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Next Mayor of Toronto?

You mean, a bunch of elistist and self-righteous politicians that think it's okay to essentially run a coup d'état on a a democratic elected Mayor and his mandate?

You mean, a group of also democratically elected officials whose job it is to represent the interests of the wards their constituents put them in office for?
You guys realize that this "poll" that Pants released (which was paid for by some anonymous business leader) doesn't include anything concrete other than Pants' support is now apparently in the 20s and Ford's is in the 30s while Smitherman is somewhere in between. In fact, for some reason the only specifics it provides is "19% of voters are still undecided, and 43% of all respondents indicated that they were very or somewhat likely to change their minds and vote for another candidate before October 25th. The study showed that Joe had the highest amount of second choice support of all of the major candidates. The survey was a telephone poll with sample size of 500. The results are accurate to within + or – 4%, nineteen times out of twenty."

I'm sorry but that says absolutely nothing to anyone about anything. For all we know Smitherman could be in the 30s as well. Also this "Logit Group" isn't exactly the most reputable surveying company. Not that Google News is the be all and end all but they only appear in 5 articles over the last 10 years, one being the poll that Ford himself paid for back in January that was sketchy to begin with, and another is in Cyrillic.

FInally, js97, you need to read up a bit about our democracy. Mayor's aren't dictators.
... I'm already dealing with the reality that we're likely going to get Rob Ford as Mayor for 4 years. Hopefully a council is elected that will prevent him from putting in motion his destructive plans.

In this case I would wish Ford a multi-cultural, left-leaning council. That'd give the poor fella the workout of his life :) .

In the meantime, Ford is being sued:

Ford sued for $6 million by Boardwalk Pub owner

Robyn Doolittle
Urban Affairs Reporter

Blunt-talking Rob Ford is being sued for $6 million by the owner of the infamous Boardwalk Pub.

Last month, George Foulidis gave the mayoral front-runner an ultimatum: apologize for suggesting he bribed city officials in exchange for a lucrative vending contract in the Beaches or face a libel lawsuit.

Ford’s campaign team told reporters the candidate had no intention of backing away from earlier comments.

The candidate was formally served Tuesday. Ford did not respond to a request for comment.

The 11-page lawsuit accuses the crusading Etobicoke councillor of exploiting the Foulidis family for political gain.

“Mr. Ford knows that there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Foulidis,†the claim alleges. “He has done (this) solely for political gain and has sacrificed the reputation of Mr. Foulidis in the process.â€

None of the allegations have been proven in court.

According to the claim, in a July 29 interview with CFRB, Ford was asked “Is someone getting money under the table?†Ford replied: “I truly believe they are, and that’s my personal opinion, and when I see all these donations, going through campaigns, it stinks to high heaven, we tried to re-open it, and they wouldn’t re-open it.â€

It also quotes an Aug. 12 Toronto Sun article in which Ford claimed the deal “smacks of civic corruption.â€

Mayor David Miller was quick to call the comments “irresponsible†and “reckless,†but Foulidis is the first to legally challenge Ford’s assertion that city hall is rife with corruption.

In 2006, city council controversially voted to extend the lease of the Boardwalk Pub for 20 years without putting it up for tender, against the recommendation of city staff. The issue resurfaced earlier this year when council was asked to vote on the specifics of the final contract.

Ford has used the sole-sourced deal on the campaign trail as exhibit A of the wasteful spending at city hall.

Foulidis is seeking $5 million in damages for lost income and $1 million in punitive damages as well as costs.

When contacted Tuesday Foulidis said simply: “If Rob Ford has any proof of corruption, come forward with it and I’ll give up my lease tis minute. Bring it now. Not later.â€
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You guys realize that this "poll" that Pants released (which was paid for by some anonymous business leader) doesn't include anything concrete other than Pants' support is now apparently in the 20s and Ford's is in the 30s while Smitherman is somewhere in between. In fact, for some reason the only specifics it provides is "19% of voters are still undecided, and 43% of all respondents indicated that they were very or somewhat likely to change their minds and vote for another candidate before October 25th. The study showed that Joe had the highest amount of second choice support of all of the major candidates. The survey was a telephone poll with sample size of 500. The results are accurate to within + or – 4%, nineteen times out of twenty."

I'm sorry but that says absolutely nothing to anyone about anything. For all we know Smitherman could be in the 30s as well. Also this "Logit Group" isn't exactly the most reputable surveying company. Not that Google News is the be all and end all but they only appear in 5 articles over the last 10 years, one being the poll that Ford himself paid for back in January that was sketchy to begin with, and another is in Cyrillic.

FInally, js97, you need to read up a bit about our democracy. Mayor's aren't dictators.

I agree. If Ford is in the 30s and Smitherman is in the 30s and if Pants just broke 20, it only means that the top 2 are still the top 2. That said, 20% in a 4 man race is still a respectable number and it shows that he's been growing well. I wonder where Rossi is in all this...

It would be great if Toronto were to suddenly have an epiphany and Ford continued to fall behind so that Smitherman and Pants became the race and Ford dropped to the fringe candidate status where his ideas belong.
I highly doubt Pants' support has increased. If what MM said before was true - that his campaign commissioned a poll only to find results that weren't favourable and subsequently did not release it - then this is just cherry-picking on his part. If anything, I think we'll see an increase in Rossi's numbers, if not in the upcoming poll, then perhaps the next one.
^ To be clear, I don't know who commissioned the poll 2 weeks ago that wasn't released. A contact inside the Pantalone camp told me about it, but not who paid for it. I -- and I think she -- thought it was a media poll. We now know that Ford had a poll done in that time frame. It could have been his.

Full disclosure here: I want Joe to win and volunteered for his campaign. However, I'm strongly considering backing Smitherman if he's on the heals of Rob Ford and distant enough from Pantalone to make catching up unlikely in the next 14 days.

I'm not sure about the reliability of the poll Pantalone is referring to, but I do think he's gone up, simply by virtue of more media exposure in the past week or so because of Miller's endorsement. If there's a 10 point gap between him and Smitherman, I'll drop my efforts to help Joe and will do my best to influence my friends and family to back George while there is still time.
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FInally, js97, you need to read up a bit about our democracy. Mayor's aren't dictators.

No they are not, but they are representative of the MOST amount of votes.

-I understand he needs half of the councillors to pass anything...
-I understand you can essentially form a 'shadow' government iwth 75% of the councillors (which will never happen)

At the end of the day, there is a reason why we have a mayor as a figure head to represent policy and attitude. otherwise, why not just elect councillors and have themselves elect a 'mayor'...

why have an impotent figure head? Thisis why Great cities like Chicago and NYC get so much more things done without the beuracracy and having to appease every little radical idea from a small pocket of the population... More Mayoral power.

but hey, anyone that gets their bread buttered by the city will be a Pantalone supporter... us private folks just rely on market and demand..

at the end of the day, when Ford Tries to cut vehicle and Land transfer taxes.... you'll see a surge in property taxes - that will appease the left and their insatiable appetite for more property taxes.
If Ford gets more than 50% of the popular vote, then he can complain about things being undemocratic. As it stands, even if he wins, a large majority of the public will have voted against him.
No they are not, but they are representative of the MOST amount of votes.

-I understand he needs half of the councillors to pass anything...
-I understand you can essentially form a 'shadow' government iwth 75% of the councillors (which will never happen)

At the end of the day, there is a reason why we have a mayor as a figure head to represent policy and attitude. otherwise, why not just elect councillors and have themselves elect a 'mayor'...

why have an impotent figure head? Thisis why Great cities like Chicago and NYC get so much more things done without the beuracracy and having to appease every little radical idea from a small pocket of the population... More Mayoral power.

but hey, anyone that gets their bread buttered by the city will be a Pantalone supporter... us private folks just rely on market and demand..
at the end of the day, when Ford Tries to cut vehicle and Land transfer taxes.... you'll see a surge in property taxes - that will appease the left and their insatiable appetite for more property taxes.

Well, America isn't exactly a beacon of democracy and I certainly wouldn't put Chicago up as an example considering Daley and Son's actions. Considering Mayors are rarely voted in by a majority it's probably best that we have councils that can moderate. The Mayor is certainly important and has his/her own powers, but outright authoritarian powers would put this city in a mess with every new mayor. A part of city-building is the ability to look beyond 4 years, and if we give Mayors an outright mandate to do whatever they want while in power, we run the risk of disarray. At least Councillors tend to have staying power and therefore can possess a vision that extends beyond their current term (since it's well-known that incumbents are virtually assured re-election). It's all about checks and balances.

Also, we have had mayors elected by council in the past. I'm not against that to be honest because we already essentially have that at the provincial and federal level. Since you love efficiency and hate bureaucracy, you'd probably be all for this as well since it would establish a mayor that has the support of council. If Ford wins, we run the risk of an inefficient Council. Who is to blame for that? the 44 councillors who were democratically elected by their consituents or the mayor?

Finally, (and I don't know how many times I need to say it) there's nothing wrong with taxes. We should be taxed more. We shouldn't accept things like having to decide between building one project or another. We should be doing both because we are one of the richest places in the world and we shouldn't stand for less. The market is a crippled invisible hand and if you want to see what happens when you city-build based on market principles you should go look at the urban issues that exist in many of the American cities you wish we emulated.
You mean, a bunch of elistist and self-righteous politicians that think it's okay to essentially run a coup d'état on a a democratic elected Mayor and his mandate?

Isn't that exactly what Ford tries to do right now as a councilor? He votes against everything no matter what it is. That seems to me like he just wants to go against the mayor at all costs. If the same thing happens to him, I could hardly feel sorry for him (or the people that voted for him since they know that is exactly what he's been doing)
Six Former Rossi Organizers Poised To Endorse Smitherman

The Globe & Mail reports that former members of Rossi's team are endorsing Smitherman.

We saw this coming. I've always thought that if Rossi didn't abandon the race, then his team would, which is essentially the same. I can't imagine any Liberal sitting by, watching Ford get elected because of a vote split on the centre/left.

Is this a preview of what's to come for Pantalone? I think so. I certainly see it happening with volunteers and traditional Miller/NDP donors. However unimportant no-name supporters' move may appear to be, they're the canary in the coal mine.

This could still become a two horse race.
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I thought Joe could do no wrong, until I saw this:

Joe Pantalone Endorsements:

George Smitherman
Rocco Rossi

I get that Smitherman and Rossi said that Joe is the candidate they'd support if they weren't running, but that's not an endorsement. It certainly doesn't merit being on his official endorsement page. That is just outright lying and deception!! It's infuriating! I was ready to pull the trigger on Pants but this does it. Bye bye Joe.

/former Joe Pantalone supporter.
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In the CBC radio debate all the candidates were asked who they would vote for if they were not running. Ford evaded by answering with Thomson, who had already dropped out, Pants said Rossi, and the other two said Pants. And now that's on his endorsements page? A poor attempt at humor or a move of desperation?
If Joe's people are citing his opponents on their list of endorsements, then things are going very badly for the Pantalone campaign.
