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Power outage leads to Conspiracy


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Apr 24, 2007
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First and foremost I just wanted to start off by saying I didn't know which topic to put this under but I think it was sort of an issue, mods please move it if it's not in the right topic, thanks.

So here it goes:

I live near the intersections of Warden and Finch in one of the condominiums in the area. At around 4:55am I was on my laptop when the power adaptor suddenly turned off. I looked around and noticed that there was no power in my home. So I got up to look out my window and discovered that the entire grid spanning from Bridletowne Circle West/Finch to Bridletowne Circle East/Finch, up until Warden and Bridletowne Circle North was shut off.

30 Seconds had gone by and I then saw 5 black Hummers speeding through Finch on Warden heading north, 2 turned into Bridlewood mall and 3 preceded North and turned right on Bridletowne Circle North/Warden and turned bright search lights on and turned into the building adjacent to me followed by a black truck/bus hybrid(never had seen this before, looked like a military vehicle) going into the building driveway. As soon as any vehicle gets passed the drive way gate, I can’t see anything because the building is covering the area gateway onwards..

The 2 Black hummers that turned into Bridlewood mall also had search lights on and were circling the mall and searching the parking lot in a zigzag search pattern. All of this happening with no electricity. Than a black SUV pulled into the mall and parked in front of Price Chopper with it’s headlights turned on.

10-15 minutes go by and I see that there are 3 apartment units adjacent to me being searched with flashlights. I then hear people in my building running up the stairwell and hear someone come on my floor, open my garbage room door... So I walk to my door quietly and look through the peephole to see if anyone is there, but all I see is the stairwell door close and a CB Radio beep. I then hear the same people do the exact same thing to the floor above me. After 5 minutes. I don’t hear them anymore as I believe they were finished searching.

In the meantime I don’t see anymore Hummers searching Bridlewood mall, but I than see that an ambulance with it lights turned on leaving through the drive way of the adjacent building followed by that black truck/bus thing which is then followed by 2 of the 3 black Hummers. The black truck/bus thing turned south on Warden and I couldn’t see it anymore.

While all of this had occurred, that black SUV was still in front of Price Chopper and all of a sudden the power turned on for about 15 seconds and than it went out again. The final Hummer leaves the adjacent building while another hummer meets up with it and they proceed to turn north on Warden, and I don’t see them again.

1 hour has elapsed and the black SUV in front of Price Chopper finally leaves, as it leaves and pulls out of Bridlewood mall, a convoy of 6 black SUVs head north on Warden. As the convoy drives past my building, 2 grey Crown Victoria’s turn into Bridlewood mall’s parking lot and perform what looks like a final search around the mal following the same zigzag search pattern.

20 minutes go by and another convoy of vehicles (not all black and not all SUVs‘) go rushing by at high speeds with a tow truck heading north.

About 20 minutes later, All power is restored.

So This seemed really odd to me how all of this had occurred. I couldn’t take any pictures because it was too dark and I didn’t want to use a flash.

So I had a few questions I was asking myself:

WHO WERE THESE PEOPLE, and what were the looking for/found?

Why was the power turned off if they were searching for someone? Wouldn't they try to keep the area as lit as possible?
One time this area was quarantined and the police blocked off all intersections and a helicopters was patrolling the area with it’s search lights, and there were police cruising all over the streets searching for what I believe was an escaped convict.

Where were the Police??

Could this have been the military or some specialized secret group?

Has anyone ever experienced this or have answers to what had happened?

I am not a conspiracy theorist nor do I like to jump to conclusions. But the events that unfolded were incredibly odd. Everything happened fairly quickly. As the power shut off I saw those Hummers enter the area in 30 seconds, which makes me believe that the power was cut as soon as they came close to the area. I also think that no police were involved in this situation because I didn’t see on Police cars, nor did I see fire trucks. Only that one ambulance. Everything seemed organized and timed to perfection with the way they carried the search.

I liked to end by saying that this is all true. And anyone living in the area could confirm that they had no power from 4:55am-6:00am. I know that confirming they had no power from that time period doesn’t really prove my statement, but if anyone was awake at the time and happened to look out their windows, they would see exactly what I saw.

Weird, no?
I neglected to mention that for the first 20 minutes or so I could hear a siren... not really that loud, but there was a siren that was going off for about 20 minutes.

Could this have been the RCMP? CSIS? Military Operations?
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Sounds very odd indeed. Sometimes I love just sitting at my window looking down at the city at some crazy late hour just to see whats going on. i've witness many strange things like cars parking next to eachother, guys switching cars, and getting driven away for 5 mins and then the guys would be returned to the original cars. Makes me feel like i'm doing a stake out.
That's one epic story. It could have been military training exercises.

It would be good to identify the model of the odd truck/bus since that's probably the most distinctive vehicle you saw.
The siren may have been a burglar alarm, set off by the power failure. Some of the cheaper models of alarms will sound whenever their power supply goes off.

A strange story, indeed. Let us know if you find out what actually happened!
That's one epic story. It could have been military training exercises.

It would be good to identify the model of the odd truck/bus since that's probably the most distinctive vehicle you saw.

I wish I could! I had 2 factors working against me...1 being that it was really dark, only the traffic lights were on and 2, it was some sort of industrial/military truck so I can't get the make of it.

If I could describe what it looked like, the closest thing I could compare it to would be those military trucks, but there was no camouflage on them. And it was all black. The silhouette was similar to the first truck on the left seen in the picture below:


It was much lower to the ground though.

Same with the Hummers, all black, tinted windows and orange lights bulbs along the bottom sides and top, and search lights mounted on the front.

Perhaps it may have been some military covert operation, who knows?
The siren may have been a burglar alarm, set off by the power failure. Some of the cheaper models of alarms will sound whenever their power supply goes off.

A strange story, indeed. Let us know if you find out what actually happened!

Man I wish I could find out! it's been bugging me all day. But I think it's one of those things we'll never get the answer for. No media coverage, no police involvement. Have no idea.
cool! it's like something out of a movie!

makes me wonder if some terrorist has his balls hooked up to a car battery right about now. ;)
It was probably just some guys with too much money on their hands acting out their action movie fantasies :p. What you saw was the hyper-rich man's paintball.

The power outage was probably just coincidental. It's not uncommon in the Finch and Warden area because of Hydro infrastructure in the process of being upgraded, according to this City document.

If you're still not satisfied, talk about it with neighbours and friends.
Have you spoken to your neighbors? Has anyone else corroborated this story?

I have spoken with my neighbours and they acknowledge the fact that there was an outage for a prolonged period of time due to the fact their electronic equipment was reset/turned off. But no one actually looked outside, as they were all asleep.

As for it be coincidental...I don't know. It seemed far too organized for it to be a coincidence. As soon the power went out these Hummers appear. Under my account, it seemed like they had prepared for no lights, had cut the power and entered the area.

In all cases when the power does go out which is about 2-3 times a year, not more than an hour at a time, I will see hydro vehicles in the vicinity trying to work out the problem. But no vehicles in this instance. Almost as if these people turned the power off, did what they had to do. And turned it back on.
Nothing says "inconspicuous" like a bunch of speeding Hummers with bright lights during a power failure.
Nothing says "inconspicuous" like a bunch of speeding Hummers with bright lights during a power failure.

it's probably some sort of psychological tactic employed to make the suspect(s) shit his/their pants.

you think someone's gonna put up a fight when jack bauer and the CTU is closing in on them? :cool:
Are you sure they were Hummers? And not, say, Chevy Suburbans? I know of no military or police agency in Canada that uses the Humvee. So seeing those would be strange indeed.

A big city at dark can be a strange place.

If you ever stay up very late and look around you can see weird stuff.

One time I saw a guy hit a pole and then somehow his car still worked and drove away and then 10 mins a guy came in another car to look at the pole and then left??
