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News   Jul 22, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

It is easy to comfort ourselves of our own mediocrity looking at the worst cases - rather Canadian at that. "Look. we aren't a failed state!"
We're not in the best group, but hardly mediocre. Our vaccination rate is one of the highest, a quarter of all Canadian adults have had their first shot, over 80% of those 70 or older have been vaccinated at lease once, and we're jabbing a quarter million people every day. Our death rate per 100k people is 64.14. That's lower that many developed nations, including Italy, France, Germany, Spain, UK, and the USA. Here on UT we're often remarking that Canada should follow the Dutch and Scandinavian's lead on societal best practices. Well, on Covid deaths, Sweden was more than double that of Canada, and the Netherlands nearly as bad as the Swedes.

Are there many countries of over 35 million without a domestic vaccine plant that have done better than Canada? Certainly none I can think of outside of SEA. If you want mediocre Covid response and management you need to look to Brazil, UK and France. Then we have the worst cases of the USA, India, Mexico, etc. Canada is above both these two groups.
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Bee stings hurt a lot more than injections.

Choose your poison sonny.


I know, Asian Giant Wasp, not a bee.


Michael Garron Hospital moves COVID-19 patients to other hospitals due to oxygen supply issues

From link.

A shortage of oxygen has forced an east-end hospital to send some of its COVID-19 patients to other hospitals in the GTA.
In a statement issued to 680 NEWS, Michael Garron Hospital management says early Thursday morning it identified potential risks to its oxygen supply due to the high volume of COVID-19 patients requiring oxygen.

“MGH proactively reached out to hospital partners and the GTA Incident Management System (IMS) Command table to transfer a small number of patients,” said Mark Fam, Vice President, Programs at Michael Garron Hospital.
“The hospital also brought on additional temporary oxygen capacity, so that all patients requiring oxygen in the hospital have what they need, and no patients are at risk.”
Fam also says the demand for oxygen is currently very high so it is diverting some ambulances.
“Given the demand for oxygen supply is currently very high, MGH is taking additional precautionary measures to preserve this resource as we actively work on expanding oxygen capacity on-site,” he wrote.

“… We appreciate the assistance and support from our hospital partners as we work to alleviate some of the pressure on the system and enhance our oxygen supply at the hospital.”

According to the Toronto Star, seven patients had to be transported to Sunnybrook or St. Michael’s Hospital.

The Toronto Western Hospital and Toronto General Hospital, both part of the University Health Network (UHN), have set up large tents in recent weeks as additional patient waiting areas to help reduce crowding in their emergency departments.

The deputy medical director of emergency departments at UHN says at this point, there are just too many people coming in.

It reportedly marks the first time UHN has ever needed to build tents for patients awaiting emergency care.
We're not in the best group, but hardly mediocre. Our vaccination rate is one of the highest, a quarter of all Canadian adults have had their first shot, over 80% of those 70 or older have been vaccinated at lease once, and we're jabbing a quarter million people every day.

It's like knowingly stepping in s#it and bragging about how fast you're able to clean it off.

Given their faster and better covid-zero response, how quickly do places like Australia or New Zealand *actually* need to vaccinate people today? They want to do it, but they certainly aren't pressed with the *need* to like we are now.
These are human lives we're talking about here. Human beings who we, as a developed, rich country, could actually be helping. So we don't get to be proud of how fast we're vaccinating right now. We are a developed country with greater resources than many. We had the money and power to stop this before it got this bad, but cowardice and ignorance led the way. We made our bed and are scrambling not to have to lie in it. Meanwhile, countries without those resources are suffering greatly, both from the inability to control the spread, but also being at the back of the line for vaccines (and no, I'm not just talking about India here).

Australia's been donating some of their own vaccine supply to Covax. So has New Zealand. Meanwhile, we've hit up vaccines meant for developing countries. This should be a point of shame, not cause for celebration.
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Sounds like we should be able to get most adults fully vaccinated by August/Sept.
I really hope the upcoming flood of vaccines will eliminate the ridiculous 4 month gap between the first and second shot. They should be a month apart, tops.
This sounds like promising news:

It should be noted too that the UK have stretched their’s out to three months.
