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Rob Ford - Why the Supervillian?

No mud slinging from you, eh? I guess the stuff you spewed above are 'real issues'.
Why are right wingers always such hypocrites?

How am I the hypocrite? People here have attacked Ford with every name and insult in the book, yet take offense to misinterpreted remarks made by him years ago. Is his alledged hate greater than some of these folk's known dislike for him and his supporters?
Fresh Start

FYI, I know damn well what MSM meant - I just wanted to hear from the source himself to confirm what I already know. As a gay (and not simply MSM) man, I found your use of the term positively offensive, quite possibly in contrary to UT rules, and it just confirms all I need to know about you as an individual and your values, and how you'd find solace in a candidate like Rob Ford.

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Typical liberal strategy: sling the mud rather than talk about real issues...

Is it any wonder that Left-wing thought is never able to sell itself to the average person? This is why Left-wing talk radio and TV always is a losing proposition. It is idiotic in its reasoning. Left-wing candidates always have to lie about whom they are and what they believe in order to win. The only way for Left-wingers to win is to lie about themselves, their opponents AND most importantly, promise voters free stuff that will be paid for by other people.

If liberals agree, with each other, on any issue, then, by their reasoning... they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Project much?
There are many reasons not to vote for Ford, and I'll leave it to others to get to the more substantive details about his past, the policies he espouses, etc. What I will give you is the thing that really bugs me about Ford, though I must warn you that it is almost entirely based off of my personal impression of him.

Basically what really worries me about him is that he's great about talking about what he hates about the city: the taxes are too high, there's a war on the car, etc. What does he actually like about it? What is his vision for the city as a community (and not as just another level of government)? What is Toronto to Ford? The economic engine of the country? The cultural capital of English Canada? A centre of learning, creativity, and commerce? Or is Toronto just the tax man?

The problems facing Toronto today are the same problems faced by cities and other municipalities across Canada. Our country's institutions were designed and built when the vast majority of the population lived in rural areas. Now the vast majority live in cities, but the country's structure hasn't changed at all to reflect this. More than anything there is a need for a new deal for cities, and I just don't see Ford leading or championing that cause - or championing Toronto in the face of often hostile upper levels of government for that matter.

You said it better than I ever could. I want to vote for someone who has a love for this city. Nothing that Ford does or says, suggests a love for this city, the suburbs, the core or anything else.
Fresh Start

FYI, I know damn well what MSM meant - I just wanted to hear from the source himself to confirm what I already know. As a gay (and not simply MSM) man, I found your use of the term positively offensive, quite possibly in contrary with UT rules, and it just confirms all I need to know about you as an individual and your values, and how you'd find solace in a candidate like Rob Ford.


My mistake, I should've spelt that out instead of using abbreviations. I would've said gay if that's what I meant. I apologize.
Apology not accepted, though I can see why you are so eager for the rest of us to accept RF's apology in his various missteps. And stop making your already meaningless apology worse by editing it, spelling out MSM doesn't make an iota of difference in your use of the phrase (and all that is associated with it) in a derogatory manner.
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I'm not at all a fan of Fresh Start and his over-dramatic ramblings about BRT and circa-2004 conservatism and whatever else, but 'MSM' is a very common abbreviation for 'mainstream media' that's used all over the internet by garden variety right-wing paranoid bloggers and such.
I will give that clarification the benefit of the doubt. However, I will point to this since deleted post from the TTC moving headquarter thread:

2010-May-06 03:17 #34
Fresh Start

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Fresh Start is online now Senior UT Member

Join Date
Aug 2009

AIDS Committee of Toronto

HIV/AIDS Statistics – Canada
Updated March 2010


The number of people living with HIV (including AIDS) in Canada continues to rise, from an estimated 57,000 in 2005 to 65,000 in 2008 (a 14% increase).

Although estimates of the number of new HIV infections are quite uncertain, it appears that the number of new infections in 2008 (estimated range between 2,300 and 4,300) was about the same as or slightly greater than the estimated range in 2005 (2,200 to 4,200).

Most Recent Trends

Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) continued to comprise the greatest proportion (44%) of new HIV infections in 2008, which was only slightly lower than the estimated 45% they comprised in 2005.

In 2008, the proportion of new infections among persons who inject drugs (IDU) was slightly higher than in 2005 (17% compared to 16%).

The proportions of new infections were unchanged from 2005 in both heterosexual/ non-endemic (20%) and heterosexual/endemic (16%) exposure categories.

The proportion of all new infections among women was unchanged from 2005 to 2008 (26%).

Aboriginal persons also continue to be over-represented in the HIV epidemic in Canada, and comprised 12.5% of all new infections in 2008, higher than the 10.5% of all new infections in 2005.

1. Estimates of HIV Prevalence and Incidence in Canada, 2008. Public Health Agency of Canada.

I would much rather have George explain how he wasted billions of dollars and left David Caplan to take the fall than have Ford explain some comment he made regarding communicable disease 4 years ago.


Bolded is your emphasis.
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I don't know what more I can say other than that's not what I meant.
"The term mainstream media (MSM) denotes those media disseminated via the largest distribution channels, which therefore represent what the majority of media consumers are likely to encounter. The term also denotes those media generally reflective of the prevailing currents of thought, influence, or activity.

Large news conglomerates, including newspapers and broadcast media, which underwent successive mergers in the U.S. and elsewhere at an increasing rate beginning in the 1990s, are often referenced by the term. This consolidation of ownership has raised concerns of a progressive homogenization of viewpoints presented to news consumers. Consequently, the term mainstream media has been widely used in conversation and the blogosphere, often in oppositional, pejorative, or dismissive senses, in discussion of the mass media and media bias.

Sarah Palin has been widely reported making use of the further pejorative lamestream media, notably during her participation in the Tea Party Express, to allege media misrepresentation of the Tea Party movement.[1][2][3

Can you see now, how I may have mistaken my audience here for knowing immediately what MSM meant?
Sorry for going off topic for a moment, but the devious use of such acronyms are quite prevalent in advertising too.
These advertisings are from some US-based LCC.




This is attack to no one, just posting the fact.
Thanks Matt,

The irony here is that I'm an out gay man. I agree that Mr. Ford's comments were dumb but that's 4 years ago garbage. The money in my pocket means more to me than comments that won't affect either the gay rights or AIDS awareness movements one way or the other.

As you can see I, like Rob Ford, tends to speak out impulsively, skews conservative and may embarass. Maybe that's part of the appeal. I mean no harm though.
Freshy, in one post you say it's impossible for any liberal media outlets to survive... and the next post you say mainstream media has a liberal bias?

Either MSM meant something else, or you just like to contradict yourself in the course of 2 minutes.
It's like calling someone a fag meant "no harm". Would you accept anyone calling Blacks, Asians and other racial groups by their epithets? If not, why should gay men be any different?

In retrospect, your only regret is that there is something calling archiving.

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Freshy, in one post you say it's impossible for any liberal media outlets to survive... and the next post you say mainstream media has a liberal bias?

Either MSM meant something else, or you just like to contradict yourself in the course of 2 minutes.

When did I say they wouldn't survive? There's always people so gullible that they'll accept the first mainstream source as irrefutable proof without doing their own supplemental analysis. Whoever controls the finances of a media company imprints their bias on how stories are presented to the general public.
