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O-Train News

Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

I met Clive Doucet at a conference in Cornwall last week - it was a slight thrill - he's one of the best local councillors in Ontario, if not Canada. He was speaking about sustainable transportation and personal injury. Doucet has been one of the biggest supports of light rail in Ottawa.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

I agree. Too bad he hasn't decided to try for the big chair.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

Since Alex Munter seems likely to win the election, are the O-Train expansion's days numbered? I think it's a shame that Munter felt the need to differentiate himself from Chiarelli on this issue. The current plan is definitely a good one.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

From what I understand, there is a general feeling that the project is dead in the water - at least for the time being. One can assume that any delay will bring an increase in cost, and Siemens may not be thrilled if the details of the contract go public.

Munter's statements about running a tunnel through the downtown are unfortunate. That item alone would blow the O-Train budget as it stands.

Maybe Mr. Ottawa will post on this as he seems to have his ear on these things. He's been quiet. I wonder if he's working on one of these campaigns?
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

Munter's statements about running a tunnel through the downtown are unfortunate. That item alone would blow the O-Train budget as it stands.

I don't think Munter said those words. It was Larry O'Brien who wanted the LRT to go underground Downtown. Munter wanted the North-South train to stop at Bayview and use the rest of the money of an East-West line.

Recently, a plan proposed by a volunteer group called "Friends of the O-Train" had many people agreeing with their plan. They wanted the O-Train to go from Bayview to, I believe, Armstrong and have a Park-And-Ride there. Then, a seperate line would connect from Bayview to Hurdman station along Albert and Slater on the Transitway. The North-South line's frequency would be every 7.5 minutes, while the Downtown East-West line would be every 3 minutes since there will be nearly no buses on the same route. This is a great idea because it is much cheaper than the original North-South line. It moves more people through the downtown core. Many people agree with this idea and say that "this is the most logical plan yet". And I have to agree with them.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

^Concerning Munter and the tunnel, I read it online in the Citizen, I believe.

I thought O'Brien was against the O-Train, is pro-bus, is pro-business and wants to fire the homeless, and so on.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

O'Brien hasn't really decided what he's wants with transit. He's just trying to be different from the other candidates.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

Chirelli is way down in the polls. Here in Toronto Al Leach destroyed the trolley bus system. Baird's legacy may be to wreck for a long time any chance of Ottawa having a decent transit system for a long time. All for petty politics. What a mess!
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

What a disappointing turn of events for Ottawa. If (or I guess at this point, when) the LRT project is cancelled I will really be heartbroken to see a plan that would have been such a boost to the city fall apart so quickly.

Listening to what the candidates have to say about the project has only reaffirmed my notion that politicians should stay out of transportation planning. Munter especially doesn't seem to have even a basic understanding of LRT and what the project is about and its sad to listen to him discuss what amount to stupid proposals.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

According to the Citizen, O'Brien and Munter are neck and neck now. One has to wonder what Chiarelli did so wrong to be so out of this race.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

on the way into Ottawa from the airport the 97 bus overtook the O-Train. No wonder people are skeptical.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

Early results have O'Brien ahead of Munter by a respectable margin and Chiarelli without a chance.

So long O-Train. It was a great idea while it lasted.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

O'Brien is in and the train is dead.

That town really needed it.
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

Forgive my ignorance of Ottawa politics, but why is the train "dead"?
Re: Re: O-Train News: O-Train being killed by feds?

O'Brien has made many remarks that he would delay or greatly change the LRT plan. If there is a delay, it would put the project back into a state of limbo. If the project undergoes many changes, then funding by the Federal and Provincial governments could quickly be pulled, killing the project. In addition, the new council is a roughly 50/50 split between those who support and are against the project so if it went to a vote before the city there is a strong chance it will be defeated.

Ottawa politics is probably the pettiest and conservative in Canada. This project has been debated for the past 5 years and that Chiarelli managed to get as far as he did is quite a feat. People still argue that one alignment is better than the other, or that it should be the east-west line built first, or that it should be diesel not electric, or that the existing O-Train should not be closed at all during upgrades, etc, etc. No project is guaranteed until it is finished and doors are open basically. So with a new, very conservative, mayor for the city, the LRT project will probably go back to the drawing board for another 5 or 10 years of debate.
