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Rob Ford's Toronto

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They are selective in their responses and they are trying to get a rise out of us.

EVERYONE is selective in their responses! Look at how much of my reply you and Honest Ed chose to respond to, while not addressing or acknowledging the rest. Selective reply does not equal troll.

But anyway, this is a Ford thread, so back to the topic at hand.
It could be. The thing that doesn't fit for me is Price's reaction to the tip the video was motive for Smith's murder. If he were so intimately involved in the retrieval of the video with Lisi, wouldn't he have gone straight to Ford, not Towhey and then the police?

The reason it doesn't fit is because you're analyzing it after the fact, with a limited amount of information, and under the assumption that everyone reacts to things in a logical, consistent and predictable way.

I have some trouble figuring out Price's actions re: the tip, too. Perhaps the recovery effort "went bad", and Price/Ford were attempting to get the police to move in and seize the evidence. Don't forget, Price (and Ford, etc.) were at that time probably assuming that Taverner/23 Div. would be handling the investigation/raid. Or perhaps Price thought Towhey was less of a straight arrow than he turned out to be.

Is it logical to see this as a phase 1 negotiation from Ford?:

Negotiations obviously break down and a Phase 2 is initiated calling in the bigger boys with their suitcases and nicer cars?:

Throw in a "I'm going to kill that fucker" venting video in between the phases just for fun. To me, it just looks like he was told to "stay here", being baby-sat while the big brothers and other "family" went out to try and fix a few things for him.

I'd like to point out a few things here... how MONUMENTALLY stupid is Ford???? Pay close attention to the dates. The conversation about Ford's initial (pitiful) offer of $5k and a car for the crack video was on March 27th. Yet a month later (April 20th) Ford is back at 15 Windsor buying more drugs FROM THE SAME GUYS WHO WERE BLACKMAILING HIM. What sort of insane, insane lack of judgment does this display??? Un-freakin'-believable. So he compromised himself AGAIN to the same guys who already had the goods on him, this time having his cell phone stolen, along with the implication that they may have taken pictures of him consuming 'hezza'/heroin. This is making my head spin in circles. I've known for a long time that he was a simpleton, but this is just a completely different level of stupidity.

just... wow.

In my opinion this answers the question of whether or not he is an addict. Only an addict would need drugs so badly that he would go and buy them from people he knows are ACTIVELY BLACKMAILING HIM.

(As an aside, I'm fascinated by the fact that Ford placed such incredibly low value to his own reputation, given how adamantly he denied, denied, denied for 6 months.)
(As a second aside, I REALLY want to know what was on his phone. It couldn't be because of the crack video, because he lost it to the guy who already HAD the crack video. I guess conceivably it could have been nothing of importance on the phone, he was just worried what the dealers would do if they answered a call from a constituent on his phone. 'Oh, you need a pothole fixed? We'll be right over to fill it up with some rocks.')
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maybe there were text conversations with Lisi and/or Princess about scoring?

PS - The mayor of Toronto doesn't have his phone password protected. Aye aye aye.
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I think this captures so much about the whole Ford affair:
Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 8m
Doug Ford says the mayor has not done heroin or associated with gang members since he was elected.
Ah, but remember, the American news agencies aren't interested in this from a political narrative at all...they aren't going to vote for him. They are just interested in the train wreck part. Non locals don't have a back story, so they are naturally interested in how the man can retain the approval rating he has (not that it's huge, but that it's anything at all)

But they are inadvertently hurting us Torontonians by allowing people to perpetuate the myth that while his personal behaviour is not what people approve of, his fabulous fiscal policies are. Except the bottom line is...he has been a fiscal nightmare. Yet the American channels will let that one slip unchallenged.

i'm once again catching up, so i apologizes if this has already been posted, but... they made this error too...



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Conrad Black is now at City Hall to interview Blob.

How either of them thinks this is a good idea is hilarious.
I think people need to start contacting the Ontari PC's to voice displeasure with DoFo.
They don't want him. It's a relatively safe seat and Doug is not only toxic he will be a giant PITA loose cannon of a chair moistening back bencher.

As it stands Hudak is delaying the time he has to flat out say thanks, but no thanks and incurs the inevitable Ford crime family retaliation against him. It speaks volumes that Harris/Eves got rid of Pops Ford after one term.
why Frod Nation loves him is beyond me ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford opposes publicly-funded healthcare

By Matthew Coutts | Daily Brew – 23 hours ago.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he still has plans to become Canada’s prime minister and claims his brother will be Ontario premier some day. And if those days come, don’t be surprised if the first order of business is to kill Canada’s healthcare system.

Ford panned America’s move toward universal healthcare and promoted a two-tier healthcare system in Canada during a wide-ranging interview on a sports radio show in Washington, D.C. called "The Sports Junkies."

While first declining to discuss anything but sports, Ford eventually shared his thoughts on President Barack Obama, particularly his criticism of Obamacare.

"I’d be a Republican if I was down in the states. So I don’t believe in all this public-funded health care, because we gotta pay for it. (Canada) can’t afford it," Ford told the sports radio show.

“If you want health care, you pay for it. It’s going to cost you guys a fortune to put in Obamacare.”

It is not the first time he has publicly opposed public healthcare. During an appearance on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor last month, Ford was asked whether he supported Obamacare and responded, "Come on, some of the stuff you guys are doing down there, to me, are you crazy?"

Ford’s family is worth millions thanks to a successful company established by his father. So perhaps his preference as a one-per-center for privatizing health care should be obvious. Still, it is notable considering he intentionally appeals to low-income voters, who likely rely heavily on public healthcare.

Here is Ford’s comment in full:

I’d be a Republican if I was down in the states. So I don’t believe in all this public-funded health care, because we gotta pay for it.

We can’t afford it. What you guys are doing down there, I just, I can’t get my head around it because it’s costing a fortune, and I don’t know where you guys are going to find the money, except for the taxpayers pockets.

And I think people are taxed to death, and I don’t mind two-tier health care; if you want health care, you pay for it. I understand that. We have general health care up here, or OHIP we call it, but, you know, it’s gonna cost a fortune for you guys to put in this Obamacare, and I just don’t see how the people are going to be able to afford it, to tell you the truth.
The internet doesn't work that way. When the trolls come out, don't engage them. Trying to correct them like they are bratty children is exactly what they want and it completely throws the thread off the rails.

Just ignore their posts. If they post something stupid and contrary just let it slide and before you know it there is a new page and what One Ball Saul ;) said is forgotten.

Being overly nannyish with censoring and bannings just shuts down real conversation and creates the echo chamber that kills traffic on most message boards.

There was about three straight pages of people biting the hook on Peepers' troll yesterday. That feeds the troll and stopped the thread dead. Just ignore stupid comments from posters you know to be doing it simply to provoke.

EXACTLY. Stop responding to them, period. We've all had our moments where we get frustrated and take the bait. Hell, I did it today. But that is their oxygen, pure and simple, and keeps their bullshit ideas in the discourse. Stonewalling is the only way.

Maybe this sounds harsh but I for one am so, so sick of the constant stream of lies, diversions and false argumentation that people who still feel compelled to defend Ford are forced to employ. It's the only way you CAN defend him.
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