the story. Even though he treats them like crap, they ask him if he wants to comment or see what they have before the go to print. Not sure if G&M did so in this situation.

Waterloo: I really like Mandel, I always liked her writing. On the other side of the scale Blatchford is horrible. I think she might even be worse than Warmington & Levy. At least you know where those two enablers stand. Blatchford wants to act like she's credible but understates what Ford does and is overly critical of journalist who actually do their job. Today she wrote this trash column saying "journalist almost as tarnish as Ford" the comments under the article were almost all against her, reminding her that The Post was the only paper who didn't have a Ford scoop today. When was the last Blatchford actually broke a story and not just react (negatively) to current journalist hard work
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