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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

I think there's going to be some big promises in that platform he doesn't want people questioning. Line 1 extensions up to Major Mack (both on yonge and u/s) being a standout promise I foresee, then other stuff about opening up parts of the Greenbelt to pay off the debt. He's not delaying it because he doesn't have it or it doesn't add up, rather he knows there will be daily newspieces and op-eds calling it out. That's my guess.
Doug Ford promises fully costed platform ‘by the end of this campaign’

See link.

Doug Ford promises his "résumé" by the end of the job interview.

What would you do, if someone did this looking for a job and you were selecting the candidate for the "Premier of Ontario" job?

Ugh...I can't stand the fact that people will forgive and excuse such gross incompetence, and blatant disrespect for those, whom he is supposed to be serving. And at the end of the day, we all end up paying the price.
Using term-paper-deadline logic, I can see him furiously typing out the last pages on election eve and presenting his platform during his victory(?) speech. And maybe still not altogether finished; "give me an extra day, willya"...

And true to form, late afternoon on June 8, he'll slip his finished platform under the door of the Lieutenant-Governor's office.
So the PC's are going at the history of candidates!

WARMINGTON: Star NDP candidate carried 'F--- the police' protest sign

From link:

So now one of the NDP’s star candidates has been caught red-handed bashing the police.

Tell us how you really feel Gurratan Singh!

Back in 2006, there was no ambiguity over how the NDP candidate in Brampton East felt about Toronto Police.

“F— the Police,” said the protest sign that Singh, the brother of federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, carried during a downtown demonstration more than a decade ago.


And former Toronto Police chief Julian Fantino said he recognizes exactly what this is.

“As someone who spent over 40 years as a police officer in Ontario, the only time I recall facing such hateful rhetoric directed at police is when confronting anarchists — the goons who usually came out to incite breaches of the peace,” said the Toronto Police chief from 2000-2005, who later went into serve as a Conservative MP and cabinet minister.

Everybody who has seen this picture is disgusted by it.


NDP candidate Gurratan Singh is pictured carrying a protest placard during a 2006 demonstration in Toronto

“Unbelievable,” texted PC leader Doug Ford. “Actually, it is believable.”

Ford is right. When it comes to the NDP, it is believable.

Now, in fairness, when the Toronto Sun approached the NDP about this photograph, Singh quickly issued a statement apologizing and acknowledging his regret and embarrassment.

“Twelve years ago I attended a public demonstration and was photographed holding a sign I’m now deeply ashamed of,” Singh said in a statement. “I apologize unreservedly to police officers, their families and the policing community. I deeply respect the sacrifices police officers make in service of justice and public safety, and realize the importance of community-building with officers.”

At the time, Singh was pursuing philosophy and religious studies at McMaster University. He would go on to earn a law degree from York University and practised as a criminal defence lawyer in Brampton. He has also served as campaign co-chair and strategic advisor to his brother Jagmeet from 2011 until present, according to his LinkedIn profile. He’s currently a high-profile name and potential cabinet minister should NDP leader Andrea Horwath win the June 7 election.

What about Doug Ford's history?

"Globe investigation: The Ford family’s history with drug dealing" From 2013.

This investigative report reveals that:

  • Doug Ford, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s brother, sold hashish for several years in the 1980s.
  • Another brother, Randy, was also involved in the drug trade and was once charged in relation to a drug-related kidnapping.
  • Their sister, Kathy, has been the victim of drug-related gun violence.
In the 1980s, anyone wanting to buy hashish had to know where to go. And in central Etobicoke, the wealthy Toronto suburb where Mayor Rob Ford grew up, one of those places was James Gardens. In the evening, the sports cars often wound along Edenbridge Drive, past the gated homes and the lawn-bowling pitches, until they reached the U-shaped parking lot. By nightfall, the public park was a hash drive-thru. One former street dealer, whom we will call "Justin," described the scene as "an assembly line."

There were usually a number of dealers to choose from, some of them supplied by a mainstay at James Gardens – a young man with the hulk-like frame and mop of bright blond hair: Doug Ford. "Most people didn't approach Doug looking for product. You went to the guys that he supplied. Because if Doug didn't know you and trust you, he wouldn't even roll down his window," Justin said.

Today, Mr. Ford is a member of Toronto's city council – and no ordinary councillor. First elected in 2010 as his brother was swept into the mayor's office, he has emerged as a truly powerful figure at City Hall –– trying to overhaul plans for Toronto's waterfront less than a year after arriving. He also has higher aspirations, and has said he wants to follow in the footsteps of his father, Doug Ford Sr., by running in the next provincial election as a Conservative.

Meanwhile, he serves as his brother's de facto spokesman. As Toronto is gripped by allegations that its mayor was captured on a homemade video smoking what appears to be crack cocaine and his office descends into disarray – his chief of staff was fired on Thursday – Doug Ford has been the only person to mount a spirited public defence of his largely silent sibling. On Friday, after the Mayor finally made a statement about the accusation, he was the one who fielded questions from the press.

Well before the events of the past week, The Globe and Mail began to research the Ford brothers in an effort to chronicle their lives before rising to prominence in Canada's largest city. Over the past 18 months, it has sought out and interviewed dozens of people who knew them in their formative years.

What has emerged is a portrait of a family once deeply immersed in the illegal drug scene. All three of the mayor's older siblings – brother Randy, 51, and sister Kathy, 52, as well as Doug, 48 – have had ties to drug traffickers.

Ten people who grew up with Doug Ford – a group that includes two former hashish suppliers, three street-level drug dealers and a number of casual users of hash – have described in a series of interviews how for several years Mr. Ford was a go-to dealer of hash. These sources had varying degrees of knowledge of his activities: Some said they purchased hash directly from him, some said they supplied him, while others said they observed him handling large quantities of the drug.

The events they described took place years ago, but as mayor, Rob Ford has surrounded himself with people from his past. Most recently he hired someone for his office whose long history with the Fords, the sources said, includes selling hashish with the mayor's brother.

The Globe wrote to Doug Ford outlining what the sources said about him, and received a response from Gavin Tighe, his lawyer, who said the allegations were false. "Your references to unnamed alleged sources of information represent the height of irresponsible and unprofessional journalism given the gravely serious and specious allegations of substantial criminal conduct."

Greg McArthur is an investigative reporter with The Globe and Mail. Shannon Kari is a freelance journalist in Toronto. They were assisted by staff researcher Stephanie Chambers

Personally, I wonder who's history is worse?
just like a certain anti-establishment candidate south of the border and his tax returns. I want to weep at the apparent stupidity (or self-interest?) of voters. The big deal is that in the US election 90 million couldn't be bothered to vote - no one talks about these traitors. Ford is a non-entity, not successful either in public service or in business yet no one says it - his trustfund tan is embarrassing, how is this clown the leader of anything? I feel like I am from another planet! This has to be the saddest election in Ontario's history - incumbent who oversaw theft of billions insisting she works for the people, a self-absorbed blowhard who doesn't offer any facts and resorts to platitudes (My Friends, All Star Team and of course the inflammatory Downtown Radicals!!!) when he is asked very simple questions. These are our leaders??? What the heck have we become? I blame the media .....just because that is easier than acknowledging your fellow citizens are so completely bereft of basic intelligence or maybe exhausted from working to service their ridiculous consumer debt?
P.S According to Moody's when they downgraded us to junk bond in April, our financial situation is a debt-to-income ration of 233%, just to illustrate that fact it is equivalent to someone earning $80k servicing a debt of $18.6 million. Ontario also pays the highest interest rate among the provinces (8.3%). If we had to rise to 9% and 240% of income we would face a total breakdown of our credit rating. Has anyone mentioned that fact to these candidates promising the earth to gullible constituents? I think not.
P.S According to Moody's when they downgraded us to junk bond in April, our financial situation is a debt-to-income ration of 233%, just to illustrate that fact it is equivalent to someone earning $80k servicing a debt of $18.6 million. Ontario also pays the highest interest rate among the provinces (8.3%). If we had to rise to 9% and 240% of income we would face a total breakdown of our credit rating. Has anyone mentioned that fact to these candidates promising the earth to gullible constituents? I think not.

Several problems:
a) Moody rated Ontario debt as Aa2; it has to be Ba1 and below to be considered junk. Even the standalone rating (without consideration of backstop by the Federal government) has it at A1.
b) 233% of 80K is 186K, not 18.6M. This is a rather egregious (two orders of magnitude) calculation error. Also, by this standard a good proportion of homeowners in Ontario holding a mortgage would be carrying it at a far higher ratio, with far less wherewithals to raise funds.
c) Please cite the Moody research report if you are going to basically quote from it:
d) Referencing above, Ontario doesn't pay the highest interest rate amongst [all] the provinces - it pays the highest interest rate among Aa2 rated provinces.
e) Referencing above again, Moody did not suggest a total breakdown of our credit rating - but I quote from the article:

Measuring an anticipated 8.3% of revenues in 2017/18, which is already the highest measure of Aa2 rated Canadian provinces, interest expense could consume 9% of revenue in 2020/21 and continue to increase thereafter as interest rates are expected to rise. An increasing interest expense is expected to further challenge the budget planning of the province.

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Pardon my inaccuracies but my worry is that Ontario is still debt-laden and there is no one making the statement that in order to reduce debt you either:
Increase Income
Reduce Expenditures

We are NOT at junk status but unless we have a government that is transparent about our fiscal position we are going to continue on this unstable path. Yes many home owners in the province are laden with consumer debt and worse the candidates are telling them that that they are entitled to subsidized child, the message being why should "waste" your money caring for your family when you could spend your hard earned money servicing your debt! Do you think any of that child care will actually be free? Of course not! Facilities, training, hiring, benefits, insurance - it costs a ton of money to have decent child care and Ontario is going to do it province wide? Unlikely. The point is it feeds the sense that an election is nothing but bribery of the electorate. The only reason to vote is if you are going to get something out of it, that's not what an election should be.
The statement I made related to a press release, and yes (gladly!) my 80k was bad math - thank the Lord. We are so badly off and no one is coming up with a realistic approach to managing our provinces finances. We all know what will happen when (not if) the cuts come.
Ford and Wynne are not capable, competent leaders, Howarth has experience but seems to still toe the NDP line and the Greens? Well I don't know much about them but the quality of their candidates leaves a lot to be desired.
I will vote in the election but again it might not be a positive vote, but rather lesser of several evils.
I’ve been hearing rumours that there’s a video of Doug in the back seat of a car, and he’s not giving directions to his Uber driver. Seems a bit far fetched but at this point who knows. Anyone else?

I cannot comment on a video I haven't seen or does not exist! :p
But seriously.... eeeeeww.

I don't know if others have seen this, but the person leading the charge against Doug & Kinga's shenanigans is Pina Martino. She was the former candidate for Etobicoke Centre, in 2014. Rob Ford's house had her sign on his lawn. And she was an advisor to Rob when he was mayor (see her bio).

Pina is NOT happy about the way Doug got his 'special friend' nominated over her. It seems she conducted her own investigation through door-to-door canvassing during the nomination race in that riding in 2016. Martino also said Doug followed her and tried to intimidate her.

Justin Ling tweeted a link to an affidavit by Martino

Y'all should check it out.
Getting weirder.

From this link:


Hmm. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod. Doug Ford or General Zod.

They are so similar.
Using term-paper-deadline logic, I can see him furiously typing out the last pages on election eve and presenting his platform during his victory(?) speech. And maybe still not altogether finished; "give me an extra day, willya"...

Hey, if he's anything like me then this should work. That's how I did university and got 80s.

Wait......he isn't anything like me. of luck, Douglas!
So much for that…

Doug Ford's PCs reveal 'final' campaign platform that has no fiscal outlook

"Ford campaign spokesperson says no further financial details are coming before June 7"

This is a joke?

So, the ones who supposedly are good for finances and know how to run things can't even put together a fucking business proposal?


This election is a really, really, really sad commentary on our society. Look in a mirror,'re a fucking joke.

PS: I can't believe all those PC lawn signs in Rosedale.....I already knew that a lot of wealthy people get their money on the backs of the working class and through theft*, but surely there can't be that many who are completely clueless.

* Mostly not direct theft, just underhanded and unethical indirect theft of resources (including human capital) and money
One counter argument that I am seeing on Twitter to the complaints about a lack of costed platform while the other 2 majors have put their out is that the NDP put out a costed platform and it was miscalculated. But isn't that a good thing to be able to check their math before the election and call them on it?
