Northern Light
This is the official explanation of Schedule to Bill 23 that, if passed, would allow the Mayor and 8 Councillors to pass by-laws.
The Schedule amends the City of Toronto Act, 2006 by adding section 226.9.1. Section 226.9.1 provides that if the head of council is of the opinion that a by-law could potentially advance a prescribed provincial priority, the head of council may propose the by-law and require city council to consider and vote on the proposed by-law at a meeting. The by-law is passed if more than one third of the members of city council vote in favour of the by-law.
There are so many things proposed by this government in the last few weeks that I find abhorrent, I would hate to have to rank them.
This one, however, may be the single most nakedly anti-democratic and patently contrary to the most basic principles thereof. Sigh.
We need electoral reforms at all levels of government and we need to embed those changes in the constitution. (sadly)