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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Long time reader (and occasional poster) of this forum posting this from a different account and alternate location. No interest in having Dave Price wandering up and down my street looking for an IP match! Other users who know me will vouch for my personal integrity. If this information is proven to be wrong it's because it was passed on to me that way.

Not a lunatic or attention-seeker.

I know the board has kind of moved on from discussing the clip at this point and that some of this has been mentioned in various blogs/articles/posts but recently I was made privy to the following:

The original phone with the master-copy of the clip is in a safe in Chief Blair's office. Safe is only accessible to Chief Blair.

Many members of TPS have viewed the clip. There are no doubts from any of them regarding it's veracity.

This phone was seized during the Project Traveller raids.

Doug Ford directed the police (do not know if this means Ron Taverner, Chief Blair, or others) to the specific unit the phone was being kept (I presume this is the unit mentioned in many articles/posts about the raid).

Source: Member of TPS.
I do my best these days to avoid the Trollonto Sun, especially since the start of crackgate as most other media outlets are able to be far more interesting than these Ford fanboys, but... wow. This is pathetic even for this rag!

Stand up to 'Mayor Meanie': Strobel

C’mon, Councillor Paul Ainslie, grow a pair. There’s no crying in Scarborough.

Mayor Meanie kicks sand in your face, so you run and squeal to the principal, the integrity commissioner, the CRTC? Man up.

Frankly, I’m no longer even sure Ainslie’s really from Scarborough, my old stomping ground.

Kick sand in a Scarberian’s face and he doesn’t run to the lifeguard, he bites off your foot.

In case you didn’t get the mayor’s robocall Friday, Ainslie is the sole Scarborough councillor who voted against the subway extension during last week’s raucous debate.

This betrayal by their former ally gave the Brothers Ford a touch of apoplexy.

Mayor Rob scowled at Ainslie and demanded: “This is not a joke?” Councillor Doug bellowed at Ainslie until they cut his mike and called a recess. Later, Doug railed that the councillor was “voting against his own people. This is disgusting.”

I figured Ainslie, who looks hangdog at the best of times, was about to commence sobbing. He promptly quit Ford’s executive committee — before the mayor could fire him.

Ford’s robocalls to Ainslie’s Ward 43 constituents reminded them, snarkily, of their councillor’s subway subterfuge.

Ainslie learned about the calls when his mommy got one.

Now he says he feels bullied by the Fords and is pondering filing a complaint to the integrity commissioner first thing this week. The CRTC also deals with robocalls.

Welcome to the Age of the Victim. Bullying is such a “cause de jour” it is marked several times a year.

City Hall, that den of decorum, has declared Friday to be Stop Workplace Harassment Day in Toronto.

Mayor Ford’s proclamation says, “Whereas ... harassment can have negative repercussions in the workplace, leading to anxiety, stress and decrease in morale, motivation and productivity ...

“Often it forces the victim to seek employment (elsewhere).”

Oh, the irony.

There’s a flag-raising. You’re supposed to wear a blue shirt in sympathy.

Nice. Blue will set off Mr. Ainslie’s watery eyes when he seeks solace from Integrity Commissioner Janet Leiper.

“Blue shirt day” is also marked in Richmond Hill and Markham. Bully for them.

But Scarborough? My old ‘hood? The only whining I ever heard there was when someone kicked their pit bull. If you heard a whimper, it was likely a lost and frightened tourist.

I think Councillor Ainslie has been spending too much time in the touchy-feely air downtown, though, come to think of it, so have I. Here’s some advice from one wayward Scarberian to another on how to stand up to the Fords. These are straight from the Scarborough Anti-Bully Guide.

Prank ’em. Scarberians are notorious jokesters. If you lived there, you’d know why. First thing I’d do, if I were Ainslie, is buy a deluxe whoopee cushion and put it on Doug Ford’s council seat.

This would send a message. Mess with me and you’ll make rude noises. If that doesn’t shut him up, run like hell, since Doug sits right next to Paul Ainslie.

Throw it back at ’em. Robocalls seem a good investment. Rob says he’s paying for his himself, “a few hundred dollars.”

Imagine thousands of Etobicokians, or whatever you call them, picking up the phone during dinner to hear a recorded voice say, “Psst, I’m a friend of the mayor. Got a video we’d like to see?”

You’ll feel better, Paul. You can say, “Take that, Mayor Meanie!”

Also, a good nickname helps. Doug called the mayor “Mr. Softy” during their Sunday radio show, to describe how sweet Rob always is to councillors. Mayor Softy? Clever. Makes him seem warm and fuzzy, not Mayor Meanie. A good handle means a lot.

“Pugnacious Paul” might work. Or “Hard-ass Ainslie.” Bullies never pick on people with biker-sounding names.

But then, bullies rarely pick on Scarberians, period. East-enders have a dangerous reputation, some of it deserved.

They don’t generally run crying for help.

Pick on one and you’re likely to be picking up your teeth.

You sure you’re from Scarborough, Paul?

Among the midst of rage filled tweets I sent to this assbag, I think this one sums it up the best:

"@strobelsun hope your child is bullied and doesn't have the courage to get help because of your article! #TOpoli"
Long time reader (and occasional poster) of this forum posting this from a different account and alternate location. No interest in having Dave Price wandering up and down my street looking for an IP match! Other users who know me will vouch for my personal integrity. If this information is proven to be wrong it's because it was passed on to me that way.

Not a lunatic or attention-seeker.

I know the board has kind of moved on from discussing the clip at this point and that some of this has been mentioned in various blogs/articles/posts but recently I was made privy to the following:

The original phone with the master-copy of the clip is in a safe in Chief Blair's office. Safe is only accessible to Chief Blair.

Many members of TPS have viewed the clip. There are no doubts from any of them regarding it's veracity.

This phone was seized during the Project Traveller raids.

Doug Ford directed the police (do not know if this means Ron Taverner, Chief Blair, or others) to the specific unit the phone was being kept (I presume this is the unit mentioned in many articles/posts about the raid).

Source: Member of TPS.

Let's hope that the phone/video is being held for the grand finale. At this point, who knows what the TPS have planned.
The original phone with the master-copy of the clip is in a safe in Chief Blair's office. Safe is only accessible to Chief Blair.
So, who wants to join my UT Special Ops unit? Mission: To covertly infiltrate Chief Blair's office. I'll be in charge of renting a helicopter which I will land on the roof of TPS headquarters. I figure one of us could volunteer to rappel down and into the window of his office. You'll be equipped with the proper tools to discreetly and quietly penetrate the safe and take possession of the phone. It's almost too easy.
So, who wants to join my UT Special Ops unit? Mission: To covertly infiltrate Chief Blair's office. I'll be in charge of renting a helicopter which I will land on the roof of TPS headquarters. I figure one of us could volunteer to rappel down and into the window of his office. You'll be equipped with the proper tools to discreetly and quietly penetrate the safe and take possession of the phone. It's almost too easy.

I think I have a flash light with working batteries.:cool:
2:08: We have our first call of the day, Paul on line one! Let’s listen in.

Paul: “I just want to congratulate Councillor Ainslie on his vote on the subway. Doug Ford, just a few minutes ago you said LRT in Scarborough would be ripping up the road and blocking traffic. Is that correct? Did you say that? ”

Doug: 100 per cent it’s going to be ripping up the roads. You know Paul—

Paul: That’s a lie, Mr. Ford.

Doug: Oh okay, I’ll let you finish and I’ll respond.

Paul: Do you understand that the LRT plan was supposed to follow the Scarborough RT route and not be blocking any traffic whatsoever?

Doug: Let him finish.

Rob: Go ahead.

Paul: In a YouTube video search for Rob Ford and Josh Matlow and there’s a great video of Rob Ford not understanding what the LRT line is whatsoever and councillor Josh Matlow had to explain to him that the LRT line would be going through the SRT line in that area of Scarborough. So Rob Ford and Doug Ford are lying to the citizens of Toronto. (Rob and Doug chuckle in background.)

Doug: Let him go.

Paul: There will be no streetcars, LRT, anything blocking traffic in Scarborough. That LRT line was fully funded and you guys are wasting millions for everything that has gone on. An environmental assessment needs to be done on this now, and you’re going to be putting this City further into debt. And the Downtown Relief Line you’re talking about services the people from east, west, north.

Rob: Thank you, thank you very much. We appreciate that. Now, let’s hear the truth. Obviously, that’s not the truth.

Doug: Let me respond first. First of all, what I’d like to ask Paul is, “Do you believe in a two-tier transit system?” Do you believe that the people of downtown should have underground transit in the middle of winter and have the people of Scarborough stand on the side of the road like they do on St. Clair Avenue freezing their butts off, while everyone else is underground on Eglinton. Yes, it is ripping up roads along Eglinton, Paul, we’re ripping up a couple lanes of traffic.”

It is the most critical phone call to ever get through the Rob and Doug Ford bubble. For the record, Paul got all of his facts right except that some lanes for cars will be reduced in Scarborough for the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, but not the Scarborough LRT. Still, Paul ruffled the Fords’ feathers good.

So, who wants to join my UT Special Ops unit? Mission: To covertly infiltrate Chief Blair's office. I'll be in charge of renting a helicopter which I will land on the roof of TPS headquarters. I figure one of us could volunteer to rappel down and into the window of his office. You'll be equipped with the proper tools to discreetly and quietly penetrate the safe and take possession of the phone. It's almost too easy.

I know this is a joke, but if it's true the video is in a safe in the Chief's office, we might never see it. Somebody in a position to do something needs to get in there and do Toronto a solid.
You're in, pattycakes! Thanks for being a team player. We may need some x-ray glasses, as well. The REAL kind that can be purchased from comic books. We'll have to wait 6 to 8 weeks before we can initiate this operation.
You're in, pattycakes! Thanks for being a team player. We may need some x-ray glasses, as well. The REAL kind that can be purchased from comic books. We'll have to wait 6 to 8 weeks before we can initiate this operation.

We all have to do our bit to save our city. Glad to be on board.
Isn't the video evidence? If so, isn't it illegal for the Chief to be in possession of evidence?

The story doesn't make any sense. If it's a cover up then Blair would want the phone at the bottom of Lake Ontario, or at least in a shredder bag. No way he would compromise plausible deniability by handling itt. If the tape is going to be used as evidence, then it will be booked as such. Don't see any reasonable explanation for it ending up in his office safe.
The original phone with the master-copy of the clip is in a safe in Chief Blair's office. Safe is only accessible to Chief Blair.

Many members of TPS have viewed the clip. There are no doubts from any of them regarding it's veracity.

This phone was seized during the Project Traveller raids.

Doug Ford directed the police (do not know if this means Ron Taverner, Chief Blair, or others) to the specific unit the phone was being kept (I presume this is the unit mentioned in many articles/posts about the raid).

Source: Member of TPS.

Question I have is if the original is in Blair's safe, how have many members of the force seen the video? Does this mean other copies within the TPS exist, or does Blair bust out the video for laughs now and again?
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