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Next Mayor of Toronto?

Sounds like Smitherman had a major meltdown at tonights debate. Got into a big tussle with a 1010 producer

Can we afford a hothead like this running Toronto?

I admire Sue-Ann Levy for fighting for what she believes, but she's been a Ford supporter since the moment he jumped in the race, and she's quite clearly biased against Smitherman and Pantalone. She has that right, but trying to use her writing to justify comments about Smitherman is making assumptions that will almost certainly be biased. Nothing against you, just your source.
It won't be the disaster that many on this board claim it will be when Rob Ford is elected. I also disagree with polling, it influences who people choose to vote for. Polititions should be elected based on their platform and be held accountable to it.

Also Rob Ford is a fat guy, which makes for great comedy. Also, I f*ckin hate street cars.

I do agree on the comment about voting for policies. That's why most of us don't like him. His platform effectively is nothing more than hacking and slashing, and while trimming budgets is certainly not wrong, hacking based on ideology is. Not to mention the biggest issue of this election, transit planning, has shown Ford to be nothing short of a bad joke. And no matter one's opinion on streetcars, they work and work well. They are the best solution for transit users downtown, as they have far more capacity than buses and don't add to the city's air pollution. Buses will, not to mention them creating more obstructions (you'll need twice as many of them to have the same capacity) and probably more accidents from them weaving in and out of traffic to make stops.
I f*ckin hate street car advocates. Every single one of them. Take this light heartedly.

I've heard every single favourable street car arguement, don't give me cost analysis or efficiency reasoning, I could care less. None of them will ever change my opinion.

I'm very pro transit, and very anti street car. Rob Ford will not effect transit city.
@ fac1

I guess I worded that wrong. I support Mr. Ford because he tells it like it is, and because of his policies.

I am not only referring to the people on this thread, but to the majority of Torontonians based on what I see. The majority of the people who are actively involved with politics in the form of forums, town hall meetings, debates at work etc are the ones who actually think about who they vote for. However people such as my old teacher unfortunatley make up the majority of voters. The election of Barack Obama is a prime example of this. Go ahead, vote Smitherman or Pants, I can't stop you unless I beat the hell out of every one of their supporters. But have a reason why.
I'd like to do to Rob Ford what Russell Williams did to Jessica Lloyd and M-F Comeau.

Now, there's a statement that ought to make *all* parties--pro *and* anti Ford--queasy. It transcends all Rob Ford hatred. It's the abjectest of all abject. But as I say, 9/11's the greatest aesthetic experience of our time; so if you have to respond to a dilemma like this, it really has to be a 9/11-scaled response to have maximum effect...
The election of Barack Obama is a prime example of this.

What is it a prime example of, that the Republicans can't field a credible candidate? A large chunk of his opposition believe he is either a Communist or a Muslim, should those really be issues?

The flip-side of what you're talking about is the know-nothing populist that will vote for anyone that promises the world - ie cutting taxes and improving services. Guess what? That's not happening. Ask Ottawa how they like Jim O'Brien, a candidate that ran on this very same platform and has since raised taxes drastically to balance the budget. People have very serious concerns about him, not because of his personal issues, but because he lacks a clue on how to run a city. Slash and burn is not going to work and when people realize "stopping the gravy train" is just an empty mantra, we're going to see exactly what Ottawa is now experiencing. His transit plan is woeful, his economic plan is laughable at best. That he is still a considered a viable candidate just goes to show you how poor this current crop of candidates truly is. A Miller re-election would be all but assured had he run again.
Mr. Ford because he tells it like it is, and because of his policies.
Ford lies through his teeth and exaggerates almost every time he opens his mouth. Even on the simple issues. He keeps saying that residential taxes went up 5% last year ... when we all know they went up less than 3%.

Ford doesn't tell it like it is.
It is an example of how people do not use their heads when voting. How many more times must I state this.

As Rob Ford said in the last debate, God help this city if Smitherman gets elected. He is the conductor of the gravy train and will drive it into the ground.
Note that some of this criminal activity (expensing $7000 for personal trips) occurred while Smitherman was still minister of health:mad: and that the culture of waste and corruption that he instilled in the ministry survived after he left to wreak havoc at the energy ministry :mad:
This has nothing to do with the Toronto election.

Ford has completely mis-estimated some costs. He has no comprehension of financial issues. He made these bizarre claims that painting bike lanes on Jarvis cost $6-million, when the truth was that they cost $0.05-million. The man missed the cost by 100 times. That's 10,000% wrong.

That's a city issue, and that indicates that Ford is massively incompetent.
Ford lies? Why does Smitherman always either a) ke up garbage when asked about e health or B) runaway from protestors who had family members affected by the scandal when asked simple questions?
