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Rob Ford - Why the Supervillian?

Rob Ford is going to slowly implode over the course of the summer. In the end, a huge centrist push is going to coalesce around someone like Smitherman or Pantalone or Rossi, or if he changes his mind, John Tory. David Miller got 57% of the vote last election vs Jane Pitfield's 30%. There's not a huge conservative base to pull from in this city.

That's my worst nightmare personified. Smitherman and Rossi? Want more of the same? Elect another Liberal and you shall get your wish. Toronto will continue its downward spiral from the “City That Works” back to the “Muddy York” of two centuries ago unless something totally different is done.

Smitherman just sounds more like an idiot day after day. He's making it too easy for the people of Toronto. And to all of Smitherman supporters... REALLYYYYYYYY? Rob Ford understands how to control costs because it is part of his business practice. His private company employs 250 people. George Smitherman, a lawyer by trade, has no idea how to control costs -- he is adversarial on every topic. When George was told about conditions in nursing homes, he offered to wear a diaper --- some solution. With no local consultation, he decided to build a gas-powered generating station in the Greenbelt on the edge of the Holland Marsh, Ontario's primary heritage farmland. George's party with E-Health 'consultants' (political cronyism) has cost us at least $1-billion. His bypassing of any environmental studies to push windmills in Lake Ontario by the Scarborough Bluffs; the serious questions about his financial management skills--i.e. ehealth, etc, real questons about his going to a mayor's conference in China on the Chinese government's dime (what sort of influence peddling is this?); his close involvement with Mcguinty that still goes on... George is a talking head with no idea how cost/benefits analysis is performed. George is a menace.

And Joey Pants? Lol!

One more thing, Rossi started off immediately with the WRONG attitude. Why 'sell' anything to reduce the deficit? Why not cut waste and limit increases to public sector payroll costs? That's what an intelligent person would do. Anything that has to do with the Liberal Party of Canada these days is like jumping from the devil we know to the devil we don't. And splitering the right-wing vote will only allow Smitherman to slither his way through to victory.

What Toronto REALLY needs is a mayor who understands how to run a CITY efficiently, not someone who wastes time and money declaring nuclear-free zones and closing law-abiding gun clubs (big difference that made). Someone who can fix the streets and sewers, clean up the TTC, collect the garbage and balance the books, all without screeching about being "world-class". Oh and it's not just mayor that has to be replaced, the councillors have to go as well. It's time to break up their monopoly over this city. Sandra Bussin, councillor for Toronto Beaches, is a great example of what needs to go and fast!

So when y'all have the maturity to talk about the issues, rather than insinuate that Rob Ford is a mafioso or focus so narrowly on inconsequential sensstionalist spin concocted up in a mediahouse darkroom, I'll be waiting.
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It's in the service summary -

For example, you can see that the 5 Avenue in the evenings takes 45 minutes to do a round trip. So to meet the minimum service requirement of 30 minutes, you'd need 2 buses ... running a 22.5 minute frequency. However, rather than doing this, they run only once every 30 minutes, alternating trips with the 56 Leaside, which also takes 45 minutes for a round trip. THere are several examples of this in the schedule.

Bingo. Thanks, nfitz.
You do understand my point was that if Rob Ford wants to get elected - and you want him to get elected - you should probably advise him to take a step towards the middle. Otherwise, his political implosion will soon follow. Sorry, it's true!

That's my worst nightmare personified. Smitherman and Rossi? Want more of the same? Elect another Liberal and you shall get your wish. Toronto will continue its downward spiral from the “City That Works” back to the “Muddy York” of two centuries ago unless something totally different is done.

Rob Ford is going to help Toronto - which, according to you, is inexplicably travelling backwards in time to the early 19th century - by cutting 0.1% from the budget in his quest to rid council chambers of his personal enemies? Dude, what mescaline are you on? I'd love to take that trip!

What Toronto REALLY needs is a mayor who understands how to run a CITY efficiently, not someone who wastes time and money declaring nuclear-free zones and closing law-abiding gun clubs (big difference that made). Someone who can fix the streets and sewers, clean up the TTC, collect the garbage and balance the books, all without screeching about being "world-class". Oh and it's not just mayor that has to be replaced, the councillors have to go as well. It's time to break up their monopoly over this city. Sandra Bussin, councillor for Toronto Beaches, is a great example of what needs to go and fast!

Rob Ford knows how to run a city? He doesn't even care about city planning! He's so penny ante, I wouldn't give him the reins of a horse-drawn cart. His company appears to make Toronto Maple Leaf toilet paper as far as I can tell from the tiny, non-scalable images his piss-poor website provides. At least Mel Lastman sold home furnishings.

As for getting rid of Sandra Bussin: it might terrify you to know that she is an elected representative. In other words, the people in her constitutency voted for her. Whether you dislike her or not is not really your concern unless she committed a crime. Decreasing the size of council should not be an excuse to get rid of people that rub you the wrong way. If the folks in the Beaches think she screwed up, they'll vote someone else in (likely someone you will dislike as well!).
Rob Ford was on the news today saying he wants to put a stop to all government housing. Didn't he say recently that if he became mayor, he'd get all the beggars and homeless people off the streets and get them housed? How will he do that with no government housing? So will the Regent Park redevelopment come to an end? Does this guy expect us to take him seriously when he constantly talks out of both sides of his mouth? Sheesh!
You do understand my point was that if Rob Ford wants to get elected - and you want him to get elected - you should probably advise him to take a step towards the middle. Otherwise, his political implosion will soon follow. Sorry, it's true!

And whose a better choice for you, Smitherfraud? You just don't get it, do you. Parky, I wasn't really adressing (over the course of my many postings in this thread) whether he would be a good mayor or not, only why his poll numbers are up. Whether you're a good Mayor or not, comes out later in the wash. But all the other candidates come off as typical politicians that will say what they need to to get elected then take care of themselves and their supporters, while snubbing those that disagree with them after the election. As voters, we see the ass-kissing during the campaign that evaporates into what seems like a "don't bother me, I'm working" level of apathy after the election has passed.

I'm going to let you in on a secret... I'm already fully aware that Ford will never get elected. Toronto voters are so goddamned stupid that if Miller was to run again, he probably would win. But there's no reason why frustrated Torontonians like me should not take full advantage of the populist momentum that Ford's fiscal prudence/responsive responsible gov't mantra's bringing to the forefront of local media attention. It might not amount to much if any lasting significant changes in how the City conducts its business; but I'm proud for having stuck to to my principles and convictions in the face of relentless scrutiny and I have no regrets. You can take your veiled insults and shove 'em!

Ford’s businesslike approach
Published On Mon Jun 21 2010

It is a few years ago now that I contacted Rob Ford but I am still in awe at his response. At the time, I was living in the Guildwood area, and I took the time to write a letter to my city councillor regarding a number of activities going on in the neighbourhood that were wasting significant taxpayer dollars. A month went by with no response. I wrote another letter and this time I copied Rob Ford. It was my hope that Ford could provoke a response. To my great surprise, Ford called me three days later. He reviewed my concerns to ensure his complete understanding and committed to looking into them.

A week latter, he called back and explained that a few of the issues could not be resolved due to the difficulties in dealing with union trades (which his mayoral platform now addresses). On the remaining issues, he committed to a course of action, and he even thanked me for bringing the issues to his attention.

I am awed by Ford’s businesslike approach to the running of this city. He did this for me even when he was the city councillor at the opposite end of town. He is accessible, he really listens and he follows through. Imagine what he could do as our mayor.

Alan Davidson, Toronto

Our family lives two blocks from the Sunrise Propane site. Recently, we were shocked when our councillor ignored an invite to visit us and view significant safety concerns in our community. She said it’s not her role. Incredible! However, Rob Ford did visit us, showed genuine concern and assisted us in bringing much-needed attention to the matter. We are grateful that he took the time to care. Ford can teach others a thing or two about leadership.

Michael and Dianne Green, Toronto
Uh, Ford = "centre-right"? Actually, if I can picture tinpot oligarchy coming from anyone, it's from this rather socialist-Russia-looking team.

Oh, come on. Ford's done enough to prove himself unworthy of office. No need for comments like this.
And whose a better choice for you, Smitherfraud?

I really dislike this whole "Smitherman," "Fiberals," "New Spendocrats" stuff. People from all over the political spectrum are guilty of this, and all it does is prove to people who would otherwise engage in politics that it is nothing but school yard bullying for grown-ups.

If you don't like the man, explain why in a more mature manner and you might find more people agree with you, or at least that more people respect you.
Fresh Start - yes, Rob Ford is known for dealing with people individually and acting like he cares. But that becomes a lot harder when you're mayor. And playing politician and acting like you care is very different from actually doing anything to fix the problem.
Fresh Start - yes, Rob Ford is known for dealing with people individually and acting like he cares. But that becomes a lot harder when you're mayor. And playing politician and acting like you care is very different from actually doing anything to fix the problem.

I think you should personally get acquainted with the individual Mayoral candidates before making a comment like that.

I've spoken to all four (minus Mamollitti) and I can tell you Rob Ford is probably the most down to earth, genuine individual (they did say the same thing about G.W. though)

The biggest snake - Pantalone
Most Arrogant - Smitherman

Coincidence that the two combine for over 40 years of political experience? I think not...
