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Next Mayor of Toronto?

George Smitherman likes to take credit for being the "father of the Green Energy Act"

Take a good look at how much Smithermans "Green Energy" is going to cost us:

Between now and 2015 rates are expected to rise 60%! The actual figure is being kept secret by McGuinty until AFTER the next provincial election (much like Smitherman is keeping his donor list secret until AFTER the election)

Under Smithermans Green Energy act IKEA will be paid 77 Cents / kwh for energy produced from Solar panels. More than TEN TIMES the current rate of 6.5 Cents / kwh !
The Green Energy act involves investing in renewables now to avoid paying more later. Yes, it's tough to face a higher hydro bill, but the alternative was to continue to rely on coal power. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for long-term betterment. Isn't that a 'conservative' thing?
Hydro rates are going up 60%?

Go buy some CFL light bulbs that use 75% less hydro.

Your bill goes down 15%.

You can sit and complain and wish it was still 1965 all you want, or you can adapt to a changing world.
Torontoist and The Globe & Mail and the deluge of endorsements aren't going to reach the demographic that is voting for Ford. Joe Pantalone supporters do read these editorials. Will they finally convince Pantalone supporters to go to Smitherman? One can hope.

I gotta say, Metroman, you are easily swayed by these polls that you're ping ponging back and forth so much "oh he's got it, oh, no, he's lost it, oh, that's it, he's done for..." you're like the media, ready to scream out the sky is falling over the latest little whisper... have a bit more confidence, man.

nfitz had it pegged with his description: the poll was conducted over 7 days (oct 13 - 21) and to only 500 ppl.. the lowest count yet.. and no detail as to what geo-targets... the last 3 polls released prior to that (two days ago for the latest) were also conducted during that time, and to more people with most likely a broader spread... and they were all tied...

in fact, the most recent had Smithers 1 point ahead.

going from the polls, one can conclude that the real number has them closer together, but now because of the media basing their mindless drivel on this latest garbage, people will now be running out to try and stop Ford even more.. this poll, if anything, is false hope for Ford fans.

and also, all the polls are a bunch of garbage anyway.
That poll may not be accurate but this is; a record number of seniors are expected to and have already voted (advanced polls) this year. We all know the majority of seniors support Fords policies and rightly so.

You guys should have listened to Rob Ford on Friendly Fire tonight (CFRB 1010). He made some very good points and cleared up a lot of issues. With all bias aside, I think the majority of undecided voters will end up voting for Ford, simply because of his famous slogan "I'm here to save taxpayers money". I can picture myself as a confused voter, deciding who to vote for the next day. Rob Fords message of stopping wasteful spending and lowering taxes will easily persuade me.
I agree that I'm easily affected by the latests polls, if only because I love what makes Toronto and I cannot imagine Ford as our Mayor, a man who is against the very core of our city. The mere possibility that it may happen has got me panicked!

Polls do show a trend and this last one demonstrates what many of us had felt: that Smitherman's momentum hit a brick wall after his beating in the last 2 debates. Then, allowing Ford to paint Smitherman as hiding something by not revealing his donors list is a really stupid move by the Smitherman campaign. If they knew Ford was releasing his donors list, they should have done the same.

Unless Adolf Hitler is on that list, the damage done by not revealing it is a lot worse than whoever may appear to be donating to Smitherman's campaign. I'm going to guess that a ton of prominent Liberals are on that list, McGuinty included.
If he's serious about trimming the budget, cutbacks are to be expected. Off-peak transit cuts would not surprise me at all and certain routes will probably be serviced less frequently. If Transit City is cancelled, I don't expect any transit expansion, especially if Hudak wins next year and Ford realizes it's going to cost a lot more (and longer) than he's proposed in order to extend Sheppard.

Services will be cut or taxes will go up. The mythical formula of more service + less tax = balanced budget is illogical.

Yes, but the same thing can be said with Smitherman. From what I understand, he said he has considered or is considering privatizing the TTC and freezing wages for city workers. What is so "progressive" about that? Privatizing the TTC will do much more harm than what you guys think Rob Fords plan will do. With the TTC privatized, service would ONLY be available on profitable routes and fares would increase drasticaly. Government funding would be stopped, meaning equipment would be run into the ground and not repaired or replaced. I would rather wait 15-25 minutes for a bus than walk several blocks to a bus stop.
Yes, but the same thing can be said with Smitherman. From what I understand, he said he has considered or is considering privatizing the TTC and freezing wages for city workers. What is so "progressive" about that? Privatizing the TTC will do much more harm than what you guys think Rob Fords plan will do. With the TTC privatized, service would ONLY be available on profitable routes and fares would increase drasticaly. Government funding would be stopped, meaning equipment would be run into the ground and not repaired or replaced. I would rather wait 15-25 minutes for a bus than walk several blocks to a bus stop.

What?? Smitherman's campaign has no plans in privatizing the TTC. Read his platform. His whole platform is to keep the momentum going for TC and other extensions in place and funded by the Gov, right now, and then calling in his connections at Queens park to get additional funding for continuing support for the TTC.
The city has been stalled for over a decade. Take off your blinders. The city has had either negative or less than average economic growth. Poverty and income disparity has increased.
Take off your blinders. Employment has grown steadily over the last decade. That's not stalled.
Worth repeating. Just had a good laugh at the following which was posted on the Globe&Mail comment board by "Sorethroat"

Email just sent to Kimberly-Clark:

Subject: URGENT: Advert Opportunity for Depends

Dear K-C...

The City of Toronto, Ontario Canada is currently in the home stretch of a hotly contested mayoral race.

One of the two frontrunners - Mr. George Smitherman - chose during his time as the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care for Ontario (from 2003-2008), to wear a diaper into the Legislature of Ontario in a misguided political stunt to prove that senior citizens left alone in long-term care homes for 12 hours in diapers suffered no ill affects.

Mr. Smitherman is slated to lose a closely contested mayoral race on Monday October 25th, most likely about 9 pm as the votes come in. Given the venom thrown in this campaign and the fact all major newspapers in the city have already crowned him as mayor, his reaction as the votes come in Monday will be more than devastating, and he may indeed find himself once again in the need of your product.

Therefore, I am providing you with this unique opportunity to crash his campaign headquarters with whatever media you feel important, prior to 9 pm, in order to present Mr. Smitherman with an evening's supply of adult men's diapers. On second thought, perhaps a weeks worth might be more appropriate.

Mr. Smitherman's campaign office is located at the following address.

Thank you in advance for your participation in the democratic election process. I know Mr. Smitherman will get a big kick out of this surprise gift.

66 The Esplanade, Suite 201
Toronto, ON
M5E 1R2
(416) 342-9674
What?? Smitherman's campaign has no plans in privatizing the TTC. Read his platform. His whole platform is to keep the momentum going for TC and other extensions in place and funded by the Gov, right now, and then calling in his connections at Queens park to get additional funding for continuing support for the TTC.

I got that thought from here:

and here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...ttc&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&client=firefox-a

It may be old, but I have not heard/seen anything on the contrary
I agree that I'm easily affected by the latests polls, if only because I love what makes Toronto and I cannot imagine Ford as our Mayor, a man who is against the very core of our city. The mere possibility that it may happen has got me panicked!

Polls do show a trend and this last one demonstrates what many of us had felt: that Smitherman's momentum hit a brick wall after his beating in the last 2 debates. Then, allowing Ford to paint Smitherman as hiding something by not revealing his donors list is a really stupid move by the Smitherman campaign. If they knew Ford was releasing his donors list, they should have done the same.

Unless Adolf Hitler is on that list, the damage done by not revealing it is a lot worse than whoever may appear to be donating to Smitherman's campaign. I'm going to guess that a ton of prominent Liberals are on that list, McGuinty included.

I hear ya, but the majority of downtowners, are dead set against Ford, and its downtown where the denser areas are and the highest number of voters... similar to the 2003 election, the support will be enough to have him squeeze by.
Yes, but the same thing can be said with Smitherman. From what I understand, he said he has considered or is considering privatizing the TTC and freezing wages for city workers. What is so "progressive" about that? Privatizing the TTC will do much more harm than what you guys think Rob Fords plan will do. With the TTC privatized, service would ONLY be available on profitable routes and fares would increase drasticaly. Government funding would be stopped, meaning equipment would be run into the ground and not repaired or replaced. I would rather wait 15-25 minutes for a bus than walk several blocks to a bus stop.

Smitherman has never advocated priviatizing the TTC, he has mentioned private-public partnerships. If anything, Ford is the most likely to privatize the TTC. His director of policy is an advocate of outright privatization:

Since Ford has a sound record for complying with budgets, it can be predicted that in order to adhere to TTC’s budgetary constraints, underused bus routes may be cut. Interestingly, a blog post from Ford’s current Director of Policy, Mark Towhey, rationalizes how underused bus routes should be cancelled and the few who use those routes should “get to know their neighbours and share a taxi.” Although Ford's campaign has refused to acknowledge Towhey's post, the campaign team is inherently an extension of the candidate. And this post gives us an idea of how public transit is perceived by Ford's team. Towhey's post talks about various other issues concerning Toronto's public transit system, such as funding ideas and introducing specialized bus lines within communities. For more insight about Towhey's post, transit expert (and Spacing contributing editor) Steve Munro has addressed it here on his blog.

SUMMARY: Ford’s Current Transit Platform

Funding Approach: Ford proposes to gather funding from selling air rights on top of subway stations. He is a proponent for privatizing the system and has stated that without funding support from the federal government, privatization will be the only option that will work. He has not specified how, how much, or what components of the TTC would be privatized.

Transit is not a proponent of transit, pure and simple. It's clear that he is going to have to cut services and the TTC will be sacrificed in doing so. He can promise the world, but his transit plan is simply unfeasible and will serve fewer Torontonians.
