Senior Member
Right on cue from the Star. This is why Scheer is screwed in Ontario.
Astoundingly, you can't even manage to quote YOURSELF correctly.
If you are found to be guilty of a Federal CRIME, you are a criminal.
That is NOT what has happened in this case. Rather, the Prime Minister was found to have contravened certain rules, contained within the Conflict of Interest Act. Which is not a criminal offense.
I don't even wish to defend his conduct, but you must describe it accurately.
Oops. You used the word criminal, so I search for it and concluded I didn't use it.
I stand corrected. "Guilty of breaking federal law."
Why? What criminal code action would I be convicted of? Especially if we forgo the coverup, I see no crime in replacing the MoJ to push the application of the non-prosecution option for SNC.
Fiscally speaking, none in my adult life time (I'm 48). Harris made cuts, but also sold off future assets (Hwy 407), like Wynne selling off Hydro One. Soon they'll be nothing to sell.I question has Ontario ever had good governance provincially?
Like I do agree Wynne had a lot of social programs but it pretty much was driven by tons of debt and increased taxes and then Dalton was likely the most corrupt politician this province has seen.
Mike Harris did cuts and the province really seems to hate Bob Rae.
Harris was likely the best Premier in your lifetime then.I was a kid during the Rae days and then in high school when Mike Harris was in power. Needless to say, I developed a severe dislike for that era of PC politics.
Harris was likely the best Premier in your lifetime then.
Harris is the 2nd worst Premier in my lifetime. Ford is #1. Im not sure if he can ever be topped.
Harris was likely the best Premier in your lifetime then.
After 5 years of Rae, it is amazing how quickly Harris got Ontario back on its feet. Basically, both Ontario and Canada were near debt walls. Both federal and provincial cut spending and cut transfer payments. They both cancelled a few big projects (helicopters and Eglinton subway). But they got people to work, and economies recovered - although it took until Ontario took over it's traditional role as the economic engine of Canada before the federal numbers improved as well.
If not for the Adscam and a couple of other major scandals in the Chretien government - it would have been remembered as one of the best in Canadian history.
(It truly was amazing how self-centred the teachers were and how they tried to brainwash their children. I'm hoping that brainwash effect should wear off pretty soon for you.)
The issue i had with Wynne is that her policies were just all about transfering wealth but not even from the super rich but from anyone who had a decent job to those who dont.