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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I keep checking Ray Heard's feed, which I'm sure is what he wanted, to see if there's an update on his prediction that the story would break big yesterday. There isn't, just a lot of attempts to put himself at the centre of things, and ridiculous posts like this:

"My wonderful Coloured friends in SA are sometimes called God's step-children. They have contributed to much."
Media lawyers seek search warrant records for Mayor Rob Ford's friend

Media lawyers will be in court Tuesday trying to obtain search warrant documents possibly connected to the drug controversy swirling around Mayor Rob Ford.

Lawyer Iain MacKinnon, who will represent a number of media agencies including the Toronto Sun, said the 9:30 a.m. hearing will be the first step in an effort to gain access to search warrant records for Ford’s friend Alexander ‘Sandro’ Lisi.

The hearing will set out a timetable and process for hearings which could see the records opened in part or in whole. Some of the information may be blacked out to protect third-parties, MacKinnon said.

I don’t think there is any doubt (media) are going to get access, the question is, how much access?” he said.

ALSO This!

Media lawyers will also be before the court tomorrow in connection with more police documents linked to the Project Traveller investigation
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Interesting anecdote: I drove by Lisi Central on Madill this morning, and there was a big metal disposal bin up front (whatever that means). But what's just as interesting is that what appears to be nosy-neighbour Carol Peck's house is the kind of shaggy exurban 50s ranch bungalow that's fast being McMansioned out of existence around these parts--and which, in its survival (and the fact that Peck's almost certainly not an "original occupant"), is an artifact of a sleepily prudent leave-well-enough-alone attitude within bygone suburbia/exurbia. Back when living out here seemed a vaguely "enlightened" option (maybe akin to having a spread in Prince Edward County these days) rather than the stuff of vulgar parvenus.

It's like the difference btw/an Etobicoke prone to producing Timmins-type kids (think Cowboy Junkies) and an Etobicoke prone to producing Ford-type kids.

And it may explain why, to the anti-Ford crowd, Carol Peck's guarded candour came across as disarmingly refreshing--"by George, there's sane people in Etobicoke in 2013!" An artifact of past sanity, perhaps...
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I heard back from one of my TPS sources. People working in any capacity with the TPS are to not talk about this case regardless of how little they know -- not in conversation with friends or even in a speculative manner. After all the leaks this past week, the Chief is cracking the whip. So I guess I -- and likely members of the media -- no longer have TPS insider info going forward.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if no arrests are made and no statement is given that clears up Ford's involvement in Projects Traveller and Brazen II then even the most rational person is going to have a lot of reasons to be suspicious about the police. That said, I do want to make it clear that I have no reason to believe there's a coverup and I strongly believe that Detective Sgt. Giroux is investigating the Mayor with the intention of charging him.

I felt a great disturbance at UT, as if millions of advertisers suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
I heard back from one of my TPS sources. People working in any capacity with the TPS are to not talk about this case regardless of how little they know -- not in conversation with friends or even in a speculative manner. After all the leaks this past week, the Chief is cracking the whip. So I guess I -- and likely members of the media -- no longer have TPS insider info going forward.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if no arrests are made and no statement is given that clears up Ford's involvement in Projects Traveller and Brazen II then even the most rational person is going to have a lot of reasons to be suspicious about the police. That said, I do want to make it clear that I have no reason to believe there's a cover-up and I strongly believe that Detective Sgt. Giroux is investigating the Mayor with the intention of charging him.

I hope your optimism regarding the motives of the TPS is proven right. If we learn that the police instigated an investigation of the Mayor, using resources like a surveillance plane to do so, with the result being low level drug charges against his associates, and none towards him, people will have the right to be quite angry and suspicious.

If the police remain content with what they find at the bottom of the food chain, and fail to clear the air about all of the dodgy revelations connecting the Mayor to violent criminals, I wouldn't be surprised if the conduct and leadership of the TPS becomes a much higher priority election issue in 2014.
If the police remain content with what they find at the bottom of the food chain, and fail to clear the air about all of the dodgy revelations connecting the Mayor to violent criminals, I wouldn't be surprised if the conduct and leadership of the TPS becomes a much higher priority election issue in 2014.

I would. The police are the third rail of Toronto politics. Just like a politician can't win by talking critically about Israel in US politics (or Canadian politics, for that matter), any candidate who campaigns on cleaning up (or even increasing the efficiency of) the TPA is courting disaster. It's like going after the teachers, but instead of teachers you're dealing with a group that is much less educated, much more prone to mental illness and substance abuse, is armed and happy to make use of their arms, regards itself as above the law, and has resources at its disposal to run smear campaigns and a demonstrated history of running such campaigns.
Ainslie is giving a press conference right now, I'm sure a lot of you are following, but damn! I'm impressed! Calling Ford out as a bully AND playing the "I'm a better fiscal conservative than he is" card is incredibly smart. I think I see a future mayor (probably not one I would personally vote for though).
Although anyone who was ever a kid on a playground knows it's hard to go up against bullies. Too easy to fall into "I know you are but what am I" type of whine that causes everyone to line up behind the bully and take their kicks. Need to be resilient and you need support. Think someone needs to go for the truth with Ford and don't let up, take him on even if it sometimes seems less than professional. It's a start by labeling him a bully and a liar.
I'm guessing Ford Nation will think that since he's being attacked like this he must be doing something right. Chalk up another point for the mayor!
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