Senior Member
here's the investment strategy presentation (tolling, new funding methods etc)
My concerns are echoed here... I just don't know if the province has the stones to implement these measures. Time will tell.
... If the funding plan isn't ready, then the transit plan isn't ready.
I have no doubt that the powers above will find some new and creative ways to suck a few more dollars out of our pockets. There will be a lot of ballyhoo of how they are only doing it for the greater good. "We must get people to use public transit more!" they will spout.
Have any of these pathetic bastards ever actually personally tried out our transit system during the peak hours both morning and evening? I doubt it. The system maxed out well over 15-20 years ago, with nothing more than band-aid patches and lots of lip service to keep it hobbling along.
Both the Go and subway/buses are a nightmare to deal with. Anybody who uses them on a regular basis will attest to this fact.
Still the politicians go on and on that they must encourage more ridership.
What a joke.
When we all start riding the rails and buses on the rooftops and hanging ' on to each other from the bus windows and bumpers 'Bombay' style, perhaps they will add yet a couple more cars to a train and find the money to buy one or two more buses. Push comes to shove, perhaps even another sevice line to one of the outer satelite centres, but thats about it.
When will we get truly serious about Public Transit the way European cities have, and start massivly overhauling and expanding the transit infrastruture? We don't even have a realistic plan for a start date for the phony grandious pretty plans we have now.
Forget " The Better Way" ..instead try.. " If we build it, they will come"
Oh well folks. Get your wallets out. There's a new tax coming..again.
Better to deal with it early in the mandate than later though. People got over the health surcharge and would get over issues such as road tolls so long as they saw vastly increased transit infrastructure by the time of the next election.There has been a lot of speculation as to what has caused this delay. Some argue that the Premier was simply not ready to deal with some of the policies many people expected to see in the investment strategy.