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Next Mayor of Toronto?

What I found surprising is 'that almost half of existing Smitherman supporters are there to help defeat Ford'. If that support was removed George and Joe would be at similar levels. If that support was with Joe positions would be reversed (nearly). The only conclusion is that Rob Ford will certainly have more people voting for him than the Joe or George.

I am beginning to believe that one candidate should have ran on a platform of building subways on every major street, an elimination of all taxes, and for it to rain gum drops once a month.
Ok, now I am not sure whether you were simply mocking me. You call this taking responsibility? Do you sense even a tiny trace of apology or regret?

Let me tell you a story.

A long time ago there was a guy called Varus. He led three Roman legions into the German forest with Arminius as his advisor, some even say friend. They were ambushed by the German tribes led by no other than Arminius and all three legions were utterly destroyed. Truth be told, Varus only had one sin, he was incompetent. He shouldn't have trusted Arminius and he shouldn't have underestimated the German tribes. I don't think he profited from it or anything. The Romans fought bravely under very tough conditions. Most commanders died or fell on their own swords.

What should have Varus done? Should he come back to his emperor and people and say "So what if I lost three legions, I was still a great administrator of Germania, the best out there. Sure Teutoburg Forest was not my best work, but we held the Rhine River and my work will pay off. Now I am more experienced, please make me the mayor of Rome"? I am sure he could have said those words and you would forgive him and even give Rome to him, but he didn't, he either died in combat or fell on his own sword.

Still, the great emperor Augustus never fully recovered by from the defeat. Some say he would wake up in the middle of the night and shout 'Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions!'. And that's what Ontarians should do, "George Smitherman, give me back my $1 billion!".

Hey archanfel, this post is awesome and crazy and kind of the best thing I've ever read. Thought I'd follow up because this Marcus Gee piece in the Globe today does a good job of explaining eHealth and Smitherman's role within it:

Let me know if it reminds you of any other parables!
Given the obnoxiously rabid/borderline obsessive supporters he has, I don't doubt that there is a block of people with multiple accounts skewing the comments section to make Ford look bigger than he is. I don't know if they'd be affiliated with Ford or not, or if they're affiliated with each other, or if it's just one very angry person with a whole lot of time on their hands, but it's far from a representative sample.

What you're saying is definitely true. I used to frequent Canadian right-wing forums 7 years ago when I was in college (i was drinking the libertarian kool-aid for a bit). I know that at one particular forum (2 words, first word begins with F, second word begins with D) there were a whole bunch of malcontents who engaged in the behavior you describe. It's quite sad, when I think about it now... I wouldn't be surprised if some of those "newspaper comment posters" are those same ultra-anti-social folks from that forum. Some were even Torontonians...
I'm predicting a Smitherman win. Not a landslide, but not super close either. Ford's support will come in a bit softer than expected all across the city.

If I'm wrong, I will change my custom user text on UrbanToronto to "Excited About a FRESH START for Toronto."

I am predicting much the same as you, GraphicMatt. If I'm wrong, I'll leave my signature exactly as it is :)

Only one possible plus from a Ford win: it would be fabulous fodder for editorial cartoonists from coast to coast, and Jon Stewart could have a field day with Ford, too -- but that's where the fun stops, the rest would undoubtedly be crap: stuff like motions of censure because of stupid things he'd say, and constant efforts by members of council to out-manoeuver the goof. A Ford victory would be, in summary, just a huge waste of time.

Aside: I am hearing from more than one acquaintance that the Ford-Smitherman race is causing nasty exchanges in workplaces. People who used to speak to one another don't speak anymore. Pantalone doesn't figure in these scenarios at all, btw.
Aside: I am hearing from more than one acquaintance that the Ford-Smitherman race is causing nasty exchanges in workplaces. People who used to speak to one another don't speak anymore. Pantalone doesn't figure in these scenarios at all, btw.

I can attest to that. It's not at the point of irreparable anger, but I find myself arguing every day with this one Ford supporter at work.

Anyone know if the televised debate tonight will be streamed online?
I'd love to see newspapers institute a very small fee that users have to pay before they comment. Something laughably small - like $2 per year - would probably work wonders in terms of keeping the conversation more mature.
I feel like I don't want to vote in this election. I can't understand why the top two runners are pulling the numbers they are. Well, I can understand Ford. He's the kind of guy a good 25-35% of Toronto can identify with. That is, he's an uneducated idiot. He's appealing to the same demographic that Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck have tapped into in the US - this demographic exists in every country, you just need a politician dumb/sly enough to exploit it.

Smitherman - I don't know? He is a high school dropout. Doesn't exactly have the best track record here in Ontario. Has had a questionable past. eHealth.

In my view, this should be a race between Rossi and Pantalone. Both of these guys have put forth reasonable policies, both of these guys are educated. They are probably the kind of people best equipped to manage a complex city like Toronto. I don't understand why people would some "average" guy you could "have a beer with" to govern one of the biggest cities in North America.

screw this election.
I'm simply over the moon that Smitherman may wind up winning this election. You see, I am a confused Gay male with perfect 20/20 vision.

I've been on the fence as whether or not I should go through with a sex change operation...luckily I won't have to rush my decision knowing ol' George has my backside on this one!

Thank god the Ontario tax dollar has me covered no matter what I decide! Thanks George! I might even celebrate with you over a couple tabs of Extacy like the old days. remember those days George?

ps. For those of you who wear glasses and have to pay out of pocket you have my deepest sympathy. So does George.
Ford, Smitherman's Platform.... all are symptons of the problem = 7 years of Miller!

He only catered to one group and in the process disenfranchised another.

The conservative swing of this city is the political baby of the NDP....

Greed within the unions delievered Ontario to Mike Harris.... looks like it's doing the same thing in Toronto!
I'm simply over the moon that Smitherman may wind up winning this election. You see, I am a confused Gay male with perfect 20/20 vision.

I've been on the fence as whether or not I should go through with a sex change operation...luckily I won't have to rush my decision knowing ol' George has my backside on this one!

Thank god the Ontario tax dollar has me covered no matter what I decide! Thanks George! I might even celebrate with you over a couple tabs of Extacy like the old days. remember those days George?

ps. For those of you who wear glasses and have to pay out of pocket you have my deepest sympathy. So does George.

obvious ford supporter is obvious.
It has occurred to me that Smitherman dropping out of high school may have had more to with his being gay, than it did with his academic abilities. My daughter had two gay friends dropout in grade 10 because of the bullying. They were both very bright and are now successful. That was back in 2003. It was probably worse when Smitherman was in school. Plus his parents divorced when he was 11 or 12. It could have being a pretty tough time for a teenage Smitherman. I'll give him the benefit of doubt and easy up on his lack of education. Ford, getting a degree, if true, says more about the university giving it to him, than it does about him.
Why would a confused gay man get a sex change? Also you would rush into it if it wasn't covered by OHIP? Why? And just what is it about gender reassignment surgery that makes some people so angry? I have a lot of questions! But congrats on the good eyesight.
All joking aside, I simply don't understand why people staunchly back Smitherman. Do you all believe he champions some sort of cause? Or is he winning your vote simply for not being "Ford" (The other four letter word).

From the debates I've watched all the man does is speak out of both sides of his mouth. He's a career politicain, and how he manages to evade people's BS-meters astounds me.

Kevin Clarke is the only "politician" this city has ever seen that is openly honest. Keep voting into the left-right paradigm people, and when you go to sleep at night keep believing you're making a difference.
Speaking only for myself, I never staunchly backed Smitherman. This has been a depressing election from the outset as all the good candidates either elected not to run (or run again) or killed a guy with a car or just wussed out in general.

Ford is a dangerous politician. It's not that he holds opinions I disagree with - I'm quite okay with that - but that he clearly doesn't understand really important issues.
