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I used to dislike Walmart because of their labour practices. While Target does pay its employees a bit more, they also have anti-union tendencies and they were dragged through the mud a year or two ago when it was made public that the company had supported some anti-gay groups in the US. While I am more inclined to support Target, I am also cognizant that at the end of the day, so long as the next occupant of the Zellers renovates the store, the product we'll get there will be about the same.

I have a question, since you talk about not liking Walmart's labour practices. Aren't those employees working for Walmart out of their own will? Walmart didn't exactly force anyone to work for it for $6 an hour, did it? My guess is, if someone is willing to work for $6 an hour, isn't what his skill is worth, cuz otherwise, he would work for another company which pays him better. It is like when you shop for a couch, you buy the cheapest one which satisfy your requirement, what's wrong with that?

Are you serious liking unions? Do we want every company run like the TTC, with high wages and benefits, and lazy and entitled employees not caring a bit about their customers simply because it is hard to fire them? GM was bankrupt because it had to pay much higher wages and benefits demanded by the union, than a more efficient competitor such as Toyota.
I have a question, since you talk about not liking Walmart's labour practices. Aren't those employees working for Walmart out of their own will? Walmart didn't exactly force anyone to work for it for $6 an hour, did it? My guess is, if someone is willing to work for $6 an hour, isn't what his skill is worth, cuz otherwise, he would work for another company which pays him better.
If Walmart is doing as you say, and are indeed paying people at $6 an hour, why aren't we putting the people who run the company in jail?

A more likely scenario, however, is that you are simply angling here, and that Walmart doesn't actually pay anyone $6 an hour.

well, if you have shopped in both, they are quite different. Shopping at Target is usually a pleasant experience while at Walmart all you feel is mostly cheapness.

1. Target and Wal-Mart (and Sears and The Bay and Canadian Tire and... and... and...)
are large stores that sell cheap clothing and other crap. To say one is better than the other is to discern a slight difference in the level of soul distruction.

2. Even if I could care even a tiny, tiny bit about whether Zeller's becomes a Wal-Mart or Target, the fact that it's you, kkgg7, who is supporting Target over Wal-Mart, tells me that Wal-Mart is the better store. This is due to the fact you have been 100% wrong in your every opinion about everything on this board, in your every post.
Considering that nowhere in Canada or the US is the minimum wage (at least insofar as Walmart employees are concerned) below $7, if Walmart were paying their employees $6, I, nfitz, would like to see Walmart management in jail for violating US and/or Canadian labour codes. While Walmart's labour practices are less of a concern in a large city because, as you point out, there are other alternatives, in many places Walmart is the only game in town; generally after it has wiped out the local competition. Walmart's labour practices in the States have been well-documented.

Also, no I don't necessarily buy the cheapest thing possible. Some people still care about quality. While I won't specifically buy something because it's union-made, and I'm not trying to draw a correlation between union labour and quality, I will refute that I will buy whatever is cheapest so long as it suits my needs. I'd rather buy something that costs $1,500 and know I will not have to replace it rather than buying something that costs $1,000 and having to replace it at least once over the same time period.

Lastly, you might want to stop painting all members of unions with a broad brush. I was once a member of a union and I believe that I, as well as most of my employees, gave good customer service, especially in light of the amount of idiots that travel (I worked for an airline). In addition, union membership isn't the 'get out of jail free card' many claim it to be. You can still be fired if you're demonstrably not performing that tasks outlined in your job description or if you do something that can tarnish a company's image. If there is shoddy service on the part of an employee, it's not because they don't fear getting fired, it's probably because management doesn't give a s**t. The TTC isn't "every company", it's a government agency. Furthermore, I'd argue that the TTC has bloated management (many - most? - of whom aren't unionized).

Anyway, while I realize you love to derail conversations with your anti-union views, I've said my piece. Let's get back on topic.
Project Neutral

I'm not sure if this survey has been mentioned in the Riverdale thread yet, so I'll link it here. Project Neutral is a green initiative, trying to get people to reduce their energy profile.

If you live in Riverdale or the Junction, the folks at Project Neutral would really appreciate your filling out a 15-20min survey on your household.

I'm not sure if this survey has been mentioned in the Riverdale thread yet, so I'll link it here. Project Neutral is a green initiative, trying to get people to reduce their energy profile.

If you live in Riverdale or the Junction, the folks at Project Neutral would really appreciate your filling out a 15-20min survey on your household.

Weird that the borders are pape to Logan or East/West boundaries, as opposed to Pape to Broadview?!
Sad news on the Danforth. The Cook's Place is closing. It will happen at the end of March, and they will be having sales in February and March. The owner sent around an email saying that after 14 years, she wanted to spend more time with her grandchildren.
It looks like it's official -- the old Albany Clinic site at Danforth and Ellerbeck has a city sign up for a hearing on a new LCBO building, to be one floor plus mezzanine. Given the size of the site, this should be a rather large store (which the neighbourhood certainly could use).

On a more general matter, why isn't there a separate neighbourhood thread for "The Danforth" or "Greektown"? It seems odd to put this news under "Riverdale".
Sad news on the Danforth. The Cook's Place is closing. It will happen at the end of March, and they will be having sales in February and March. The owner sent around an email saying that after 14 years, she wanted to spend more time with her grandchildren.

Bummer. That's been a good store for us. My wife will be saddened to hear that especially. We scored some great gear there over the years and the staff was friendly and knowledgeable.
On a more general matter, why isn't there a separate neighbourhood thread for "The Danforth" or "Greektown"? It seems odd to put this news under "Riverdale".

Well, Danforth Avenue actually has a number of BIAs, starting with one called something like 'Danforth by the valley' at Broadview. 'Greektown', from a BIA perspective, centers on Logan & the parkette. I'd say Riverdale is more inclusive -- 'The Danforth' is really just the high street of Riverdale.

I will agree that Riverdale as a neighbourhood designation keeps being expanded, though, (North Riverdale being north of Danforth in some RE agents' minds, South Riverdale almost as common as Riverside, East Riverdale for The Pocket, etc.) so maybe The Danforth would be better.
I live a few blocks north of Danforth between Broadview and Pape, and I never hear folks call this area "Riverdale" -- it is always "The Danforth", or more rarely "Greektown". (And the food festival that brings in the throngs of people isn't called "Taste of Riverdale"...)
I will agree that Riverdale as a neighbourhood designation keeps being expanded, though, (North Riverdale being north of Danforth in some RE agents' minds, South Riverdale almost as common as Riverside, East Riverdale for The Pocket, etc.) so maybe The Danforth would be better.

Gotta say, I hope The Pocket stays The Pocket. Cool little neighbourhood with its own thing going on - calling it East Riverdale seems such a shame to me.
Just Realtors trying to take advantage of uninformed buyers with branding and the 'hype' that's going around etc. I would think it's slightly misrepresenting.. I've seen homes just east of Christie and Bloor called 'west annex' etc.

It's the whole amercian equivelent of zip codes to quickly give an indication of personal wealth and possible political leanings etc etc... It's actually quite disgusting, but I guess human nature.
Yep, agreed. Not unlike the birth of Beaches North or North Beaches, I guess. Mostly coined by realty agents looking to capitalize on buzz being generated in adjacent, better-known nabes.
