Developer: Vandyk Properties
Architect: Romanov Romanov Architects
Address: 570 Lolita Gardens, Mississauga
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2013
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 4 storeys
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Park 570 (VanDyk) - Real Estate -

I got one, and was home when they came around 4pm today.

It was the PDI guy going through the 30 day list and authorizing repairs.
I got one, and was home when they came around 4pm today.

It was the PDI guy going through the 30 day list and authorizing repairs.

I also got mine. Do we give the signed slips to someone, or just leave them on the door? I left it on the door (signed) until later this afternoon when I know who to give it to.
I also got mine. Do we give the signed slips to someone, or just leave them on the door? I left it on the door (signed) until later this afternoon when I know who to give it to.

Leave them on the door. There is a guy going around today doing some wiring work in the furnace rooms on the balcony.

Also a notice will be going out soon, but if you want to save $$$ turn off the baseboard heater in the furnace room as it's only really for winter.
Leave them on the door. There is a guy going around today doing some wiring work in the furnace rooms on the balcony.

Also a notice will be going out soon, but if you want to save $$$ turn off the baseboard heater in the furnace room as it's only really for winter.

Good tip - thanks. Did you do it from within the room, or from the panel?
Hopefully someone in here sends a reminder sometime in the fall to turn the heater back on!
Good tip - thanks. Did you do it from within the room, or from the panel?
Hopefully someone in here sends a reminder sometime in the fall to turn the heater back on!

It's a little dial on the small white baseboard heater at the bottom of the room. When he opened the door to show me, all I felt was a burst of hot air come out so that little thing seems pretty powerful!
I didn't know there was even a baseboard heater in there. I didn't know our key even opened the door, I figured we had to ask management to get in there.
Looks like he was in my furnance room as well, patio door was unlocked. The dial was already off on mine, when I turned it the other way, the fan did come on and I felt the heat.

I think Spudly1 mentioned one of his breakers was labelled baseboard? I don't have that label on my breaker panel, it just has HVAC listed as 20, 22 and 24.
I think it might be 24, it looks somewhat like a b scribbled on mine with an h beside it.
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I didn't know there was even a baseboard heater in there. I didn't know our key even opened the door, I figured we had to ask management to get in there.
Looks like he was in my furnance room as well, patio door was unlocked. The dial was already off on mine, when I turned it the other way, the fan did come on and I felt the heat.

I think Spudly1 mentioned one of his breakers was labelled baseboard? I don't have that label on my breaker panel, it just has HVAC listed as 20, 22 and 24.

yeah, not on my breaker either. and yes, we do have keys to that room.

I think Vandyk is dicking around a little bit to buy time, or potentially get themselves out of warranty in some cases for these 30-day repairs. The first time they left the notice on my door I was home. No one knocked or anything, they just left the notice... clearly no intention of actually doing any work/an inspection. So I signed it and left it on the door this morning. Today I come home from work, and there's a 2nd notice on top of the first one saying the exact same thing - this time they highlighted "please choose on of the below options" and highlighted it, as though I failed to do that the first time. Seems like they're preparing some scapegoats in case there are any disputes.
Yeah, 24 turns off the baseboard heater, just tried it, but it also turns off the water heater as well, the plug from the waterheater into the outlet is wired to there as well. The display will come off on it. That sucks, could have been able to keep it completely off from inside.
I think Vandyk is dicking around a little bit to buy time, or potentially get themselves out of warranty in some cases for these 30-day repairs. The first time they left the notice on my door I was home. No one knocked or anything, they just left the notice... clearly no intention of actually doing any work/an inspection. So I signed it and left it on the door this morning. Today I come home from work, and there's a 2nd notice on top of the first one saying the exact same thing - this time they highlighted "please choose on of the below options" and highlighted it, as though I failed to do that the first time. Seems like they're preparing some scapegoats in case there are any disputes.

Each notice is either for a different trade/inspection, or they couldn't go to your unit in time and had to post another one (as they are date specific).

I had two notices - one ended up being todays furnace thing, and the other was the 30 day list inspections from James. Everything I listed on the 30 day got approved no problem.
I've had 2 notices and not sure what they did the first time, something about kitchens I think, but they didn't change anything I could see. Today I guess it was the furnance room thing.
Nothing for my 30 day list yet.
Yep, me too. I left my bedroom door closed and noticed it was opened the first time around....

Are they going to be fixing the garbage chutes or leaving them as is?? Not sure why they posted the instructions if it doesn't do anything yet.

The firedoor on my side is super loud, constantly hearing people going in and out. Would be nice if they closed automatically with the sprinklers activating and were just left open the rest of the time.

Do you notice the AC vent in your unit is kind of loud? I can't hear it at all from the one in my den, but the bedroom and living room ones really blow the air. I can feel it out of the den vent, but it makes no noise at all.
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Are they going to be fixing the garbage chutes or leaving them as is?? Not sure why they posted the instructions if it doesn't do anything yet.

Garbage chute was working today for me. Takes about 10 seconds after pressing the button but seemed to be functional...
If we left the baseboard heater off in the winter would it damage the waterheater and hvac unit?
