News   Mar 18, 2025
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News   Mar 18, 2025
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News   Mar 18, 2025
 521     0 

President Donald Trump's United States of America

And who would do that? The VP? His Cabinet ("principle officers of executive departments")? He owns all of them are are just as nuts as he is.

The one thing about the GOP is they have their hands in the cookie jar.

Their wealth is tied to companies and the stock market. The more Trump starts to cost them money because of his boneheaded moves, the more likely it becomes that someone will start thinking about change.

Palace coup's are rare but if you hit someone's pocket book they may just attempt it.
Warren Kinsella (on Facebook) posted the text of this piece in today's NY Times by Matina Stevis-Gridneff.

It describes how Trump and the current US admin want to annex Canada, and consider the treaties governing the border to be invalid. Scary read.

Edit to add Kinsella's post and the article text:
They may bring us to our knees...but I can say with a degree of confidence that like hell we will ever submit to their rule. So they can go stuff any idea of our annexation via economic blockading where their sun doesn't shine. well as, any idea with sharing any intelligence with a Russian stooge is likely a bad idea, so good riddance that, IMO!
I doubt there is much dairy produced by Canadian-owned firms that’s shipped to the US anyway. Maybe some cheese made by US or foreign conglomerates. We’ll have to just do without that export biz.

In the USA they do not have supply management, which means lower dairy prices to US consumers, and much lower revenue and profits for the US dairy industry. To prevent the industry from collapsing, instead of supply management the US dairy farmers receive massive subsidies from the federal and state governments, meaning that US taxpayers are paying for dairy even if they don't buy it. Here in Canada the supply management keeps dairy prices to Canadian higher, but only for those who want to buy it, with Canadian taxpayers not having to support the dairy industry (as much).

So, if you don't want supply management in Canada, be prepared for higher taxes to support the dairy industry as their revenues and profits collapse.
The one thing about the GOP is they have their hands in the cookie jar.

Their wealth is tied to companies and the stock market. The more Trump starts to cost them money because of his boneheaded moves, the more likely it becomes that someone will start thinking about change.

Palace coup's are rare but if you hit someone's pocket book they may just attempt it.

This also goes for the democrats, which explains the pathetic "resistance". This won't be possible until he blows a much bigger hole in the American economy. If rich people start losing their shirts, that's when we'll know Donald is on the way out, one way or another.
This also goes for the democrats, which explains the pathetic "resistance". This won't be possible until he blows a much bigger hole in the American economy. If rich people start losing their shirts, that's when we'll know Donald is on the way out, one way or another.
One thing to note is that Trump is emboldened for the next two years as the Republicans hold the Senate and the House. But if he insists on acting in a way that is wildly unpopular, we won't have to wait until the midterm for his support in Congress and the Senate to evaporate. The GOP has narrow majorities in both bodies, and it only takes a few dissenters to hold up the Republicans legislative agenda.
One thing to note is that Trump is emboldened for the next two years as the Republicans hold the Senate and the House. But if he insists on acting in a way that is wildly unpopular, we won't have to wait until the midterm for his support in Congress and the Senate to evaporate. The GOP has narrow majorities in both bodies, and it only takes a few dissenters to hold up the Republicans legislative agenda.

Except you are assuming that free and fair elections will be a thing under that scenario.

...and don't forget those Newsom Dems who vote with him by throwing his hateons under the bus to appease him. /bleh
...and don't forget those Newsom Dems who vote with him by throwing his hateons under the bus to appease him. /bleh

Newsom is pandering to the maga idiots. Dividing Democrats.

Newsom is pandering to the maga idiots. Dividing Democrats.

Yeah...that's exactly what I was referring to. It's that saying if you invite them to dine with you, you become one of them. And in that, he may have been an ally in the past, he is now a traitor to them in the most contemptible way, IMO.
