Developer: Vandyk Properties
Architect: Romanov Romanov Architects
Address: 570 Lolita Gardens, Mississauga
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2013
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 4 storeys
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Park 570 (VanDyk) - Real Estate -

The roof terrace isn't open yet. Several of the patio slabs wobble and could pose a tripping hazard. We're waiting to hear back from Vandyk to see if they will fix them.
When are all of the defects all over the building going to be addressed?

A technical audit has already been performed on the building noting the issues that need to be dealt with. Vandyk has up to 18 months starting from the first year after the building's registration to address them. Some, like the roof terrace floor, we asked them to deal with as soon as possible.
Roof terrace has been repaired and is now open.

yes, it is repaired... they replaced the material they previously used (which looked pretty nice, but I suppose wasn't installed properly) with some sort of brick-like (hideous) material. Looks far worse, but at least it's open.
I think the brick looks better personally. Now that it's open, you get the inconsiderate people using it at 1:30AM screaming and shouting in the hallways outside it, as if nobody else lives on the floor.
The doors should be locked after 11PM or something.

Next thing to look into which should be a priority is two working elevators. The sign is up on the wall on a monthly basis and it's always only one working.
I think the brick looks better personally. Now that it's open, you get the inconsiderate people using it at 1:30AM screaming and shouting in the hallways outside it, as if nobody else lives on the floor.
The doors should be locked after 11PM or something.

Ohhh yeah, good point. I'd hate to live near the patio... or near the party room... or even front entrance... or elevators for that matter. It's no different than having a unit close to the railroad tracks. You get what you pay for - location of a unit affects the value. We can't restrict access for EVERYONE because of the location of certain units in proximity to common elements. Unfortunate (for some) but true.
I live far enough down the floor that it shoudn't be an issue, but these people are literally hanging out outside the glass doors chatting it up in the middle of the night. If we had security or property management on site it wouldn't be an issue. Gathering areas in other buildings have time frames for their use. I doubt the party room can be used at 2AM, same should go for the terrace. The gym is still closed after 10PM. The terrace doors should lock after a certain time, but this would not stop people that are already out there.
Yes, there has been an increase...:D..I thought it would have been a smaller increase but I guess we have to build up the reserve fund
I will be moving if it goes any higher, there's almost no ammenities in this place and everything is individually metered, seems a little hard to justify.
Stuff like $2500 for cable tv in the gym/party room could probably be changed to basic cable. Also don't need a community bbq....
Then I guess you'll be moving next spring!

The maintenance fees were obviously set artificially low the first year by Vandyk, for sales purposes. They're at what, 28 cents/sq foot right now? That's crazy low. Should be in the 40-50c/sq foot range. I expect similar 10% increases for the first few years until it get's to a normal level.

$2,500 for TVs? Really? Who cares about that. Hydro/Water/Gas/Cleaning/Management/Reserve Fund add up to like $400,000. And I'm sure a few hundred on the community BBQ is really going to break the bank. Better cancel the hotdog bun order, wouldn't want fees to go up!
A wood structure condo is definitely not an investment for the future, didn't plan on living here forever. I can imagine what the mainteance fees will look like down the road when it needs a bunch of major repairs.

I figured they would go up, but a couple hundred dollars the next year? I hope some of these services are being properly accounted for through RFPs and so forth. Just the cleaning services alone were what, over $60k or something for the year? I can justify over $200 in mainteance fees for a building that has much more ammenties and better managed, but this building has none of that.

I care about it. It's a waste of money, no matter how small it is, it all adds up.
So the garage door has been broken now for close to a month. I contacted Skywater 2 weeks ago asking why it seems like nearly nothing is being done in such long a time span.

Who will be liable if someone decides to walk right into our condo without any necessary key? Cars or property can be vandalyzed, property easily stolen, or units broken into. There is zero security precautions being taken to address this. Should anything of mine be stolen or vandalyzed, it's Skywater I'm going after.

Furthermore, it would be prudent for the board to get involved here and make themselves useful - take some action. And if this is being done, it may be wise to communicate with residents letting them know what the hell is going on. As of right now it seems like everyone with any sort of power has been entirely useless and negligent.
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The issue of the garage door was mentioned in the Fall Newsletter. We are also looking at upgrading security measures such as the new cameras.
