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News   Sep 04, 2024
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News   Sep 04, 2024
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Next Premier of Ontario?

McGuinty seems to be on the road to Bill Davis territory: Slow and steady; generally sensible policies with little flash but also few openings to successfully attack him. All he needs now is his Spadina Expressway to turn him into a saviour.
Dalton will survive due to weak opposition...

I think the only way to bring him down is to really play up the HST tax issue.

I do not think either of the opposition candidates will be able to stay on message. Hudak will likely announce a policy to appeal to the Harris Types. Dalton will play it up and will be the only thing we will hear during the whole election. Plus the media is kind to Dalton as well.

Many attack Dalton but there isn't a sensible alternative. Hudak will be portrayed as Harris 2.0 and that means Dalton keeps all the seats in Toronto. Dalton will try to hide the HST issue, as his team kept the health premium from being brought up in the next election.
Many attack Dalton but there isn't a sensible alternative. Hudak will be portrayed as Harris 2.0 and that means Dalton keeps all the seats in Toronto. Dalton will try to hide the HST issue, as his team kept the health premium from being brought up in the next election.

Hudak doesn't need to be 'portrayed' as Harris 2.0 because he pretty much notes he's Harris 2.0. Dalton shouldn't have too much trouble defending the HST, either.
Hudak doesn't have a chance in hell. I actually like John Tory, or at the very least, he's likable. I have a feeling McGuinty will outlast both Harper and Miller.
Dalton has huge faults but I doubt he has angered people so much they would all vote for the other guy.

Most people just don't vote then like what happened to the Liberals in the last election.
I find it surprising that the conservatives would go after the tax harmonization with the GST given it is a pro-business redestribution of the tax code (and if you buy into what most economist say a sensible one at that). I think politicians walk a slippery slope when they let populism trump policy.

I think the deciding factor in Dalton's upcoming success will be Ontarians perception of the province's relative economic performance coming out of the recession.
The Hudak Conservatives have shot themselves in the foot with the Human Rights tribunals issue. By towing the platform of Randy Hillier and Mark Steyn, Hudak has seriously damaged the headway Conservatives have made with ethnic (read: essential 905 and urban) voters. The Liberals pounced on Tory with the religious school funding issue, and you can bet that they are sharping their knives over the abolishment of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.

Dalton will win handedly.
The swing of ethnic voters during the last Federal election was due to a terrible Federal Liberal leader and really in the last election there was a small increase in conservative support. It was mostly a large decline in Liberal votes across the GTA.

Among ethnic voters I doubt Hudak can win them over especially if he says he is Mike Harris 2.0 and most think Dalton is alright.

I doubt the riding's in the GTA dominated by minorities will switch at all.

Also to most of you, The Human rights issue seems a non issue, but trust me you will see it again. I think Dalton will try to scare us about Hudak, Hudak looks scary anyways.

Also I found it ironic how ethnic minorities universally opposed the religious school's issue. I never heard anyone support it and its funny because the main purpose of that idea was to court ethnic votes. All it did was to win one seat in Thornhill.
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Looks like Bryant is out of the running.

Looks like any discussion of the incident from last night has been removed from the board too.....there was a thread in "Toronto Issues" about it but it seems to be gone without explanation.....strange considering how the whole thing is in the public domain anyway? Ah well.
Looks like any discussion of the incident from last night has been removed from the board too.....there was a thread in "Toronto Issues" about it but it seems to be gone without explanation.....strange considering how the whole thing is in the public domain anyway? Ah well.

It's in General Discussions now.
